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Phys Rev Lett ; 121(18): 183602, 2018 Nov 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30444408


We describe a highly robust method, applicable to both electromagnetic and matter-wave beams, that can produce a beam consisting of a lattice of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states coupled to a two-level system. We also define efficient protocols for controlling and manipulating the lattice characteristics. These protocols are applied in an experimental realization of a lattice of optical spin-orbit beams. The novel passive devices we demonstrate here are also a natural alternative to existing methods for producing single-axis OAM and spin-orbit beams. Our techniques provide new tools for investigations of chiral and topological materials with light and particle beams.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(2): 023502, 2018 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29495801


We find that annealing a previously chemically etched interferometer at 800 °C dramatically increased the interference fringe visibility from 23% to 90%. The Bragg plane misalignments were also measured before and after annealing using neutron rocking curves, showing that Bragg plane alignment was improved across the interferometer after annealing. This suggests that current interferometers with low fringe visibility may be salvageable and that annealing may become an important step in the fabrication process of future neutron interferometers, leading to less need for chemical etching and larger more exotic neutron interferometers.

New J Phys ; 20(10)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34858077


The generation and control of neutron orbital angular momentum (OAM) states and spin correlated OAM (spin-orbit) states provides a powerful probe of materials with unique penetrating abilities and magnetic sensitivity. We describe techniques to prepare and characterize neutron spin-orbit states, and provide a quantitative comparison to known procedures. The proposed detection method directly measures the correlations of spin state and transverse momentum, and overcomes the major challenges associated with neutrons, which are low flux and small spatial coherence length. Our preparation techniques, utilizing special geometries of magnetic fields, are based on coherent averaging and spatial control methods borrowed from nuclear magnetic resonance. The described procedures may be extended to other probes such as electrons and electromagnetic waves.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(45): 455802, 2017 11 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29049033


Quantum information storage using charge-neutral quasiparticles is expected to play a crucial role in the future of quantum computers. In this regard, magnons or collective spin-wave excitations in solid-state materials are promising candidates in the future of quantum computing. Here, we study the quantum squeezing of Dirac and topological magnons in a bosonic honeycomb optical lattice with spin-orbit interaction by utilizing the mapping to quantum spin-[Formula: see text] XYZ Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice with discrete Z2 symmetry and a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We show that the squeezed magnons can be controlled by the Z2 anisotropy and demonstrate how the noise in the system is periodically modified in the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of the model. Our results also apply to solid-state honeycomb (anti)ferromagnetic insulators.

J Appl Phys ; 122(5)2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34916709


We provide a quantum information description of a proposed five-blade neutron interferometer geometry and show that it is robust against low-frequency mechanical vibrations and dephasing due to the dynamical phase. The extent to which the dynamical phase affects the contrast in a neutron interferometer is experimentally shown. In our model, we consider the coherent evolution of a neutron wavepacket in an interferometer crystal blade and simulate the effect of mechanical vibrations and momentum spread of the neutron through the interferometer. The standard three-blade neutron interferometer is shown to be immune to dynamical phase noise but prone to noise from mechanical vibrations, and the decoherence free subspace four-blade neutron interferometer is shown to be immune to mechanical vibration noise but prone to noise from the dynamical phase. Here, we propose a five-blade neutron interferometer and show that it is immune to both low-frequency mechanical vibration noise and dynamical phase noise.

Phys Rev D ; 93(6)2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34859165


The physical origin of the dark energy that causes the accelerated expansion rate of the Universe is one of the major open questions of cosmology. One set of theories postulates the existence of a self-interacting scalar field for dark energy coupling to matter. In the chameleon dark energy theory, this coupling induces a screening mechanism such that the field amplitude is nonzero in empty space but is greatly suppressed in regions of terrestrial matter density. However measurements performed under appropriate vacuum conditions can enable the chameleon field to appear in the apparatus, where it can be subjected to laboratory experiments. Here we report the most stringent upper bound on the free neutron-chameleon coupling in the strongly coupled limit of the chameleon theory using neutron interferometric techniques. Our experiment sought the chameleon field through the relative phase shift it would induce along one of the neutron paths inside a perfect crystal neutron interferometer. The amplitude of the chameleon field was actively modulated by varying the millibar pressures inside a dual-chamber aluminum cell. We report a 95% confidence level upper bound on the neutron-chameleon coupling ß ranging from ß < 4.7 × 106 for a Ratra-Peebles index of n = 1 in the nonlinear scalar field potential to ß < 2.4 × 107 for n = 6, one order of magnitude more sensitive than the most recent free neutron limit for intermediate n. Similar experiments can explore the full parameter range for chameleon dark energy in the foreseeable future.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(12): 123507, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28040910


Neutron interferometry enables precision measurements that are typically operated within elaborate, multi-layered facilities which provide substantial shielding from environmental noise. These facilities are necessary to maintain the coherence requirements in a perfect crystal neutron interferometer which is extremely sensitive to local environmental conditions such as temperature gradients across the interferometer, external vibrations, and acoustic waves. The ease of operation and breadth of applications of perfect crystal neutron interferometry would greatly benefit from a mode of operation which relaxes these stringent isolation requirements. Here, the INDEX Collaboration and National Institute of Standards and Technology demonstrates the functionality of a neutron interferometer in vacuum and characterize the use of a compact vacuum chamber enclosure as a means to isolate the interferometer from spatial temperature gradients and time-dependent temperature fluctuations. The vacuum chamber is found to have no depreciable effect on the performance of the interferometer (contrast) while improving system stability, thereby showing that it is feasible to replace large temperature isolation and control systems with a compact vacuum enclosure for perfect crystal neutron interferometry.