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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39250388


We present ProvenanceWidgets, a Javascript library of UI control elements such as radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns to track and dynamically overlay a user's analytic provenance. These in situ overlays not only save screen space but also minimize the amount of time and effort needed to access the same information from elsewhere in the UI. In this paper, we discuss how we design modular UI control elements to track how often and how recently a user interacts with them and design visual overlays showing an aggregated summary as well as a detailed temporal history. We demonstrate the capability of ProvenanceWidgets by recreating three prior widget libraries: (1) Scented Widgets, (2) Phosphor objects, and (3) Dynamic Query Widgets. We also evaluated its expressiveness and conducted case studies with visualization developers to evaluate its effectiveness. We fnd that ProvenanceWidgets enables developers to implement custom provenance-tracking applications effectively. ProvenanceWidgets is available as open-source software at to help application developers build custom provenance-based systems.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(1): 486-496, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34587054


There are a few prominent practices for conducting reviews of academic literature, including searching for specific keywords on Google Scholar or checking citations from some initial seed paper(s). These approaches serve a critical purpose for academic literature reviews, yet there remain challenges in identifying relevant literature when similar work may utilize different terminology (e.g., mixed-initiative visual analytics papers may not use the same terminology as papers on model-steering, yet the two topics are relevant to one another). In this paper, we introduce a system, VITALITY, intended to complement existing practices. In particular, VITALITY promotes serendipitous discovery of relevant literature using transformer language models, allowing users to find semantically similar papers in a word embedding space given (1) a list of input paper(s) or (2) a working abstract. VITALITY visualizes this document-level embedding space in an interactive 2-D scatterplot using dimension reduction. VITALITY also summarizes meta information about the document corpus or search query, including keywords and co-authors, and allows users to save and export papers for use in a literature review. We present qualitative findings from an evaluation of VITALITY, suggesting it can be a promising complementary technique for conducting academic literature reviews. Furthermore, we contribute data from 38 popular data visualization publication venues in VITALITY, and we provide scrapers for the open-source community to continue to grow the list of supported venues.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(1): 1009-1018, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34587059


Visual data analysis tools provide people with the agency and flexibility to explore data using a variety of interactive functionalities. However, this flexibility may introduce potential consequences in situations where users unknowingly overemphasize or underemphasize specific subsets of the data or attribute space they are analyzing. For example, users may overemphasize specific attributes and/or their values (e.g., Gender is always encoded on the X axis), underemphasize others (e.g., Religion is never encoded), ignore a subset of the data (e.g., older people are filtered out), etc. In response, we present Lumos, a visual data analysis tool that captures and shows the interaction history with data to increase awareness of such analytic behaviors. Using in-situ (at the place of interaction) and ex-situ (in an external view) visualization techniques, Lumos provides real-time feedback to users for them to reflect on their activities. For example, Lumos highlights datapoints that have been previously examined in the same visualization (in-situ) and also overlays them on the underlying data distribution (i.e., baseline distribution) in a separate visualization (ex-situ). Through a user study with 24 participants, we investigate how Lumos helps users' data exploration and decision-making processes. We found that Lumos increases users' awareness of visual data analysis practices in real-time, promoting reflection upon and acknowledgement of their intentions and potentially influencing subsequent interactions.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(1): 966-975, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34596548


Human biases impact the way people analyze data and make decisions. Recent work has shown that some visualization designs can better support cognitive processes and mitigate cognitive biases (i.e., errors that occur due to the use of mental "shortcuts"). In this work, we explore how visualizing a user's interaction history (i.e., which data points and attributes a user has interacted with) can be used to mitigate potential biases that drive decision making by promoting conscious reflection of one's analysis process. Given an interactive scatterplot-based visualization tool, we showed interaction history in real-time while exploring data (by coloring points in the scatterplot that the user has interacted with), and in a summative format after a decision has been made (by comparing the distribution of user interactions to the underlying distribution of the data). We conducted a series of in-lab experiments and a crowd-sourced experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of interaction history interventions toward mitigating bias. We contextualized this work in a political scenario in which participants were instructed to choose a committee of 10 fictitious politicians to review a recent bill passed in the U.S. state of Georgia banning abortion after 6 weeks, where things like gender bias or political party bias may drive one's analysis process. We demonstrate the generalizability of this approach by evaluating a second decision making scenario related to movies. Our results are inconclusive for the effectiveness of interaction history (henceforth referred to as interaction traces) toward mitigating biased decision making. However, we find some mixed support that interaction traces, particularly in a summative format, can increase awareness of potential unconscious biases.

Tomada de Decisões , Sexismo , Viés , Gráficos por Computador , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 27(2): 369-379, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33048704


Natural language interfaces (NLls) have shown great promise for visual data analysis, allowing people to flexibly specify and interact with visualizations. However, developing visualization NLIs remains a challenging task, requiring low-level implementation of natural language processing (NLP) techniques as well as knowledge of visual analytic tasks and visualization design. We present NL4DV, a toolkit for natural language-driven data visualization. NL4DV is a Python package that takes as input a tabular dataset and a natural language query about that dataset. In response, the toolkit returns an analytic specification modeled as a JSON object containing data attributes, analytic tasks, and a list of Vega-Lite specifications relevant to the input query. In doing so, NL4DV aids visualization developers who may not have a background in NLP, enabling them to create new visualization NLIs or incorporate natural language input within their existing systems. We demonstrate NL4DV's usage and capabilities through four examples: 1) rendering visualizations using natural language in a Jupyter notebook, 2) developing a NLI to specify and edit Vega-Lite charts, 3) recreating data ambiguity widgets from the DataTone system, and 4) incorporating speech input to create a multimodal visualization system.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 27(2): 1688-1697, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33048708


Modern automobiles have evolved from just being mechanical machines to having full-fledged electronics systems that enhance vehicle dynamics and driver experience. However, these complex hardware and software systems, if not properly designed, can experience failures that can compromise the safety of the vehicle, its occupants, and the surrounding environment. For example, a system to activate the brakes to avoid a collision saves lives when it functions properly, but could lead to tragic outcomes if the brakes were applied in a way that's inconsistent with the design. Broadly speaking, the analysis performed to minimize such risks falls into a systems engineering domain called Functional Safety. In this paper, we present SafetyLens, a visual data analysis tool to assist engineers and analysts in analyzing automotive Functional Safety datasets. SafetyLens combines techniques including network exploration and visual comparison to help analysts perform domain-specific tasks. This paper presents the design study with domain experts that resulted in the design guidelines, the tool, and user feedback.

IEEE Comput Graph Appl ; 39(6): 17-26, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31714212


Providing actionable insights through interactive visual analytics is essential to effective decision making. Yet, many complex systems engineering (SE) domains still lack such tools. Design reviews are often still based on static snapshots of data, without any dynamic interaction, data curation, and view creation capabilities to answer salient analysis questions. In this study, we report on a tool called DataHawk that helps answer common questions associated with one prominent SE context, namely failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). The tool provides powerful exploration capabilities that enable system engineers, designers, and managers to probe FMEA data from multiple starting points, build questions dynamically, and find triangulated answers using multiple views rapidly. Field results are illustrated through a usage scenario from the automotive industry and show that the tool demonstrates the needed versatility, scalability, and effectiveness for real-world engineering data.