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Life (Basel) ; 13(1)2023 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36676169


Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera (domesticated grapevine) includes thousands of cultivars, which are classified according to their main uses, as wines, fresh fruits or dried raisins and sultanas since ancient times. Evidence showed that Crete grapevine cultivars and winemaking date back to 2300 BC. In this study, fifty-one genotypes belonging to seven different traditional Vitis vinifera cultivars, presumed autochthonous to the island of Crete, were selected for their wine-producing potential and classified by 51 ampelographic descriptors. In addition, five genotypes belonging to two non-autochthonous cultivars were included as out-group controls. Subsequently, in order to characterize genetic diversity, establish genetic relationships within and between cultivars and solve accession-labeling problems, genotypes were fingerprinted employing Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR or microsatellite) markers. Four of the autochthonous cultivars namely 'Vidiano', 'Vilana', 'Plyto', and 'Moschato Spinas' are used in the local economy for blanc (white) wine production while the rest, namely 'Kotsifali', 'Liatiko' and 'Mantilari' for Noir (red) wines. The two cultivars employed as out-group were 'Moschato Samou' and 'Moschato Alexandrias': both white wine producers. Ampelography-based clustering grouped the majority of genotypes along cultivar-specific clusters. All three Moschato cultivars formed a distinct clade pointing to the non-autochthonous origin of 'Moschato Spinas'. A total of one hundred and thirteen (113) SSR alleles were amplified from thirteen (13) SSR loci, with an average number of alleles per locus equal to 10.23 revealing ample genetic polymorphism. The cumulative probability of identity was also quite high (3.389 × 10-16). The overall observed heterozygosity was 0.837 while for twenty-nine of the examined genotypes, at least one private SSR allele was detected. The majority of genotypes were grouped in cultivar-specific clusters. The results of this paper pave the way for the certification and registration of clones of some of the most important wine-producing cultivars in Crete.

Plants (Basel) ; 13(1)2023 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38202337


Within the framework of preserving and valorizing the rich grapevine germplasm of the Epirus region of Greece, indigenous grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars were characterized and assessed for their resilience to abiotic stresses in the context of climate change. The cultivars 'Debina' and 'Dichali' displayed significant differences in their response to drought stress as judged by morpho-physiological analysis, indicating higher drought tolerance for Dichali. Hence, they were selected for further study aiming to identify genetic and epigenetic mechanisms possibly regulating drought adaptability. Specifically, self-rooted and heterografted on 'Richter 110' rootstock plants were subjected to two phases of drought with a recovery period in between. Gene expression analysis was performed for two stress-related miRNAs and their target genes: (a) miRNA159 and putative targets, VvMYB101, VvGATA-26-like, VvTOPLESS-4-like and (b) miRNA156 and putative target gene VvCONSTANS-5. Overall, grafted plants exhibited a higher drought tolerance than self-rooted plants, suggesting beneficial rootstock-scion interactions. Comparative analysis revealed differential gene expression under repetitive drought stresses between the two cultivars as well as between the self-rooted and grafted plants. 'Dichali' exhibited an up-regulation of most of the genes examined, which may be associated with increased tolerance. Nevertheless, the profound down-regulation of VvTOPLESS-4-like (a transcriptional co-repressor of transcription factors) upon drought and the concomitant up-regulation of miRNA159 highlights the importance of this 'miRNA-target' module in drought responsiveness. DNA methylation profiling using MSAP analysis revealed differential methylation patterns between the two genotypes in response to drought. Further investigations of gene expression and DNA methylation will contribute to our understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying grapevine tolerance to drought stress.