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J Food Prot ; 43(9): 686-693, 1980 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30822828


Electrical stimulation of rabbit muscles caused a reduction in count of Pseudomonas putrefaciens and of a Lactobacillus sp. when inoculated muscles were held for 45 min after electrical stimulation. Little if any change in count was detected on rabbit muscles immediately after electrical stimulation and after 20 min of storage. Electrical stimulation (ES) of pork carcasses did not affect the aerobic plate count (APC) of the skin surface. APC of cutaneous trunci from electrically stimulated sides of beef and lamb carcasses were similar to those of muscles from unstimulated sides or carcasses. APC of ground beef and blade steaks fabricated pre-rigor from electrically stimulated sides were often numerically lower after 3 days of storage than those of corresponding samples from unstimulated sides. Differences in APC between conventional and ES samples of ground beef prepared from vacuum packaged top round were significant (P < 0.05) after 6 days of storage. However, none of the other differences in count were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Electrical stimulation did not cause any consistent substantial changes in microbial types of ground beef, blade steaks, T-bone steaks or rib steaks. When minced, aseptically excised supraspinatus muscle was inoculated with either P. putrefaciens or a Lactobacillus sp., counts of these species in tissues from electrically stimulated beef often were significantly lower than those of corresponding unstimulated samples.
