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J Neurosci Rural Pract ; 12(4): 623-629, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34737494


Background This study aims to evaluate association between suicidal ideation and pesticide exposure in rural communities of Wardha district of Central rural India compared with villagers who are not exposed to it. Method It was a cross-sectional study done in rural community of Wardha district in Central India. About 100 farmers who were exposed to pesticides and 100 controls who were not exposed to pesticides were included. A Semistructured proforma to record sociodemographic variables and Indian version of the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20 was used. Results Of these 200 subjects, data were available for 85 farmers in study group and 74 in control group. In the farmers group, 31% of farmers had suicidal ideas, while 8% of controls felt like ending their life. Conclusion Measures must be taken to store pesticides at a safer place thus reducing long-term exposure. Organic farming is a better choice to avoid suicidal ideas.

J Neurosci Rural Pract ; 12(2): 419-423, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33927534


Pseudocyesis or false belief of pregnancy is the emergence of classical manifestations of pregnancy-nausea, breast enlargement and pigmentation, abdominal distention, amenorrhea, and labor pains-in a nonpregnant woman. It is a multifactorial disease and its development is influenced by many different elements such as neuroendocrine, social, psychodynamic, and cultural issues. "Folie-à-deux," is shared psychotic disorder, describes a syndrome in which delusion is transferred to another person who is more susceptible. Both individuals are closely related or know each other for a long time and typically live together in relative social isolation. In its commonest form, the individual who first develops the delusion (the primary case) is often chronically ill and typically is the dominant member in a close relationship with a more suggestible person (the secondary case) who also develops the delusion. Treatment options should also be kept in mind as antipsychotics themselves can increase prolactin levels and can lead to amenorrhoea and galactorrhea and can further strengthen patient's belief about her pregnancy. This case highlights that the most important therapeutic step in the treatment of folie-à-deux is separation of the inducer and the induced. Here we describe a case of folie-à-deux of a married couple in which the female had delusional pregnancy while the husband shared and supported her delusion against substantial medical evidence.

J Neurosci Rural Pract ; 11(4): 593-596, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33144796


Objectives Can undergraduate medical students (UGs) adopt a village model to identify mentally ill persons in an adopted village successfully? Materials and Methods UGs during their first year adopt a village, and each student adopts seven families in the villages. During the visit, they look after immunization, tobacco and alcohol abuse, nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation. They help in identifying the health needs (including mental health) of the adopted family. The Indian Psychiatric Survey Schedule containing 15 questions covering most of the psychiatric illnesses were used by UGs to identify mental illness in the community. Persons identified as suffering from mental illness were referred to a consultant psychiatrist for confirmation of diagnosis and further management. Statistical Analysis Calculated by percentage of expected mentally ill persons based on prevalence of mental illness in the rural community and is compared with actual number of patients with mental illness identified by the UGs. True-positive, false-positive, and true predictive values were derived. Results In Umri village, UGs were able to identify 269 persons as true positives and 25 as false positives, whereas in Kurzadi village, UGs were able to identify 221 persons as true positives and 35 as false positives. It suggests UGs were able to identify mental illnesses with a good positive predictive value. In Umri village, out of 294 mentally ill patients, it gave a true positive value of 91.49% and a false positive value of 8.5%, whereas in Kurzadi village, out of the 256 mentally ill patients, it gave a true positive value of 86.3% and a false positive value of 13.67%. Conclusion The ratio of psychiatrists in India is approximately 0.30 per 100,000 population due to which psychiatrists alone cannot cover the mental health problems of India. Therefore, we need a different model to cover mental illness in India, which is discussed in this article.

Ind Psychiatry J ; 27(2): 226-230, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31359976


CONTEXT: Children of alcoholics (COAs) are children who have grown up in families in which either one or both parents are alcoholic. The interplay of several factors such as environmental, cognitive, and genetic vulnerability has been linked to the psychopathology among COAs. AIMS: To assess psychiatric morbidity in COAs and to compare these children with the children of nonalcoholic parents. SETTING AND DESIGN: This cross-sectional study was conducted on children of outpatients and inpatients of a tertiary health-care center in Central India, for 18 months. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 100 children, fifty children of alcoholic parents and fifty children of nonalcoholic parents between the age groups of 4 and 14 years, were assessed using childhood psychopathology measurement schedule. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Statistical analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics using Chi-square test and Student's unpaired t-test. SPSS version 22.0, were used for statistical analysis, and P < 0.05 was considered as level of significance. RESULTS: Most of the children were in the age group of 8-11 years. Depression and anxiety were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05) in COAs than in children of nonalcoholics. Whereas, there was no difference (P > 0.05) for low intelligence and behavioral problems, conduct disorder, psychotic symptoms, special symptoms, physical illness, emotional problems, and somatization. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, there is a high need to address the stress to children of persons with substance abuse. Early detection of psychiatric morbidities in such children and appropriate intervention can produce beneficial changes in such children.