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Comp Cytogenet ; 6(4): 379-87, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24260678


Studies of karyotypes have been revealing important information on the taxonomic relationships and evolutionary patterns in various groups of birds. However, the order Caprimulgiformes is one of the least known in terms of its cytotaxonomy. So far, there are no cytogenetic data in the literature on birds belonging to 3 of 5 families of this order -Nyctibiidae, Steatornithidae and Aegothelidae. For this reason, the aim of our study was to describe the karyotype of Nyctibius griseus (Gmelin, 1789) (Aves, Nyctibiidae, Caprimulgiformes) and contribute with new data that could help to clarify the evolutionary relationships in this group. Bone marrow was cultured directly to obtain material for the chromosome study. C-banding was used to visualize the constitutive heterochromatin and Ag-NOR-banding to reveal nucleolus organizer regions. The diploid number observed was 2n=86±. Using sequential Giemsa/C-banding staining, we determined that the W chromosome was entirely C-band positive with the two most prominent markers in the interstitial and distal regions of the long arm. The nucleolus organizer regions showed a typical location in a pair of microchromosomes that exhibited Ag-NOR.The results obtained for Nyctibius griseus suggest that, of all the species studied in the references cited, it has the most ancestral sex chromosome composition of the order Caprimulgiformes.

Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 6(1): 77-84, jan.-jun. 2003. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-360732


A carne bovina deve corresponder as expectativas do consumidor, no que se refere aos atributos de qualidade sanitária, nutritiva e organoléptica. Numerosas pesquisas têm demonstrado que a composição genética dos animais é o fator intrínseco que mais afeta a qualidade da carne bovina, e asua composição de ácidos graxos. As diferenças genéticas existentes entre os bovinos podem ser exploradas mediante cruzamentos seletivos para melhorar a qualidade da carne. Trabalhos desenvolvidos recentemente demonstram que o DNA mitocondrial pode ser outro importante fator que afeta a qualidade da carne. Para que, modificações na qualidade da carne somente sejam postas em prática pelos produtores, deve haver incentivos econômicos.

Carne , Genética , Qualidade dos Alimentos