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Appetite ; 191: 107082, 2023 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37832721


Although body image concerns (BIC) are recognized as a core driver in the development of disordered eating behaviors, the combined role of various types of BIC remains underexamined. This study relied on latent profile analysis to identify the main configurations of self-reported BIC (i.e., body checking and avoidance, perceived physical appearance, and fear of negative appearance evaluation) observed in a sample of 419 French-Canadian individuals (Mage = 26.59, SDage = 9.23). The role of body mass index, sex, and age on profile membership was also examined, as well as the relation between profile membership and disordered eating behaviors (i.e., dieting, bulimia and food preoccupation, and oral control). Six distinct BIC profiles differing in terms of shape and level were identified, with women being more likely to display a profile characterized by higher levels of BIC. In turn, profiles characterized by higher levels of BIC were associated with more disordered eating behaviors. The present study can broaden our understanding of the onset and maintenance of disordered eating behaviors and inspire the development of more tailored body-image interventions.

J Sch Psychol ; 100: 101228, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37689436


This study utilized a longitudinal person-centered approach to investigate how children's achievement goals combine with the goals held for them by their parents and teachers to form unique achievement goal profiles among a sample of 619 elementary school students (Mage = 9.782; 52.5% female; 79.2% first- and second-generation immigrants) from low SES ethnically diverse neighborhoods. Our results revealed four distinct profiles that proved to be identical from one school year to the next: (a) Low on all Goals, (b) High on all Goals, (c) Mastery-Oriented, and (d) Low Mastery Goals. Students' membership in these profiles was moderate to highly stable over time. Moreover, all profiles were marked by a correspondence between student, parent, and teacher goals, suggesting that elementary students may come to develop a global understanding of the various goal-related messages present in their environment. Higher perceived competence in core academic subjects was associated with membership into profiles characterized by high levels of mastery goals. The Mastery-Oriented profile fared best in terms of academic achievement and anxiety, whereas the Low Mastery Goals profile fared the worst. This Low Mastery Goals profile was unique to our study and represented the largest profile, which could be related to the socioeconomic status of our sample. Our findings provide information regarding the nature and stability of achievement goal profiles among elementary school students and offer new insights into how children interpret goal-related messages in their environment.

Sucesso Acadêmico , Objetivos , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudantes , Escolaridade , Pais
Behav Sci (Basel) ; 12(3)2022 Mar 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35323401


Burnout is generally acknowledged by researchers, clinicians, and the public as a pervasive occupational difficulty. Despite this widespread recognition, longstanding debates remain within the scientific community regarding its definition and the appropriateness of classifying burnout as its own pathological entity. The current review seeks to address whether burnout should (or could) be characterized as a distinctive mental disorder to shed light on this debate. After briefly reviewing the history, theoretical underpinnings, and measurement of burnout, we more systematically consider the current evidence for and against its classification as a mental disorder within existing diagnostic systems. Stemming from a lack of conceptual clarity, the current state of burnout research remains, unfortunately, largely circular and riddled with measurement issues. As a result, information regarding the unique biopsychosocial etiology, diagnostic features, differential diagnostic criteria, and prevalence rates of burnout are still lacking. Therefore, we conclude that it would be inappropriate, if not premature, to introduce burnout as a distinct mental disorder within any existing diagnostic classification system. We argue, however, that it would be equally premature to discard burnout as a psychologically relevant phenomenon and that current evidence does support its relevance as an important occupational syndrome. We finally offer several avenues for future research, calling for cross-national collaboration to clarify conceptual and measurement issues while avoiding the reification of outdated definitions. In doing so, we hope that it one day becomes possible to more systematically re-assess the relevance of burnout as a distinctive diagnostic category.

J Adv Med Educ Prof ; 5(4): 157-163, 2017 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28979909


INTRODUCTION: Lifelong learning is an integral part of health professionals' maintenance of competence. Several studies have examined the orientation toward lifelong learning at various stages of the education and career continuum; however, none has looked at changes throughout training and practice. The objective of the present study was to determine if there are differences between groups defined by their places on the education and career continuum. METHODS: The authors performed a group-level meta-analysis on studies that used the 14-item Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning or its variants. Eleven published articles, which reported on studies with post-secondary health professions students, residents, and practicing health professionals met the inclusion criteria. In total, there were 12 independent data sets, with four data sets per group. RESULTS: In total, over seven thousand students, residents, and practicing health professionals responded to the Jefferson Scale (N=7.269). Individual study means tendency to be high, suggesting a high orientation toward lifelong learning among the trainees (students and residents) and practicing health professionals. Meta-analysis results indicated that the orientation toward lifelong learning tended to increase gradually along the education and career continuum. Significant differences in the group means were found between the trainees and practicing health professionals. CONCLUSION: In the reviewed studies, the orientation toward lifelong learning among students, residents, and practicing professionals was high. Nonetheless, although based on separate cohorts, it appears that the orientation toward lifelong learning continues to develop even after the completion of formal training.

MedEdPublish (2016) ; 6: 183, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38406411


This article was migrated. The article was marked as recommended. Medical learners are critical stakeholders in medical education research - they are both research participants and end-users of research findings. Traditional forms of disseminating research findings may take years to produce and may never be accessed by participants. Despite this, medical education researchers are responsible for ensuring that research findings reach medical learners faster and more directly. As such, Research Briefs can be a useful vehicle for communicating research findings, rewarding participation in research, and supporting medical learners in their journey to become doctors. We provide examples of Research Briefs that we have developed to translate knowledge and engage medical learners in our longitudinal research study. We have used Research Briefs to communicate our findings both to participating students and to the larger student community at our university. Doing so has allowed us to start raising awareness of the roles motivation and coping - specifically, achievement goals, self-compassion, and physical activity - play in the learning and well-being of our students.