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Phys Chem Miner ; 47(5): 24, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32390681


In this study, we present the first systematic dataset on natural variations of OH defect and trace element contents in quartz within igneous bodies. Samples were derived from bore holes of two plutonic bodies from the Krusné Hory/Erzgebirge (German-Czech border), representing typical A-type (Cínovec/Zinnwald granite cupola) and S-type (Podlesí Stock) granite intrusions. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy of quartz was used to investigate the sample set with regard to its OH defect speciation and content. For Zinnwald quartz, IR absorption spectra reveal different lithologies due to changes of the OH defect inventory, enabling a subdivision of the granitic body: (1) hydrothermal greisen quartz of the uppermost part of the intrusion have low OH defect contents (average of 15 µg/g H2O); (2) zinnwaldite granite quartz vary strongly in defect content and show the highest content of the dataset (10-70 µg/g H2O); (3) quartz from an underlying biotite granite have slightly lower, but very uniform contents down to the bottom of the borehole at 1600 m (average 20 µg/g H2O). Infrared spectra of Podlesí quartz reveal a gradual increase in total defect water content with increasing depth over 350 m (30-55 µg/g H2O). Lithium contents in quartz samples from the uppermost part of the Zinnwald intrusion correlate with the occurrence of Li-specific OH defects, while cathodoluminescence (CL) images do not show specific differences. Our findings evidence the potential of OH defects in quartz as a tool to decipher differentiation trends in igneous bodies, and the application of their eroded material for provenance analyses.

Contrib Mineral Petrol ; 174(12): 98, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31806914


Quartz is able to incorporate trace elements (e.g., H, Li, Al, B) depending on the formation conditions (P, T, and chemical system). Consequently, quartz can be used as a tracer for petrogenetic information of silicic plutonic bodies. In this experimental study, we provide the first data set on the OH defect incorporation in quartz from granites over a pressure/temperature range realistic for the emplacement of granitic melts in the upper crust. Piston cylinder and internally heated pressure vessel synthesis experiments were performed in a water-saturated granitic system at 1-5 kbar and 700-950 °C. Crystals from successful runs were analysed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and their homogeneity was verified by FTIR imaging. IR absorption bands can be assigned to specific OH defects and analysed qualitatively and quantitatively and reveal that (1) the AlOH band triplet at 3310, 3378 and 3430 cm-1 is the dominating absorption feature in all spectra, (2) no simple trend of total OH defect incorporation with pressure can be observed, (3) the LiOH defect band at 3470-3480 cm-1 increases strongly in a narrow pressure interval from 4 kbar (220 µg/g H2O) to 4.5 kbar (500 µg/g H2O), and declines equally strong towards 5 kbar (180 µg/g H2O). Proton incorporation is charge balanced according to the equation H+ + A+ + P5+ = M3+ + B3+, with A+ = alkali ions and M3+ = trivalent metal ions.