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Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 58(3): 457-462, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37396082


Objective To investigate the long-term use of smartphones as a risk factor for the development of morbidities in the wrist and fingers. Methods The present is a descriptive, exploratory study with a quantitative approach based on injury prevalence among one hundred smartphone users of a private university in the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. We applied a semi-structured questionnaire and the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), as well as the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Finkelstein, Phalen, reverse Phalen, and Tinel signal tests on the wrist. Results The average of the sample was of 22.73 years, with a prevalence of single, right-handed female participants. Most of them had been using smartphones for 5 to 10 years, and 85% reported discomfort in the wrist and fingers while using the device, with numbness as the most prevalent symptom. Most clinical tests were negative, and the Finklestein test showed greater positivity. The BCTQ is composed of a symptom severity scale (S scale) and a functional status scale (F scale): the overall score on the S scale was of 1.61, indicating mild to moderate symptoms, and the F scale revealed that the symptoms did not affect functionality. Conclusion There was a significant correlation between the length of use of smartphones and discomfort in the wrist and fingers; as such, smartphones are a risk factor for the development of morbidities.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(3): 457-462, May-June 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449830


Abstract Objective To investigate the long-term use of smartphones as a risk factor for the development of morbidities in the wrist and fingers. Methods The present is a descriptive, exploratory study with a quantitative approach based on injury prevalence among one hundred smartphone users of a private university in the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. We applied a semi-structured questionnaire and the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), as well as the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Finkelstein, Phalen, reverse Phalen, and Tinel signal tests on the wrist. Results The average of the sample was of 22.73 years, with a prevalence of single, right-handed female participants. Most of them had been using smartphones for 5 to 10 years, and 85% reported discomfort in the wrist and fingers while using the device, with numbness as the most prevalent symptom. Most clinical tests were negative, and the Finklestein test showed greater positivity. The BCTQ is composed of a symptom severity scale (S scale) and a functional status scale (F scale): the overall score on the S scale was of 1.61, indicating mild to moderate symptoms, and the F scale revealed that the symptoms did not affect functionality. Conclusion There was a significant correlation between the length of use of smartphones and discomfort in the wrist and fingers; as such, smartphones are a risk factor for the development of morbidities.

Resumo Objetivo Investigar o uso de smartphones em longo prazo como fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de morbidades no nível do punho e dos dedos. Métodos Realizou-se um estudo descritivo, exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, para a obtenção de medidas de prevalência com cem acadêmicos usuários de smartphones de uma faculdade privada localizada no sertão de Pernambuco. Foram aplicados um questionário semiestruturado e o Questionário de Síndrome doTúnel do Carpo de Boston (Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire, BCTQ, na sigla em inglês), além da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) e dos testes de Finkesltein, Phalen, Phalen reverso, e sinal de Tinel no punho. Resultados A idade média da amostra foi de 22,73 anos, com prevalência de solteiros, de destros, e do sexo feminino. O tempo de uso do smartphone indicado pela maioria dos participantes era entre 5 e 10 anos, e 85% da amostra relatou já ter sentido desconforto no punho e nos dedos durante o uso do aparelho, sendo a dormência o sintoma mais prevalente. Com relação aos testes clínicos, houve prevalência de resultados negativos, e o de Finklestein apresentou maior positividade. Quanto ao BCTQ, dividido em duas escalas, uma de gravidade dos sintomas (escala G) e uma de estado funcional (escala F), a média geral das pontuações foi de 1,61 na escala G, o que indica sintomas de leve a moderados, já a escala F revelou que os sintomas não afetavam a funcionalidade. Conclusão Foi possível observar uma correlação significativa entre o tempo de uso dos smartphones e a presença de desconforto no punho e nos dedos, o que indica que se trata de um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de morbidades.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Traumatismos do Punho , Transtornos Traumáticos Cumulativos , Smartphone , Traumatismos da Mão
Rev Bras Med Trab ; 20(3): 481-486, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36793463


Quality of work life is understood to be directly linked to the level of satisfaction of an individual with the execution of his or her tasks. Workplace physical activity is an important activity that aims to relax the muscle groups most used in occupational tasks, to increase workers' enthusiasm, and to reduce sickness absenteeism, thus contributing to improvements in quality of life. This study aimed to analyze the effects of the implantation of workplace physical activity protocols at companies. We performed a literature review in the LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases using the following keywords: "quality of life," "exercise therapy," and "occupational health." With this search, we obtained 73 studies, of which 24 were selected afer reading the titles and abstracts. Afer full reading of the studies and applying eligibility criteria, 16 articles were excluded and the remaining eight were used in this review. By analyzing these eight studies, we were able to verify the benefits of workplace physical activity in improving quality of life, reducing pain intensity and frequency, and preventing occupational diseases. Workplace physical activity programs, when performed at least three times a week, provide various benefits to workers' health and wellbeing, especially in the reduction of aches and pains and musculoskeletal discomfort, which directly influences improvements in quality of life.

Compreende-se que a qualidade de vida no trabalho está diretamente ligada ao nível de satisfação do indivíduo em relação à execução de suas tarefas. A ginástica laboral é uma atividade física importante que tem como objetivos relaxar os grupos musculares mais requisitados durante a execução das tarefas ocupacionais, proporcionar o aumento no entusiasmo dos trabalhadores e reduzir o absenteísmo por motivos de saúde, contribuindo, assim, com a melhora da qualidade de vida. Este estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos da implantação de protocolos de ginástica laboral nas empresas. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados LILACS, SciELO e Google Acadêmico. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chaves "qualidade de vida", "terapia por exercício" e "saúde do trabalhador". Após a pesquisa, foram obtidos 73 artigos, dos quais 24 foram selecionados com base na leitura de títulos e resumos. Após a leitura integral e aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, foram excluídos 16 artigos, restando oito para a elaboração do estudo. Através da análise dos oito artigos, foi possível observar os benefícios advindos da prática da ginástica laboral na melhoria da qualidade de vida, redução da intensidade e frequência da dor e prevenção de doenças ocupacionais. Os programas de ginástica laboral, quando desempenhados numa periodicidade de no mínimo três sessões semanais, proporcionam diversos benefícios no que tange à saúde e ao bem-estar dos trabalhadores, especialmente na redução de quadros álgicos e desconfortos osteomusculares, o que influencia diretamente na melhora da qualidade de vida.

Rev Bras Med Trab ; 19(1): 94-106, 2021 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33986786


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is likely to have a major impact on society and the economy since the illness is currently infecting a significant number of active workers in the industry and service sectors. The illness can have long-term consequences for patients, affecting their functional capacity and, consequently, their occupational performance. This study analyzed the effects of COVID-19 on occupational health, with a focus on the importance of physical therapy in rehabilitation. An integrative literature review was conducted based on articles retrieved from the PubMed, SciELO, and LILACS databases using the following keywords: COVID-19, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and occupational health. The search retrieved 1,308 studies, 15 of which met inclusion criteria for the review. A thorough assessment of the articles revealed four topics that corresponded to the results of this study: 1) effects of COVID-19 on occupational health; 2) physical therapy in mild and moderate cases without hospitalization; 3) physical therapy in hospitalized patients with COVID-19; 4) physical therapy in post-intensive care unit (ICU) recovery and after hospital discharge. The findings showed that COVID-19 can affect several physiological systems and have both short- and long-term effects on patients, including physical and psychological impairments. Physical therapists must be involved in the battle against this illness to help patients recover their physical function and return to work as quickly, safely, and effectively as possible.

Rev Bras Med Trab ; 18(3): 274-279, 2021 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33597977


INTRODUCTION: The consequences of technological innovations and current ways of work organization have prompted the appearance of various health conditions, namely repetitive strain disorders, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and burn-out; these can emotionally and physically overload workers. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and occupational stress in professors of the Serra Talhada campus of Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano. METHODS: Participants signed a free and informed consent form and answered to the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Subsequently, we applied the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey and evaluated the participants' postures during teaching by using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment tool (Ergolândia software). RESULTS: We observed that 82% of the participants presented musculoskeletal symptoms, mainly in the lower back and lower limbs. Professors presented high scores for the burn-out syndrome, and posture evaluation indicated action levels of 3-4 (suggesting immediate intervention). CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of an occupational physical therapist in this higher education institution is recommended in order to promote ergonomic adaptations and to elaborate a protocol for workplace physical activity, ultimately aiming to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and occupational stress.