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Pharmaceutics ; 15(12)2023 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38139998


Diabetes is a serious pathology that affects a significant number of people worldwide. Its progression is rapid and leads to serious complications if glycemic control is missing. The micro and macrovascular complications of diabetes produce disabilities over time that affect the daily lives of patients. The major challenge of diabetes therapy is to reach a stable glycemic state and to delay the onset of specific complications. Aromatherapy is considered an alternative or complementary therapy, but in recent years, there has been a tendency to overuse essential oils. The present study was designed to evaluate and compare the effects produced by the topical and oral administration of fennel essential oil to diabetic rats. Eighteen compounds in fennel essential oil were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The major compounds were trans-anethole (64.6%) and fenchone (24.5%). The in vivo study revealed that after a four-week treatment with fennel essential oil, the rats' glycemic levels were significantly reduced (p ≤ 0.05). Furthermore, there were no differences between the two routes of administration. In addition, an ex vivo study underlined the potential effect of this essential oil in the prevention of cataract formation.

Polymers (Basel) ; 15(9)2023 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37177181


This study aimed to develop caffeine (CAF) orodispersible films (ODFs) and verify the effects of different percentages of film-forming agent and hydrotropic substances (citric acid-CA or sodium benzoate-SB) on various film properties. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose E 5 (HPMC E 5) orodispersible films were prepared using the solvent casting method. Four CAF-ODF formulations were prepared and coded as CAF1 (8% HPMC E 5, CAF), CAF2 (8% HPMC E 5 and CAF:CA-1:1), CAF3 (9% HPMC E 5 and CAF:CA-1:1), and CAF4 (9% HPMC E 5 and CAF:SB-1:1). The CAF-ODFs were evaluated in terms of disintegration time, folding endurance, thickness, uniformity of mass, CAF content, thickness-normalized tensile strength, adhesiveness, dissolution, and pH. Thin, opaque, and slightly white CAF-ODFs were obtained. All the formulations developed exhibited disintegration times less than 3 min. The dissolution test revealed that CAF1, CAF2, and CAF3 exhibited concentrations of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) released at 30 min that were close to 100%, whilst CAF4 showed a faster dissolution behaviour (100% of the CAF was released at 5 min). Thin polymeric films containing 10 mg of CAF/surface area (3.14 cm2) were prepared.

Polymers (Basel) ; 14(22)2022 Nov 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36433136


The development of semisolid formulations, gels in particular, has raised the attention of scientists more and more over the last decades. Because of their biocompatibility, hydrophilic nature, and capacity of absorbing large quantities of water, hydrogels are still one of the most promising pharmaceutical formulations in the pharmaceutical industry. The purpose of this study is to develop an optimal formulation capable of incorporating a water-poorly soluble active ingredient such as miconazole used in the treatment of fungal infections with Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis. A D-optimal design was applied to study the relationship between the formulation parameter and the gel characteristics. The independent parameters used in this study were the Carbopol 940 concentration (the polymer used to obtain the gel matrix), the sodium hydroxide amount, and the presence/absence of miconazole. Ten different dependent parameters (Y1-Y10) were evaluated (penetrometry, spreadability, viscosity, and tangential tension at 1 and 11 levels of speed whilst destructuring and during the reorganization of the gel matrix). The consistency of the gels ranged from 23.2 mm (GO2) to 29.6 mm (GM5). The least spreadable gel was GO7 (1384 mm2), whilst the gel that presented the best spreadability was GO1 (3525 mm2). The viscosity and the tangential stress at the selected levels (1 and 11) varied due to the different compositions of the proposed gels. The gels were also tested for drug content and antifungal activity. All determinations had satisfying results; the drug content was within limits accepted by Ph. Eur. 10 and all formulations containing miconazole exhibited antifungal activity. An optimal formulation with miconazole was attained, consisting of 0.84% Carbopol 940 and 0.32% sodium hydroxide.