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Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449517


Introducción: La presencia y estructura de la vegetación en áreas urbanas tiene un impacto en la composición de las comunidades de aves. Las áreas verdes con una mayor proporción de vegetación introducida tienden a presentar una homogeneización de avifauna, mientras que las áreas verdes con alta proporción de vegetación nativa presentan mayor diversidad de aves. En varios trabajos realizados en áreas urbanas de México, estos factores no son tomados en cuenta. Por lo tanto, se desconocen las respuestas de las especies en términos de riqueza y diversidad. Objetivo: Analizar la composición de especies de aves en las áreas verdes de Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas y evaluar la respuesta de las comunidades de aves en tres áreas verdes con diferente composición de vegetación. Así como analizar la relación entre los gremios tróficos de aves con los elementos de la vegetación en las áreas urbanas. Métodos: El estudio se llevó a cabo en tres sitios de muestreo de Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México, con base en dos criterios: área similar de muestreo (ha) y diferencias en las características de la vegetación. Los monitoreos se realizaron de enero a diciembre de 2020, con tres visitas mensuales en cada sitio para un total de 108 visitas, utilizando el método visual directo. Resultados: Identificamos 98 especies (11 órdenes, 28 familias). Las especies más abundantes fueron Quiscalus mexicanus y Molothrus aeneus. Hubo diferencias en la riqueza de especies para cada sitio. Las insectívoras y granívoras fueron las dominantes. Se determinó una asociación entre los gremios y los sitios de estudio, donde la mayoría están relacionados con la vegetación mixta, comparado con la vegetación homogénea o introducida. Conclusiones: Las áreas urbanas estudiadas mantuvieron un número notable de aves, y varias de ellas presentaron alguna categoría de riesgo o endemismo. Esto demuestra la importancia de estas áreas verdes como refugio de aves y resalta la necesidad de conservar y proteger dichas áreas dentro de Ciudad Victoria y ciudades similares.

Introduction: The presence and structure of vegetation in urban areas have an impact on the composition of bird communities. Green areas with a higher ratio of introduced vegetation tend to have a greater homogenization of avifauna, whereas green areas with a high ratio of native vegetation have a greater diversity of birds. In several studies carried out in urban areas of Mexico, the factors of vegetation are not considered. Therefore, the responses of the species to vegetation types in terms of richness and diversity are unknown. Objective: To analyze the composition of bird species in the green areas of Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, and evaluate the response of bird communities in areas with differences in vegetation composition. As well as to analyze the relationship between the trophic guilds in birds and vegetation in urban areas. Methods: Three sampling sites were established in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, based on two criteria: similar sampling area (ha) and differences in vegetation characteristics. Monitoring took place between January and December 2020, with three monthly visits in each site for a total of 108 visits, using the direct visual method. Results: We identified 98 species (11 orders, 28 families). The most abundant species were Quiscalus mexicanus and Molothrus aeneus. Differences in species richness were found for each site. The insectivorous and granivorous were the dominant guilds. An association between the guilds and the study sites was determined, where most were linked to mixed native vegetation, compared to homogeneous or introduced vegetation. Conclusions: The urban areas studied maintained a notable number of birds, and several of them presented some category of risk or endemism. This demonstrates the importance of these green areas composed of native vegetation as a refuge for birds and highlights the need to conserve and protect these areas within Ciudad Victoria and similar cities.

Zookeys ; 1080: 21-52, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35068963


Leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) constitute a family of abundant, diverse, and ecologically important herbivorous insects, due to their high specificity with host plants, a close association with vegetation and a great sensitivity to microclimatic variation (factors that are modified gradually during the rainy and dry seasons). Therefore, the effects of seasonality (rainy and dry seasons) and microclimate on the community attributes of chrysomelids were evaluated in a semideciduous tropical forest fragment of northeastern Mexico. Monthly sampling was conducted, between March 2016 and February 2017, with an entomological sweep net in 18 plots of 20 × 20 m, randomly distributed from 320 to 480 m a.s.l. Seven microclimatic variables were simultaneously recorded during each of the samplings, using a portable weather station. In total, 216 samples were collected at the end of the study, of which 2,103 specimens, six subfamilies, 46 genera, and 71 species were obtained. The subfamily Galerucinae had the highest number of specimens and species in the study area, followed by Cassidinae. Seasonality caused significant changes in the abundance and number of leaf beetle species: highest richness was recorded in the rainy season, with 60 species, while the highest diversity (lowest dominance and highest H' index) was obtained in the dry season. Seasonal inventory completeness of leaf beetles approached (rainy season) or was higher (dry season) than 70%, while the faunistic similarity between seasons was 0.63%. The outlying mean index was significant in both seasons; of the seven microclimatic variables analyzed, only temperature, heat index, evapotranspiration and wind speed were significantly related to changes in abundance of Chrysomelidae. Association between microclimate and leaf beetles was higher in the dry season, with a difference in the value of importance of the abiotic variables. The results indicated that each species exhibited a different response pattern to the microclimate, depending on the season, which suggests that the species may exhibit modifications in their niche requirements according to abiotic conditions. However, the investigations must be replicated in other regions, in order to obtain a better characterization of the seasonal and microclimatic influence on the family Chrysomelidae.

Zookeys ; (825): 71-103, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30846901


Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera) constitute a highly diverse family of phytophagous insects with high ecological relevance, due to their host plant specificity and their close association to vegetation variables. Therefore, secondary succession and seasonal changes after loss of vegetal cover will have a significant influence on their community patterns. Accordingly, responses of leaf beetles to such environmental heterogeneity make them a suitable taxon for monitoring disturbance, which is more important for endangered habitats such as the low thorn forests (LTF) in northeastern Mexico. We conducted a study in a LTF fragment in order to assess the effects of secondary succession and seasonality on leaf beetle communities, as well as to quantify the importance of Chrysomelidae as an indicator taxon. Landsat scenes were used for delimiting a successional gradient, in which four succession categories were selected: four years, 17 years, and 31 years since loss of vegetal cover, and conserved areas. Eight plots of 100 m2 were randomly delimited in each category; plots were sampled monthly, using an entomological sweep net, from May 2016 to April 2017. In total, 384 samples were collected by the end of study, from which 6978 specimens, six subfamilies, 57 genera, and 85 species were obtained. Species richness was higher in early succession areas. Abundance declined significantly from early successional to conserved areas, but the conserved areas had the higher diversity. Furthermore, differences in abundance were significant between rainy and dry seasons in areas of four, 17, and 31 years of succession, but not in conserved areas; also, all categories had a similar abundance during the dry season. Intermediate (17 and 31 years) and conserved areas differed in the season of higher diversity. Regarding inventory completeness, it was close to or above 70 % for all comparisons, although it was very low for the 17-year category during the rainy season. Faunistic similarity was higher between intermediate categories. A total of 24 species had a significant indicator value. Effects of succession time and seasonality on leaf beetle communities are here quantified for first time in LTF forests. Influences of environmental heterogeneity and intermediate disturbance are discussed as main drivers of the results obtained. Several leaf beetle species are proposed that could be useful for monitoring succession time and secondary LTF vegetation in northeastern Mexico. However, studies must be replicated at other regions, in order to obtain a better characterization of disturbance influence on leaf beetles.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(1): 266-277, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041909


Abstract Global increase in land cover change and deforestation bring about fragmentation of a high proportion of native vegetation areas. Microclimate is among the first modified factors after vegetation loss, effects of such disturbances are critical for species performance. However, both secondary succession and seasonality provoke further modifications in abiotic environment after disturbances. Although microclimate patterns during succession are well studied for several ecosystems, they are practically unknown for low thorn forests. In Northern Mexico, this is an endangered ecosystem characterized by harboring a high percentage of endemics. Measurement of microclimatic factors is crucial for understanding possible consequences of post-disturbance time on species inhabiting this ecosystem. This work aimed to assess seasonal variation of microclimatic patterns in a succession gradient of four categories (conserved areas, 31, 17 and four years of succession). The study area was delimited using Landsat satellite images (1973, 1986, 2000, 2005, and 2013) in a fragment of low thorn forest in Northeastern Mexico. For microclimate characterization we studied wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, heat index, dew point, and evapotranspiration. Variables were measured monthly on eight plots, in each of the four successional categories, during two different seasons: wet (May through October 2016) and dry season (November 2016 through April 2017). A multivariate discriminant function analysis showed that microclimate differs among successional stages. In the wet season, early succession areas were characterized by higher values of heat index and wind speed, contrary to conserved areas. In the dry season, successional differences were attributed to wind speed and relative humidity. Moreover, microclimate differences between categories and importance of variables measured were both higher only during the dry season. Our results show that seasonality influences greatly microclimatic patterns during secondary succession. In addition, each one of the successional categories exhibited unique microclimatic conditions. Remarkably, four, 17, and even 31 years succession categories differed from conserved areas. This work provides evidence on the great relevance of seasonality and microclimate for studying secondary succession. It is suggested to take both factors into consideration when implementing conservation programs concerning endangered habitats such as low thorn forests. As an ecosystem poorly studied, microclimate characterization provided herein, shall help to a better understanding and management of these areas.(AU)

Resumen El aumento global en el cambio de cobertura vegetal y la deforestación han fragmentado una elevada proporción de áreas de vegetación nativa. El microclima es un factor que se modifica después de la pérdida de vegetación, y los efectos de tales perturbaciones son trascendentales para las especies. Sin embargo, tanto la sucesión secundaria como la estacionalidad implican modificaciones adicionales en el medio abiótico después del disturbio. Aunque los patrones microclimáticos durante la sucesión son conocidos en varios ecosistemas, no se han evaluado en áreas de selva baja espinosa, que constituye un ecosistema amenazado en el norte de México. La medición de tales factores microclimáticos es crucial para comprender las consecuencias de la recuperación post-disturbio en las especies. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la variación estacional del microclima en un gradiente de sucesión de cuatro categorías (áreas conservadas, 31, 17 y cuatro años de sucesión), delimitadas mediante imágenes de satélite LANDSAT (1973, 1986, 2000, 2005 y 2013) en un fragmento de selva baja espinosa en el noreste de México. Para caracterizar el microclima se consideraron la velocidad del viento, temperatura, humedad relativa, índice de calor, punto de rocío y evapotranspiración. Las variables se midieron de forma mensual, durante un año, en ocho sitios de muestreo en cada una de las cuatro categorías sucesionales, durante dos estaciones diferentes: húmeda (mayo a octubre 2016) y seca (noviembre 2016 hasta abril 2017). A través de un análisis multivariado de funciones discriminantes, se determinó que las categorías sucesionales en la selva baja espinosa son diferentes dependiendo del microclima. En la estación húmeda, las áreas con poco tiempo de sucesión se caracterizaron por valores más altos de índice de calor y velocidad del viento, al contrario de las áreas conservadas. En la estación seca, las diferencias sucesionales se atribuyeron a la velocidad del viento y la humedad relativa. Además, tanto la discriminación entre categorías como la importancia de las variables fueron mayores solo durante la estación seca. Por lo tanto, la estacionalidad determina los patrones microclimáticos durante la sucesión secundaria. Además, cada categoría sucesional representa condiciones microclimáticas únicas, pero difieren de las áreas conservadas incluso después de 31 años de sucesión. De acuerdo con nuestros resultados, la estacionalidad y el microclima son de gran relevancia para el estudio de la sucesión secundaria. Se sugiere considerar ambos factores cuando se implementan programas de conservación de ecosistemas en riesgo, como la selva baja espinosa en el noreste de México. Al ser este un ecosistema poco estudiado, la caracterización microclimática que aquí se proporciona, ayudará a un mejor entendimiento y manejo forestal de dichas áreas.(AU)

Estações do Ano , Fatores Abióticos , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica/organização & administração , México
Zookeys ; (611): 11-56, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27594798


The study of biodiversity of Chrysomelidae in Mexico and its variation within ecological gradients has increased recently, although important areas in the country remain to be explored. We conducted a faunistic inventory and analyzed the elevational and temporal variation of leaf beetle communities in the Sierra de San Carlos, in the state of Tamaulipas, in northeastern Mexico. This is an area with high to extreme priority for conservation, and due to its insular geographical position and to the vegetational communities present, it must be considered as a sky island. We selected seven sample sites distributed in different elevations within three localities, and comprising different vegetational communities. At each site, we randomly delimited 12 sample plots of 400 m(2) where sampling was conducted by entomological sweep netting and collecting directly by hand. Sampling was conducted monthly at each plot, for a total of 1,008 samples between February 2013 and January 2014. By the end of the study, we had obtained a total of 3,081 specimens belonging to six subfamilies, 65 genera, and 113 species, with Trichaltica scabricula (Crotch, 1873) being recorded for first time in Mexico. Species richness was less than the values observed at other studies conducted in the same region, which is attributed to differences in the number of plant species and to the insular location of Sierra de San Carlos; however, the higher diversity values suggest a higher quality of natural resources and vegetational communities. No consistent pattern of leaf beetle communities was correlated with elevation, although higher values of species richness and diversity were obtained at the highest elevation site. The seasonal gradient showed that the rainy season is most favorable for leaf beetle communities. We found that species composition was different between sites and months, and also that there exists a significant association between the abundance obtained at each site and particular months. These results highlight the importance of different microhabitats for species distribution, and suggest that each species of Chrysomelidae has a differential response to environmental factors that vary within the elevational gradient and according to seasons. Also, we confirm and emphasize the important status of Sierra de San Carlos as a key natural area for biological conservation.

Zootaxa ; 4088(1): 91-111, 2016 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27394327


We record 116 genera and 366 species of Chrysomelidae from the state of Morelos, Mexico. This represents an increase of 9.3% in the species richness of these beetles for the state. Also, Morelos is currently the third most diverse state in leaf beetles within Mexico, with 16.78% of total species recorded for the country. The most diverse genera were Calligrapha, Disonycha, Blepharida, Leptinotarsa, Cryptocephalus, Systena, Alagoasa, Diabrotica and Pachybrachis, each with more than eight species. Most of these genera contain large, showy beetles. When the chrysomelid fauna is more fully understood, some of the genera of tiny beetles will likely prove to be more diverse.

Besouros/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Animais , Lista de Checagem , Ecossistema , México
Zookeys ; (417): 103-32, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25061357


The Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) is a highly speciose family that has been poorly studied at the regional level in Mexico. In the present study, we estimated species richness and diversity in oak-pine forest, Tamaulipan thorny scrub and in tropical deciduous forests in Peregrina Canyon within the Altas Cumbres Protected Area of the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Sampling of Chrysomelidae consisted of five sweep net samples (200 net sweeps) within each of three sites during four sample periods: early dry season, late dry season, early wet season, and late wet season. Species were identified and total numbers per species were recorded for each sample. A total of 2,226 specimens were collected belonging to six subfamilies, 81 genera and 157 species of Chrysomelidae from the study area. Galerucinae was the most abundant subfamily with 1,828 specimens, representing 82.1% of total abundance in the study area. Lower abundance was recorded in Cassidinae (8.5%), Eumolpinae (3.6%), Cryptocephalinae (2.2%), Chrysomelinae (2.2%), and finally Criocerinae (1.3%). The highest species richness was also presented in the subfamily Galerucinae with 49% of the total obtained species followed by Cassidinae (20%), Cryptocephalinae (9.7%), Eumolpinae (9.7%), Chrysomelinae (6.5%) and Criocerinae (5.2%). The most common species were Centralaphthona fulvipennis Jacoby (412 individuals), Centralaphthona diversa (Baly) (248), Margaridisa sp.1 (219), Acallepitrix sp.1 (134), Longitarsus sp.1 (104), Heterispa vinula (Erichson) (91), Epitrix sp.1 (84) and Chaetocnema sp.1 (72). Twenty-two species were doubletons (1.97% of total abundance) and 52 were singletons (2.33%). The estimated overall density value obtained was 0.0037 individuals/m2. The greatest abundance and density of individuals were recorded at the lowest elevation site. However, alpha diversity increased with increasing altitude. Similarity values were less than 50% among the three sites indicating that each site had distinct species assemblages of Chrysomelidae. The highest abundance was obtained during the late dry season, whereas diversity indices were highest during the early wet season. The present work represents the first report of the altitudinal variation in richness, abundance, and diversity of Chrysomelidae in Mexico. These results highlight the importance of conservation of this heterogeneous habitat and establish baseline data for Chrysomelidae richness and diversity for the region.