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GEN ; 68(2): 58-60, jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-740317


La pancreatitis tóxica es una entidad clínica poco frecuente (1,4 a 0,3%) cuya patogenia se debe a reacción alérgica o toxicidad directa del fármaco. El diagnóstico se realiza en pacientes con sospecha clínica, con antecedente de exposición a toxinas, en los cuales se descartan otras etiologías. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por episodio de pancreatitis aguda durante la exposición a la toxina que mejora tras suspender su exposición. Presentamos el caso de un paciente quien ingresa al hospital IVSS Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño, expuesto a glifosato con cuadro clínico de pancreatitis aguda con alteración de enzimas hepatocelulares, pancreáticas e hiperbilirrubinemia directa. TAC Abdominal: pancreatitis Balthazar B. Ultrasonido abdominal: aumento de tamaño del páncreas. RMN con efecto colangiográfico: sin alteraciones. Ultrasonido endoscópico aumento de tamaño del páncreas. Test inmunológicos con Ac anti músculo liso positivo. Paciente evoluciona satisfactoriamente con tratamiento sintomático tras suspender exposición toxina.

Toxic pancreatitis is a rare clinical entity (1.4 to 0.3%) whose pathogenesis is due to allergic reaction or direct toxicity of the drug. The diagnosis is made in patients with clinically suspected with a history of exposure to toxins, in which other etiologies are discarded. The clinical picture is characterized by acute episode of pancreatitis during exposure to toxin improves after stopping exposure. We report a patient who enters the hospital IVSS Dr Miguel Pérez Carreño, exposed to glyphosate with clinical symptoms of acute pancreatitis with impaired hepatocellular, pancreatic enzymes and direct hyperbilirubinemia. Abdominal CT: pancreatitis Balthazar B. Abdominal ultrasound: enlarged pancreas. NMR cholangiographic effect: unaltered. Endoscopic ultrasound enlarged pancreas. Ac positive immunological anti smooth muscle test. Patient progressed satisfactorily with symptomatic treatment after stopping toxin exposure.

GEN ; 67(4): 233-235, dic. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-715775


Los GIST se originan a partir de las células intersticiales de Cajal. Se reporta caso de paciente masculino de 65 años de edad con antecedentes de hemorragia digestiva superior en 2 oportunidades (julio 2011 y septiembre 2011) con endoscopia digestiva superior e inferior sin hallazgos patológicos, quien inicia enfermedad actual el 27/12/2011 presentando melena en cuatro oportunidades, posteriormente, debilidad generalizada y mareos, motivos por los cuales acude al hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño, donde se evalúa e ingresa. Examen físico: TA: 130/70 mmHg. FC: 90 LPM FR: 20 RPM. Paciente en estables condiciones generales, afebril, deshidratado, eupneico. Piel: palidez cutáneo mucosa moderada. Abdomen: blando, deprimible, no doloroso a la palpación, ruidos hidroaéreos presentes. Tacto rectal: melena. Laboratorio: Gb: 21.900 cel/mm, 82% Neut. Hb: 4,6 gr/dl. Hcto: 15,8%. Plt: 176.000 cel/mm. Endoscopias digestivas superior e inferior dentro de límites normales. Se realizó tránsito intestinal evidenciándose imagen de defecto en yeyuno. TAC Abdomino - pélvica con doble contraste reportando engrosamiento de la pared de asa intestinal, en yeyuno distal con cambios de densidad de la grasa periférica a correlacionar con probable proceso inflamatorio vs tumoral. Se realizó laparotomía supra trans e infraumbilical con hallazgos de tumor de 8 x 6 cm pediculado que nace en el mesenterio comprimiendo cara mesentérica de yeyuno a 140 cm de asa fija sangrante. Se realizó biopsia de la pieza e inmunohistoquímica reportando tumor del estroma gastrointestinal de patrón fusocelular de alto riesgo. CKIT: positiva, Actina negativo, proteína S100: positivas aisladas, KI 67: positiva al 30%, CD34: positivo. Se indicó tratamiento con Imatinib. Se concluye, que ante la presencia de hemorragia oscura es imperativo realizar estudios exhaustivos para llegar a un diagnóstico certero y dar al paciente las mejores herramientas terapéuticas en pro de la resolución de la patología.

GISTs originate from the interstitial cells of Cajal. Report the case of male patient 65 years old with a history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in two occasions (July 2011 and September 2011) with upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy without pathological findings, who present on December 27th 2011 four occasions, later, generalized weakness and dizziness why go to Dr. Miguel Perez Carreno hospital, which evaluation and admitted to hospital. Physical exam: TA: 130/70 mmHg. FC: 90 LPM FR: 20 RPM. Patient in stable general condition, afebrile, dehydrated, eupneic. Skin: pale skin and mucosa moderate. Abdomen: soft, depressible, painless on palpation, bowel sounds present. DRE mane. Laboratory: Gb: 21.900, 82% N Hg: 4,6 Hct: 15,8 % Plt: 176,000. Upper and lower endoscopy are normals limits. Intestinal transit was performed demonstrating Jejunum default image. TAC Abdomino - reported double-contrast pelvic wall thickening of the intestinal loop, distal jejunum with changes in density of peripheral fat may correlate with tumor vs inflammatory process. Laparotomy was performed and infraumbilical supra trans with tumor findings 8 x 6 cm pedunculated born in the mesentery compressing face jejunum mesenteric fixed handle 140 cm bleeding. Biopsy was performed and immunohistochemical piece reporting gastrointestinal stromal tumor spindle cell pattern of high risk. CKIT: positive, negative actin, S100 protein: positive isolated, KI 67: 30% positive, CD34: positive. Imatinib treatment was indicated. We conclude that the presence of occult bleeding is imperative that comprehensive studies to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and give the patient the best therapeutic tools in favor of the resolution of the pathology.

J Med Food ; 15(4): 344-9, 2012 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22191568


Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the stems and the immature fruits of pineapple that was found to be antitumorigenic in different in vitro models. Bromelain has been reported to promote apoptosis, particularly in breast cancer cells, with the up-regulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 kinase. Our study was designed to determine if bromelain could induce apoptosis in GI-101A breast cancer cells. GI-101A cells were treated with increasing concentrations of bromelain for 24 hours. The effect of bromelain for inducing cell death via activation of the apoptosis mechanism in GI-101A cells was further determined by using caspase-9 and caspase-3 assays along with the M30-Apoptosense assay to measure cytokeratin 18 (CK18) levels in the cytoplasm of the cultured cancer cells. A dose-dependent increase in the activities of caspase-9 and caspase-3 coinciding with elevation of CK18 levels was found in bromelain-treated cells compared with control cells. Furthermore, the apoptosis induction by bromelain was confirmed by DNA fragmentation analysis and 4,6'-diamino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride fluorescence staining of the nucleus. Our results indicate an increase in apoptosis-related cell death in breast cancer cells with increasing concentrations of bromelain.

Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Bromelaínas/farmacologia , Neoplasias da Mama/metabolismo , Caspase 3/metabolismo , Caspase 9/metabolismo , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Fragmentação do DNA , Feminino , Humanos , Queratina-18/metabolismo , Transdução de Sinais/efeitos dos fármacos , Regulação para Cima