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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(2)2024 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38341719


We present an inversion method capable of robustly unfolding MeV x-ray spectra from filter stack spectrometer (FSS) data without requiring an a priori specification of a spectral shape or arbitrary termination of the algorithm. Our inversion method is based upon the perturbative minimization (PM) algorithm, which has previously been shown to be capable of unfolding x-ray transmission data, albeit for a limited regime in which the x-ray mass attenuation coefficient of the filter material increases monotonically with x-ray energy. Our inversion method improves upon the PM algorithm through regular smoothing of the candidate spectrum and by adding stochasticity to the search. With these additions, the inversion method does not require a physics model for an initial guess, fitting, or user-selected termination of the search. Instead, the only assumption made by the inversion method is that the x-ray spectrum should be near a smooth curve. Testing with synthetic data shows that the inversion method can successfully recover the primary large-scale features of MeV x-ray spectra, including the number of x-rays in energy bins of several-MeV widths to within 10%. Fine-scale features, however, are more difficult to recover accurately. Examples of unfolding experimental FSS data obtained at the Texas Petawatt Laser Facility and the OMEGA EP laser facility are also presented.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(5)2023 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37219386


Resonance absorption (RA) occurs when a p-polarized electromagnetic wave, obliquely incident on an inhomogeneous plasma, tunnels past its turning point and resonantly excites an electron plasma wave (EPW) at the critical density. This phenomenon is important, for instance, in the direct drive approach to inertial fusion energy and is a particular example of a wider phenomenon in plasma physics known as mode conversion, which is crucial for heating magnetic fusion devices, such as tokamaks, via RF heating. Direct measurement of these RA-generated EPW accelerated hot electrons, with energy in the range of a few tens to a few hundreds of keV, is a challenging task due to the relatively low deflecting magnetic fields needed. The solution described here is a magnetic electron spectrometer (MES) with a continually changing magnetic field, lower at the entrance of the MES and gradually increasing toward the end, that enables the measurement of a wide spectral range of electrons with energies between 50 and 460 keV. Electron spectra taken in a LaserNetUS RA experiment were acquired from plasmas generated by irradiating polymer targets with the combination of an ∼300 ps pulse followed by a series of ten high intensity 50-200 fs duration laser pulses from the ALEPH laser at Colorado State University. The high intensity beam is designed as spike trains of uneven duration and delay pulses in order to modify the RA phenomenon.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(2): 023507, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36859040


The PROBIES diagnostic is a new, highly flexible, imaging and energy spectrometer designed for laser-accelerated protons. The diagnostic can detect low-mode spatial variations in the proton beam profile while resolving multiple energies on a single detector or more. When a radiochromic film stack is employed for "single-shot mode," the energy resolution of the stack can be greatly increased while reducing the need for large numbers of films; for example, a recently deployed version allowed for 180 unique energy measurements spanning ∼3 to 75 MeV with <0.4 MeV resolution using just 20 films vs 180 for a comparable traditional film and filter stack. When utilized with a scintillator, the diagnostic can be run in high-rep-rate (>Hz rate) mode to recover nine proton energy bins. We also demonstrate a deep learning-based method to analyze data from synthetic PROBIES images with greater than 95% accuracy on sub-millisecond timescales and retrained with experimental data to analyze real-world images on sub-millisecond time-scales with comparable accuracy.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(2): 023505, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36859067


We present the development of a compact Thomson parabola ion spectrometer capable of characterizing the energy spectra of various ion species of multi-MeV ion beams from >1020W/cm2 laser produced plasmas at rates commensurate with the highest available from any of the current and near-future PW-class laser facilities. This diagnostic makes use of a polyvinyl toluene based fast plastic scintillator (EJ-260), and the emitted light is collected using an optical imaging system coupled to a thermoelectrically cooled scientific complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor camera. This offers a robust solution for data acquisition at a high repetition rate, while avoiding the added complications and nonlinearities of micro-channel plate based systems. Different ion energy ranges can be probed using a modular magnet setup, a variable electric field, and a varying drift-distance. We have demonstrated operation and data collection with this system at up to 0.2 Hz from plasmas created by irradiating a solid target, limited only by the targeting system. With the appropriate software, on-the-fly ion spectral analysis will be possible, enabling real-time experimental control at multi-Hz repetition rates.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(11): 113508, 2022 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461516


We present in this work the development of an ultra-compact, multi-channel x-ray spectrometer (UCXS). This diagnostic has been specially built and adapted to perform at high-repetition-rate (>1 Hz) for high-intensity, short-pulse laser plasma experiments. X-ray filters of varying materials and thicknesses are chosen to provide spectral resolution up to ΔE ≈ 1 keV over the x-ray energy range of 1-30 keV. These filters are distributed over a total of 25 channels, where each x-ray filter is coupled to a single scintillator. The UCXS is designed to detect and resolve a large variety of laser-driven x-ray sources such as low energy bremsstrahlung emission, fluorescence, and betatron radiation (up to 30 keV). Preliminary results from commissioning experiments at the ABL laser facility at Colorado State University are provided.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103527, 2022 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319349


A high-resolution x-ray spectrometer was coupled with an ultrafast x-ray streak camera to produce time-resolved line shape spectra measured from hot, solid-density plasmas. A Bragg crystal was placed near laser-produced plasma to maximize throughput; alignment tolerances were established by ray tracing. The streak camera produced single-shot, time-resolved spectra, heavily sloped due to photon time-of-flight differences, with sufficient reproducibility to accumulate photon statistics. The images are time-calibrated by the slope of streaked spectra and dewarped to generate spectra emitted at different times defined at the source. The streaked spectra demonstrate the evolution of spectral shoulders and other features on ps timescales, showing the feasibility of plasma parameter measurements on the rapid timescales necessary to study high-energy-density plasmas.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103547, 2022 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319355


Accurately and rapidly diagnosing laser-plasma interactions is often difficult due to the time-intensive nature of the analysis and will only become more so with the rise of high repetition rate lasers and the desire to implement feedback on a commensurate timescale. Diagnostic analysis employing machine learning techniques can help address this problem while maintaining a high degree of accuracy. We report on the application of machine learning to the analysis of a scintillator-based electron spectrometer for experiments on high intensity, laser-plasma interactions at the Colorado State University Advanced Lasers and Extreme Photonics facility. Our approach utilizes a neural network trained on synthetic data and tested on experiments to extract the accelerated electron temperature. By leveraging transfer learning, we demonstrate an improvement in the neural network accuracy, decreasing the network error by 50%.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(13): 135001, 2022 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36206410


Short-pulse, laser-solid interactions provide a unique platform for studying complex high-energy-density matter. We present the first demonstration of solid-density, micron-scale keV plasmas uniformly heated by a high-contrast, 400 nm wavelength laser at intensities up to 2×10^{21} W/cm^{2}. High-resolution spectral analysis of x-ray emission reveals uniform heating up to 3.0 keV over 1 µm depths. Particle-in-cell simulations indicate the production of a uniformly heated keV plasma to depths of 2 µm. The significant bulk heating and presence of highly ionized ions deep within the target are attributed to the few MeV hot electrons that become trapped and undergo refluxing within the target sheath fields. These conditions enabled the differentiation of atomic physics models of ionization potential depression in high-energy-density environments.