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J Clin Med ; 12(14)2023 Jul 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37510958


This descriptive prospective study investigated the clinical features and treatment adherence of individuals who started the treatment for Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) during the COVID-19 pandemic in São Luís. Thirty-six TB patients and thirty-five age/sex-matched individuals were recruited between January 2021 and January 2022. The clinical features, sociodemographic information, and serum were obtained at the diagnosis time. Adherence to treatment and adverse reactions were investigated monthly. The most common symptoms in TB patients were cough (91.6%) and fever (83.3%). All TB patients had elevated pre-therapy levels of CRP and reduced HDL: 88.9% presented hypocalcemia and 47.2% showed elevated ALP and GGT. TB patients showed higher levels of ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, CRP, amylase, and triglycerides than the comparison group (p < 0.05), while the calcium levels were reduced (p < 0.0001). TB patients with anti-SARS-CoV-2-IgG antibodies (seroprevalence of 66.7%) presented higher values of amylase and lower CRP levels (p < 0.05). Most patients (~70%) reported at least one adverse drug reaction, mainly pruritus and nausea. The treatment abandonment rate was 19.2%. In conclusion, TB patients showed elevated pre-therapy levels of CRP, low levels of HDL, and hypocalcemia. Liver and pancreatic functions were also compromised in several patients before the therapy. The treatment non-adherence rate observed was similar to other studies performed before the pandemic period.

J Food Sci ; 88(7): 3049-3062, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37248720


Protein nanostructures can be used in food applications to improve the techno-functional properties of a food formulation. This study aims to find the best conditions for the production and conformational change of α-lactalbumin nanostructured aggregates. The criteria to determine the best operating conditions to produce α-lactalbumin nanostructured aggregates were intensification of foaming and emulsification, techno-functional proprieties, cytotoxic, and antibacterial activity of nanostructures compared with native α-lactalbumin. Conformational alterations occurred in the α-helix and sheet-ß protein structures. The size obtained by dynamic light scattering was 163.84 nm with a polydispersity index of 0.29. The nano protein improved the techno-functional property compared to the native protein. Additionally, nanostructures had no cytotoxic effect and were innocuous to bacterial activity. Thus, this study presents the best conditions to produce α-lactalbumin nanostructured aggregates with improved properties that allow new food industry applications.

Lactalbumina , Nanoestruturas , Lactalbumina/química
Sao Paulo Med J ; 138(3): 244-252, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32556059


BACKGROUND: The Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) is a questionnaire that was developed by Finnish researchers to track the risk of diabetes. OBJECTIVE: To translate, cross-culturally adapt and validate the FINDRISC for use in Brazilian Portuguese. DESIGN AND SETTING: Questionnaire validity study conducted at a private university. METHODS: The Brazilian version of the FINDRISC was developed through the processes of translation, back-translation, committee review and pre-testing. Test-retest reliability was measured using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), kappa coefficient, standard error of measurement (SEM) and minimum detectable change (MDC). Internal consistency was measured using Cronbach's alpha. For construct validity, the total score of the FINDRISC was correlated with the Diabetes Knowledge Scale (DKN-A) and Diabetes Mellitus Risk Questionnaire (QRDM). Ceiling and floor effects were also evaluated in the present study. RESULTS: For construct validity and floor and ceiling effect measurements, a total sample of 107 participants was used. For reliability, a subsample of 51 participants out of the total sample was used. We identified adequate values for reliability (kappa ≥ 0.79 and ICC = 0.98) and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.84). Regarding the error inherent in the FINDRISC, we found SEM = 8.02% and MDC = 22.44%. There were significant correlations between the FINDRISC and the QRDM (r = 0.686) and DKN-A (r = -0.216). No ceiling or floor effects were found. CONCLUSION: The Brazilian version of the FINDRISC has adequate psychometric properties that are in accordance with the best international recommendations.

Comparação Transcultural , Adaptação Psicológica , Brasil , Diabetes Mellitus , Finlândia , Humanos , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários
São Paulo med. j ; 138(3): 244-252, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1139691


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) is a questionnaire that was developed by Finnish researchers to track the risk of diabetes. OBJECTIVE: To translate, cross-culturally adapt and validate the FINDRISC for use in Brazilian Portuguese. DESIGN AND SETTING: Questionnaire validity study conducted at a private university. METHODS: The Brazilian version of the FINDRISC was developed through the processes of translation, back-translation, committee review and pre-testing. Test-retest reliability was measured using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), kappa coefficient, standard error of measurement (SEM) and minimum detectable change (MDC). Internal consistency was measured using Cronbach's alpha. For construct validity, the total score of the FINDRISC was correlated with the Diabetes Knowledge Scale (DKN-A) and Diabetes Mellitus Risk Questionnaire (QRDM). Ceiling and floor effects were also evaluated in the present study. RESULTS: For construct validity and floor and ceiling effect measurements, a total sample of 107 participants was used. For reliability, a subsample of 51 participants out of the total sample was used. We identified adequate values for reliability (kappa ≥ 0.79 and ICC = 0.98) and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.84). Regarding the error inherent in the FINDRISC, we found SEM = 8.02% and MDC = 22.44%. There were significant correlations between the FINDRISC and the QRDM (r = 0.686) and DKN-A (r = -0.216). No ceiling or floor effects were found. CONCLUSION: The Brazilian version of the FINDRISC has adequate psychometric properties that are in accordance with the best international recommendations.

Humanos , Comparação Transcultural , Psicometria , Brasil , Adaptação Psicológica , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Diabetes Mellitus , Finlândia
Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 9: 2, jul. 15, 2019.
Artigo em Português | BDENF - Enfermagem, LILACS | ID: biblio-1009315


"\"\\\"[{\\\\\\\"text\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"Objetivo: analisar a assistência ao parto e nascimento, sob a ótica de puérperas atendidas em uma\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nmaternidade pública. Método: estudo de natureza qualitativa, descritivo, realizado com dez puérperas no centro\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nobstétrico de uma instituição pública da cidade de Russas, Ceará, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados a partir de\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nentrevistas gravadas, transcritas e analisadas mediante a técnica do discurso do sujeito coletivo. Resultados: da\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nanálise emergiram três ideias centrais: falta de assistência humanizada e suas limitações; insatisfação com o\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\natendimento prestado; e informação dos benefícios do parto normal. Considerações finais: essa investigação\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\naponta a necessidade de refletir acerca das políticas e práticas em saúde direcionadas para a assistência ao parto e\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nnascimento e a forma como os diferentes atores se inserem nesta dinâmica, entendendo os limites e as\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\npotencialidades da atenção em saúde a esse grupo em destaque.\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"_i\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"pt\\\\\\\"}, {\\\\\\\"text\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"Aim: to analyze delivery and birth care, from the point of view of puerperal women cared for at a\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\npublic maternity hospital. Method: a qualitative, descriptive study performed with ten puerperae at the obstetric\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\ncenter of a public institution in the city of Russas, Ceará, Brazil. Data were collected from recorded interviews,\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\ntranscribed and analyzed using the collective subject discourse technique. Results: three main ideas emerged from\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nthe analysis: lack of humanized assistance and its limitations; dissatisfaction with the offered service; and\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\ninformation on the benefits of normal birth. Conclusion: this research points to the need to reflect on the health\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\npolicies and practices directed to the delivery and birth care and how the different actors are inserted in this\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\ndynamic, understanding the limits and potentialities of health care to the highlighted group.\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"_i\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"en\\\\\\\"}, {\\\\\\\"text\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"Objetivo: analizar la asistencia al parto y al nacimiento, a partir del punto de vista de las puérperas\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\natendidas en una maternidad pública. Método: estudio de naturaleza cualitativa, descriptiva, realizado con diez\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\npuérperas, en el centro obstétrico de una institución pública, de la ciudad de Russas, Ceará, Brasil. Los datos fueron\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nrecolectados a partir de entrevistas grabadas y transcritas y analizadas por la técnica del discurso del sujeto\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\ncolectivo. Resultados: del análisis surgieron tres ideas centrales: falta de asistencia humanizada y sus limitaciones;\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\ninsatisfacción con la atención prestada; e información sobre los beneficios del parto normal. Conclusión: esta\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\ninvestigación resalta la necesidad de reflexionar sobre las políticas y prácticas en salud direccionadas a la asistencia\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nal parto y al nacimiento y a la forma como los diferentes actores se insertan en esa dinámica, entendiendo los\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nlímites y las potencialidades de la atención en salud a ese grupo destacado.\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"_i\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"es\\\\\\\"}]\\\"\""

Humanos , Parto , Período Pós-Parto , Humanização da Assistência
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 30(54): 127-142, jul. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-910802


O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar quais são as contribuições do programa Bolsa-Atleta na carreira esportiva e pessoal de ginastas de ginástica rítmica em nível internacional. O estudo se caracteriza como um estudo de caso de caráter descritivo e abordagem qualitativa, tendo como participantes quatro atletas de ginástica rítmica do estado do Paraná. Como instrumento de coleta utilizou-se um questionário com perguntas abertas; para análise dos dados foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Como resultados da pesquisa foram possíveis elencar três categorias de respostas: Profissional, Pessoal e Participação na Seleção Brasileira. São inúmeros os fatores importantes durante todo o processo construção de uma carreira esportiva de alto rendimento, sendo o incentivo financeiro um dos principais. Tendo em vista a dedicação exclusiva para treinamentos, a necessidade de materiais adequados, bem como cuidados com aspectos para além da prática, é fundamental um suporte em todos os sentidos para o atleta.

The aim of this study was to identify the contributions of the Bolsa-Athlete program in the sports and personal careers of RG gymnasts of international level. The study is characterized as a case study of descriptive character and qualitative approach, having as participants four athletes of RG of the state of Paraná. As collection instrument, a questionnaire with open questions was used, for the analysis of the data the technique of content analysis was used. As results of the research it was possible to list three categories of answers: Professional, Personal and Participation in the Brazilian Selection. There are countless important factors throughout the process building a high-yielding sports career, with the financial incentive being one of the main ones. Given the exclusive dedication to training, the need for appropriate materials, as well as care with aspects beyond practice, it is essential to support in every way for the athlete.

El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar cuáles son las contribuciones del programa Bolsa Atleta en la carrera deportiva y personal de gimnastas de GR a nivel internacional. El estudio se caracteriza como un estudio de caso descriptivo y cualitativo, con los participantes cuatro atletas de GR del estado de Paraná. Como instrumento de recolección utilizado cuestionario con preguntas abiertas, para el análisis de los datos, utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados de la investigación fueron posible enumerar tres categorías de respuestas: profesional, personal y de participación en la selección de Brasil. Hay numerosos factores importantes a lo largo del proceso de construcción de un alto rendimiento carrera deportiva, y el incentivo financiero de una importante. Dada la dedicación exclusiva a la formación, la necesidad de materiales adecuados y aspectos de atención, además de la práctica, un soporte en todos los sentidos es fundamental para el atleta.

Política Pública , Bolsas de Estudo , Atletas , Ginástica , Brasil , Coleta de Dados
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 24(2): 651-664, abr.-jun. 2018. ILUS
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-967434


O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a trajetória da ginástica rítmica (GR) como um subcampo do campo esportivo. Para o desenvolvimento do texto, mobilizamos uma série de textos, livros e artigos sobre a GR, materiais estes que, posteriormente, foram articulados a partir do referencial teórico de Pierre Bourdieu. O texto está dividido em três seções. Na primeira delas, apresentamos a GR como um subcampo esportivo, expondo suas características e trajetória esportiva. Já na segunda parte, são problematizados aspectos relativos ao habitus que circunda a modalidade. Por fim, descrevemos a relação entre os agentes dominados e dominantes na modalidade, sob a perspectiva dos países e equipes que estruturam as dinâmicas e lutas no interior desse subcampo

This article presents the trajectory of RG as a subfield of the sports field. We used a number of texts, books and articles on RG, which were interconnected around the theoretical reference of Pierre Bourdieu. The text is divided into three sessions. The first session presents RG as a sports subfield, describing its characteristics and its history as a sport. The second part discusses aspects related to the habitus surrounding that sport. Finally, we describe the relationship between dominated and dominant agents in the modality from the perspective of the countries and teams that structure the dynamics and struggles within that subfield

El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la trayectoria de la Gimnasia Rítmica (GR) como un subcampo del campo deportivo. Para desarrollarlo, hemos movilizado una serie de textos, libros y artículos sobre GR, materiales que, posteriormente, fueron articulados a partir del marco teórico de Pierre Bourdieu. El texto se divide en tres secciones. En la primera, se presenta a la GR como un subcampo deportivo, exponiendo sus características y su trayectoria deportiva. En la segunda parte, se problematizan aspectos relativos al habitus que rodea a la modalidad. Por último, se describe la relación entre los agentes dominados y dominantes en esta modalidad, desde la perspectiva de los países y los equipos que estructuran las dinámicas y luchas dentro de ese subcampo

Humanos , Feminino , Sociologia , Esportes , Ginástica
Rev. enferm. UFPE on line ; 11(supl.11): 4625-4630, nov.2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1032322


Objetivo: compreender a percepção das puérperas, sobre o parto humanizado, atendidas em uma maternidade pública. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo, exploratório, realizado com dez puérperas no centro obstétrico do Hospital e Casa de Saúde de Russas no Ceará. Os dados foram produzidos a partir de entrevistas gravadas, transcritas e analisados mediante a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados: da análise, emergiram três ideias centrais: I – Parto; II – Vivência obstétrica e III - Falta de informação sobre o momento do parto e poucas ações voltadas para gestantes. Evidenciou-se que a gestação e, principalmente, o momento do parto, são sempre um acontecimento que traz consigo sentimentos como medo, dúvida, ansiedade e dor, no entanto, também é uma experiência extremamente gratificante, que traz emoções inexplicáveis. Conclusão: pode-se perceber que ainda há falta de informação sobre o que é assistência humanizada no pré-parto, parto e pós-parto. Espera-se que esta pesquisa contribua para o fortalecimento do debate do tema no setor saúde, permitindo uma reflexão crítica das práticas dos profissionais e de estudantes da área, como, também, mostrar um novo olhar em busca da efetivação do parto humanizado.

Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Educação em Saúde , Parto Humanizado , Parto Normal , Percepção , Período Pós-Parto , Saúde Materno-Infantil , Tocologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Maternidades , Pesquisa Qualitativa