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Nanotechnology ; 31(43): 435302, 2020 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32647101


An original hybrid method for three-dimensional (3D) shaping of micro- and nanostructures by direct imprinting of lithographically patterned metal 2D-elements on a polymer substrate is proposed. The technological features of the method are demonstrated by transforming Au micro/nanostrip arrays into 3D half-turn helices. The metasurface formed by an array of 3D half-turn Au microhelices in the surface layer of a polymer substrate rotates the polarization plane of transmitted 3 THz radiation through an angle in excess of 50°. Both experimentally and numerically, it is established that the metasurface permits to control the state of polarization and the intensity of transmitted linearly polarized THz radiation using half-wavelength and guided-mode resonances as well as diffraction effects. The proposed approach enables the fabrication of double-layer arrays of half-helices, designed for infrared metasurfaces, from 80 nm wide Au nanostrips. These studies not only pave the way towards the fabrication of large-area chiral metamaterials but, also, open a new avenue in the development of 3D micro/nanostructures for other applications.

Nanotechnology ; 28(6): 064004, 2017 02 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28071595


It is a well-known fact that bone scaffold topography on micro- and nanometer scale influences the cellular behavior. Nano-scale surface modification of scaffolds allows the modulation of biological activity for enhanced cell differentiation. To date, there has been only a limited success in printing scaffolds with micro- and nano-scale features exposed on the surface. To improve on the currently available imperfect technologies, in our paper we introduce new hybrid technologies based on a combination of 2D (nano imprint) and 3D printing methods. The first method is based on using light projection 3D printing and simultaneous 2D nanostructuring of each of the layers during the formation of the 3D structure. The second method is based on the sequential integration of preliminarily created 2D nanostructured films into a 3D printed structure. The capabilities of the developed hybrid technologies are demonstrated with the example of forming 3D bone scaffolds. The proposed technologies can be used to fabricate complex 3D micro- and nanostructured products for various fields.

Nanotechnology ; 27(20): 205601, 2016 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27044067


The possibility to control the size of the flakes of graphene suspension in the course of their fluorination in an aqueous hydrofluoric acid solution was demonstrated. The effect of the suspension composition, the fluorination time, temperature and thermal stress on the fragmentation process was investigated. The corrugation of suspension flakes, which occurs at fluorination due to a difference in the constants of graphene and fluorographene lattices, leads to the appearance of nonuniform mechanical stresses. The fact that the flake size after fragmentation is determined by the size of corrugation allows the assumption that the driving force of fragmentation is this mechanical stress. This assumption is confirmed by the break of the corrugated layers from flakes under thermal stress. Moreover, fluorination treatment at elevated temperatures (∼70 °C) significantly accelerates the fragmentation process. Suspensions of fluorinated graphene with nanometer size flakes are of interest for the development of 2D ink-jet printing technologies and production of thermally and chemically stable dielectric films for nanoelectronics. The printed fluorinated graphene films on silicon and flexible substrates have been demonstrated and the charges in metal-insulator-semiconductor structures have been estimated as the ultra low values of (0.5-2) × 10(10) cm(-2).

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(20): 13257-66, 2015 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25922856


In the present study, we have examined the interaction between a suspension of graphene in dimethylformamide and an aqueous solution of hydrofluoric acid, which was found to result in partial fluorination of suspension flakes. A considerable decrease in the thickness and lateral size of the graphene flakes (up to 1-5 monolayers in thickness and 100-300 nm in diameter) with increasing duration of fluorination treatment is found to be accompanied by a simultaneous transition of the flakes from the conducting to the insulating state. Smooth and uniform insulating films with a roughness of ∼2 nm and thicknesses down to 20 nm were deposited from the suspension on silicon. The electrical and structural properties of the films suggest their use as insulating elements in thin-film nano- and microelectronic device structures. In particular, it was found that the films prepared from the fluorinated suspension display rather high breakdown voltages (field strength of (1-3) × 10(6) V cm(-1)), ultralow densities of charges in the film and at the interface with the silicon substrate in metal-insulator-semiconductor structures (∼(1-5) × 10(10) cm(-2)). Such excellent characteristics of the dielectric film can be compared only to well-developed SiO2 layers. The films from the fluorinated suspension are cheap, practically feasible and easy to produce.

Nanotechnology ; 22(30): 305705, 2011 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21709350


The elastic buckling behavior of a defect-free single-layered graphene sheet deposited on a strained InGaAs substrate is investigated. Such a buckled sandwich structure can be formed by local etching of an initially strained InGaAs substrate. We numerically investigated the necessary buckling conditions for a single-layered graphene sheet of circular geometry on an initially strained InGaAs thin plate. A criterion for buckling for various axisymmetric buckling shapes was obtained. It is shown that for a thin circular InGaAs plate with a monolayer graphene sheet of radius 80 nm and thickness 4 nm three axisymmetric buckling shapes can be obtained. For an initial value of the elastic deformation of the plate of 3%, the in-plane strain in graphene can reach a value of 1%. This deformation is shown to be distributed inhomogeneously along the radius of the graphene monolayer.

Nanotechnology ; 22(28): 285502, 2011 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21636883


Extremely high gas sensing properties of p-type few layer graphene flakes exfoliated from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite have been demonstrated. The current response to ammonia adsorption is strongly dependent on film thickness and is higher than that for graphene by 1-8 orders of magnitude. A maximal response was found for sample thickness ∼ 2 nm. The effect is attributed to the formation of multiple p-n-p junctions at the grain boundaries in the polycrystalline graphene flakes exposed to ammonia-containing ambient.