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Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica ; 30(3): 487-93, 2013 Jul.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24100827


Emergency oral contraception is part of the sexual and reproductive rights of women. In 2001, this health policy was incorporated into the Rules of the National Family Planning Program of the Ministry of Health, primarily to prevent unwanted pregnancy and its serious consequences, induced abortion and the high associated maternal mortality rate, which are major public health problems. Scientific research has confirmed that the main mechanism of action of levonorgestrel, component of emergency oral contraception (EOC) is to inhibit or delay ovulation, preventing fertilization of the egg; additionally, it increases the thickening of the cervical mucus, making the sperm migration more difficult. No study has found endometrial abnormalities that may interfere with the implantation of the fertilized egg or embryo development of an implanted egg. However, despite the support of medical science and legal backing, the EOC is available only to users with economic resources, but its use has not been fully implemented in public sector services, due to obstacles created by groups opposed to contraception under claim of an alleged abortive effect that has already been ruled out scientifically. This article describes the administrative experience and legal confrontations between groups of power that prevent the proper implementation of an emergency contraception policy in Peru.

Anticoncepção Pós-Coito , Política Pública , Anticoncepção Pós-Coito/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Humanos , Peru , Política Pública/legislação & jurisprudência
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 30(3): 487-493, jul.-sep. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-688051


La anticoncepción oral de emergencia es parte del derecho sexual y reproductivo de la mujer. En el año 2001, esta política de salud fue incorporada en las Normas del Programa Nacional de Planificación Familiar del Ministerio de Salud, principalmente para prevenir el embarazo no deseado y sus graves consecuencias, el aborto inducido y la alta tasa de mortalidad materna que conlleva, los cuales constituyen importantes problemas de salud pública. La investigación científica ha confirmado que el principal mecanismo de acción del levonorgestrel, componente de la anticoncepción oral de emergencia (AOE), es inhibir o postergar la ovulación, evitando la fecundación del óvulo; adicionalmente incrementa el espesamiento del moco cervical que dificulta la migración espermática. Ningún estudio ha encontrado alteraciones endometriales que puedan interferir con la anidación del óvulo fecundado ni del desarrollo embrionario de un óvulo implantado. No obstante del soporte de la ciencia médica y del aval legal recibido, la AOE está disponible solo para usuarias con recursos económicos, pero su uso no se ha implementado plenamente en los servicios del sector público, debido a obstáculos generados por grupos opositores a la anticoncepción, aferrándose a un supuesto efecto abortivo que ha sido descartado científicamente. El presente artículo describe la experiencia administrativa y los enfrentamientos legales entre los grupos de poder que impiden la adecuada implementación de una política de anticoncepción oral de emergencia en el Perú.

Emergency oral contraception is part of the sexual and reproductive rights of women. In 2001, this health policy was incorporated into the Rules of the National Family Planning Program of the Ministry of Health, primarily to prevent unwanted pregnancy and its serious consequences, induced abortion and the high associated maternal mortality rate, which are major public health problems. Scientific research has confirmed that the main mechanism of action of levonorgestrel, component of emergency oral contraception (EOC) is to inhibit or delay ovulation, preventing fertilization of the egg; additionally, it increases the thickening of the cervical mucus, making the sperm migration more difficult. No study has found endometrial abnormalities that may interfere with the implantation of the fertilized egg or embryo development of an implanted egg. However, despite the support of medical science and legal backing, the EOC is available only to users with economic resources, but its use has not been fully implemented in public sector services, due to obstacles created by groups opposed to contraception under claim of an alleged abortive effect that has already been ruled out scientifically. This article describes the administrative experience and legal confrontations between groups of power that prevent the proper implementation of an emergency contraception policy in Peru.

Feminino , Humanos , Anticoncepção Pós-Coito , Política Pública , Anticoncepção Pós-Coito , Peru , Política Pública/legislação & jurisprudência
Acta méd. peru ; 25(3): 128-134, jul.-sept. 2008. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-515252


Introducción: la prevalencia de bocio y cretinismo endémicos en sierra y selva ha sido reconocida a través de la historia del Perú, dado que la deficiencia natural de yodo es permanente, sin embargo recibió poca atención. Nuevas investigaciones a partir de los 60s demostraron la persistencia severa de la deficiencia y, principalmente, que la deficiencia de yodo es causa de daño cerebral, dando como resultado la creación de un programa para control de los desordénes por deficiencia de Iodo (DDI) en 1983. El programa se implementó de manera efectiva en 1986.Material y método: el plan de acción estratégico incluyó protección inmediata de la población en riesgo alto con aceite yodado e incremento progresivo en producción, calidad y consumo de sal yodada, al mismo tiempo que se desarrolló una red de trabajo nacional bien entrenada y motivada, con el apoyo de un intenso programa de comunicación, abogacía y mercadeo social, y un sistemático monitoreo del yodo en la sal y en la población. Resultados: desde 1995 la demanda poblacional de sal yodada está ampliamente cubierta y más de 90 por ciento de hogares consumen sal adecuadamente yodada desde 1998. Se ha normalizado la nutrición de yodo en la población, la media del yodo urinario, principal indicador, se ha mantenido sobre 100 μg/l desde 1995. La disminución significativa en prevalencia de bocio fue observada a seis años de iniciado el programa. Entre los factores para el éxito alcanzado destacan el sistema demonitoreo y vigilancia, el programa educativo promocional, el soporte permanente del MINSA y el apoyo de la industria salinera. Conclusiones: el Perú ha logrado la eliminación sostenida de DDI previniendo el daño cerebral en 600 mil recién nacidos cada año. El programa es reconocido como uno de los más exitosos a nivel mundial.

Introduction: Endemic goiter and cretinism in both highlands and Amazon jungle regions have been recognized in Peruvian history, because of the permanent natural iodine deficiency in these areas, and both conditions received little attention. New research studies initiated in the 60s proved the persistence of severe iodine deficiency, and also that this deficiency is a cause of preventable brain damage, so a program for controlling iodine deficiency disorders was created in 1983, and it was fully implemented in 1986. Material and method: The strategic action plan of the program included immediate protection of the population at high risk with the use of iodized oil and a progressive increase in production, quality and consumption of iodized salt. At the same time a well-trained and motivated national network was developed, with the support of an intensive communication program, advocacy and social marketing, and with systematic monitoring of the iodine contents in salt and iodine levels in the population. Results: Since 1995, the demand of iodized salt is well covered, and adequately iodized salt is consumed by more than 90 per cent of households since 1998. Currently, iodine nutritional levels are normal, and the median urinary iodine value, the best indicator of iodine levels, has stayed above 100 ìg/L since 1995. A significant decrease in the prevalence of goiter was already observed six years after the program started. Factors for this Program success include monitoring and surveillance systems, as well as effective communication and support from the Ministry of Health and the salt industry. Conclusions: Perú has succeeded in the sustained elimination of iodine deficiency disorders, preventing brain damage in six hundred thousand newborns each year. The control program has been recognized as one of the most successful of its kind all over the world.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Criança , Feminino , Bócio Endêmico , Deficiência de Iodo , Hipotireoidismo Congênito