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J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(17): 7320-7326, 2020 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32787298


Kinetic effects in monolayer self-assembly at liquid-solid interfaces are not well explored but can provide unique insights. We use variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to quantify the desorption kinetics of 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid (NDA) monolayers at nonanoic acid-graphite interfaces. Quantitative tracking of the decline of molecular coverages by STM between 57.5 and 65.0 °C unveiled single-exponential decays over the course of days. An Arrhenius plot of rate constants derived from fits results in a surprisingly high energy barrier of 208 kJ mol-1 that strongly contrasts with the desorption energy of 16.4 kJ mol-1 with respect to solution as determined from a Born-Haber cycle. This vast discrepancy indicates a high-energy transition state. Expanding these studies to further systems is the key to pinpointing the molecular origin of the remarkably large NDA desorption barrier.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(5): 053707, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29864836


Fundamental insights into the kinetics and thermodynamics of supramolecular self-assembly on surfaces are uniquely gained by variable-temperature high-resolution Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy (STM). Conventionally, these experiments are performed with standard ambient microscopes extended with heatable sample stages for local heating. However, unavoidable solvent evaporation sets a technical limit on the duration of these experiments, hence prohibiting long-term experiments. These, however, would be highly desirable to provide enough time for temperature stabilization and settling of drift but also to study processes with inherently slow kinetics. To overcome this dilemma, we propose a STM that can operate fully immersed in solution. The instrument is mounted onto the lid of a hermetically sealed heatable container that is filled with the respective solution. By closing the container, both the sample and microscope are immersed in solution. Thereby solvent evaporation is eliminated and an environment for long-term experiments with utmost stable and controllable temperatures between room-temperature and 100 °C is provided. Important experimental requirements for the immersion-STM and resulting design criteria are discussed, the strategy for protection against corrosive media is described, the temperature stability and drift behavior are thoroughly characterized, and first long-term high resolution experiments at liquid-solid interfaces are presented.

Faraday Discuss ; 204: 331-348, 2017 10 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28776616


Self-assembly of benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (trimesic acid - TMA) monolayers at the alkanoic acid-graphite interface is revisited. Even though this archetypal model system for hydrogen bonded porous networks is particularly well studied, the analysis of routinely observed superperiodic contrast modulations known as moiré patterns lags significantly behind. Fundamental questions remain unanswered such as, are moiré periodicity and orientation always the same, i.e. is exclusively only one specific moiré pattern observed? What are the geometric relationships (superstructure matrices) between moiré, TMA, and graphite lattices? What affects the moiré pattern formation? Is there any influence from solvent, concentration, or thermal treatment? These basic questions are addressed via scanning tunneling microscopy experiments at the liquid-solid interface, revealing a variety of different moiré patterns. Interestingly, TMA and graphite lattices were always found to be ∼5° rotated with respect to each other. Consequently, the observed variation in the moiré patterns is attributed to minute deviations (<2°) from this preferred orientation. Quantitative analysis of moiré periods and orientations facilitates the determination of the TMA lattice parameter with picometer precision.

ACS Nano ; 8(8): 7880-9, 2014 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25036422


On-surface Ullmann coupling is a versatile and appropriate approach for the bottom-up fabrication of covalent organic nanostructures. In two-dimensional networks, however, the kinetically controlled and irreversible coupling leads to high defect densities and a lack of long-range order. To derive general guidelines for optimizing reaction parameters, the structural quality of 2D porous covalent networks was evaluated for different preparation protocols. For this purpose, polymerization of an iodine- and bromine-functionalized precursor was studied on Au(111) by scanning tunneling microscopy under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. By taking advantage of the vastly different temperature thresholds for C-Br and C-I cleavage, two different polymerization routes were compared - hierarchical and direct polymerization. The structural quality of the covalent networks was evaluated for different reaction parameters, such as surface temperatures, heating rates, and deposition rates by statistical analysis of STM data. Experimental results are compared to Monte Carlo simulations.