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Phys Rev Lett ; 122(14): 144501, 2019 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050461


Three-dimensional anisotropic turbulence in classical fluids tends towards isotropy and homogeneity with decreasing scales, allowing-eventually-the abstract model of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence to be relevant. We show here that the opposite is true for superfluid ^{4}He turbulence in three-dimensional counterflow channel geometry. This flow becomes less isotropic upon decreasing scales, becoming eventually quasi-two-dimensional. The physical reason for this unusual phenomenon is elucidated and supported by theory and simulations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(16): 164101, 2001 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11690205


We study the nature of the phase transition in the multifractal formalism of the harmonic measure of diffusion limited aggregates. Contrary to previous work that relied on random walk simulations or ad hoc models to estimate the low probability events of deep fjord penetration, we employ the method of iterated conformal maps to obtain an accurate computation of the probability of the rarest events. We resolve probabilities as small as 10(-35). We show that the generalized dimensions D(q) are infinite for q

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(16): 164502, 2001 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11690207


We address the statistical theory of fields that are transported by a turbulent velocity field, both in forced and in unforced (decaying) experiments. With very few provisos on the transporting velocity field, correlation functions of the transported field in the forced case are dominated by statistically preserved structures. In decaying experiments we identify infinitely many statistical constants of the motion, which are obtained by projecting the decaying correlation functions on the statistically preserved functions. We exemplify these ideas and provide numerical evidence using a simple model of turbulent transport. This example is chosen for its lack of Lagrangian structure, to stress the generality of the ideas.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(17): 174501, 2001 Oct 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11690275


Motivated by turbulent drag reduction by minute concentrations of polymers we study the effects of minor viscosity contrasts on the stability of hydrodynamic flows. The key player is a localized region where fluctuations are produced by interactions with the mean flow (the "critical layer"). We show that a layer of weakly space-dependent viscosity placed near the critical layer has a very large stabilizing effect on hydrodynamic fluctuations, retarding significantly the onset of turbulence. The effect is not due to a modified dissipation (as is assumed in theories of drag reduction) but is due to reduced energy intake from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Similar physics may act in turbulent drag reduction.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(13): 134501, 2001 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11580593


It had been conjectured that diffusion limited aggregates and Laplacian growth patterns (with small surface tension) are in the same universality class. Using iterated conformal maps we construct a one-parameter family of fractal growth patterns with a continuously varying fractal dimension. This family can be used to bound the dimension of Laplacian growth patterns from below. The bound value is higher than the dimension of diffusion limited aggregates, showing that the two problems belong to two different universality classes.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 63(5 Pt 2): 056118, 2001 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11414972


Extreme events have an important role which is sometimes catastrophic in a variety of natural phenomena, including climate, earthquakes, and turbulence, as well as in manmade environments such as financial markets. Statistical analysis and predictions in such systems are complicated by the fact that on the one hand extreme events may appear as "outliers" whose statistical properties do not seem to conform with the bulk of the data, and on the other hand they dominate the tails of the probability distributions and the scaling of high moments, leading to "abnormal" or "multiscaling." We employ a shell model of turbulence to show that it is very useful to examine in detail the dynamics of onset and demise of extreme events. Doing so may reveal dynamical scaling properties of the extreme events that are characteristic to them, and not shared by the bulk of the fluctuations. As the extreme events dominate the tails of the distribution functions, knowledge of their dynamical scaling properties can be turned into a prediction of the functional form of the tails. We show that from the analysis of relatively short-time horizons (in which the extreme events appear as outliers) we can predict the tails of the probability distribution functions, in agreement with data collected in very much longer time horizons. The conclusion is that events that may appear unpredictable on relatively short time horizons are actually a consistent part of a multiscaling statistics on longer time horizons.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 63(5 Pt 2): 056302, 2001 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11415001


We discuss the scaling exponents characterizing the power-law behavior of the anisotropic components of correlation functions in turbulent systems with pressure. The anisotropic components are conveniently labeled by the angular momentum index l of the irreducible representation of the SO(3) symmetry group. Such exponents govern the rate of decay of anisotropy with decreasing scales. It is a fundamental question whether they ever increase as l increases, or they are bounded from above. The equations of motion in systems with pressure contain nonlocal integrals over all space. One could argue that the requirement of convergence of these integrals bounds the exponents from above. It is shown here on the basis of a solvable model (the "linear pressure model") that this is not necessarily the case. The model introduced here is of a passive vector advection by a rapidly varying velocity field. The advected vector field is divergent free and the equation contains a pressure term that maintains this condition. The zero modes of the second-order correlation function are found in all the sectors of the symmetry group. We show that the spectrum of scaling exponents can increase with l without bounds while preserving finite integrals. The conclusion is that contributions from higher and higher anisotropic sectors can disappear faster and faster upon decreasing the scales also in systems with pressure.

Nature ; 409(6823): 993, 995, 2001 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11234051
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11102015


Diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) is a model of fractal growth that had attained a paradigmatic status due to its simplicity and its underlying role for a variety of pattern forming processes. We present a convergent calculation of the fractal dimension D of DLA based on a renormalization scheme for the first Laurent coefficient of the conformal map from the unit circle to the expanding boundary of the fractal cluster. The theory is applicable from very small (2-3 particles) to asymptotically large (n-->infinity) clusters. The computed dimension is D=1.713+/-0.003.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11088631


Many models of fractal growth patterns (such as diffusion limited aggregation and dielectric breakdown models) combine complex geometry with randomness; this double difficulty is a stumbling block to their elucidation. In this paper we introduce a wide class of fractal growth models with highly complex geometry but without any randomness in their growth rules. The models are defined in terms of deterministic itineraries of iterated conformal maps, generating the function Phi((n))(omega) which maps the exterior of the unit circle to the exterior of an n-particle growing aggregate. The complexity of the evolving interfaces is fully contained in the deterministic dynamics of the conformal map Phi((n))(omega). We focus attention on a class of growth models in which the itinerary is quasiperiodic. Such itineraries can be approached via a series of rational approximants. The analytic power gained is used to introduce a scaling theory of the fractal growth patterns and to identify the exponent that determines the fractal dimension.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11089036


Kraichnan's model of passive scalar advection in which the driving (Gaussian) velocity field has fast temporal decorrelation is studied as a case model for understanding the anomalous scaling behavior in the anisotropic sectors of turbulent fields. We show here that the solutions of the Kraichnan equation for the n-order correlation functions foliate into sectors that are classified by the irreducible representations of the SO(d) symmetry group. We find a discrete spectrum of universal anomalous exponents, with a different exponent characterizing the scaling behavior in every sector. Generically the correlation functions and structure functions appear as sums over all these contributions, with nonuniversal amplitudes that are determined by the anisotropic boundary conditions. The isotropic sector is always characterized by the smallest exponent, and therefore for sufficiently small scales local isotropy is always restored. The calculation of the anomalous exponents is done in two complementary ways. In the first they are obtained from the analysis of the correlation functions of gradient fields. The theory of these functions involves the control of logarithmic divergences that translate into anomalous scaling with the ratio of the inner and the outer scales appearing in the final result. In the second method we compute the exponents from the zero modes of the Kraichnan equation for the correlation functions of the scalar field itself. In this case the renormalization scale is the outer scale. The two approaches lead to the same scaling exponents for the same statistical objects, illuminating the relative role of the outer and inner scales as renormalization scales. In addition we derive exact fusion rules, which govern the small scale asymptotics of the correlation functions in all the sectors of the symmetry group and in all dimensions.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11046280


The statistical objects characterizing turbulence in real turbulent flows differ from those of the ideal homogeneous isotropic model. They contain contributions from various two- and three-dimensional aspects, and from the superposition of inhomogeneous and anisotropic contributions. We employ the recently introduced decomposition of statistical tensor objects into irreducible representations of the SO(3) symmetry group (characterized by j and m indices, where j=0ellipsisinfinity,-j

Phys Rev Lett ; 85(17): 3608-11, 2000 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11030962


We consider a conformal theory of fractal growth patterns in two dimensions, including diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) as a particular case. In this theory the fractal dimension of the asymptotic cluster manifests itself as a dynamical exponent observable already at very early growth stages. Using a renormalization relation we show from early stage dynamics that the dimension D of DLA can be estimated, 1.69

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11138088


The main difficulty of statistical theories of fluid turbulence is the lack of an obvious small parameter. In this paper we show that the formerly established fusion rules can be employed to develop a theory in which Kolmogorov's statistics of 1941 (K41) acts as the zero order, or background statistics, and the anomalous corrections to the K41 scaling exponents zeta(n) of the nth-order structure functions can be computed analytically. The crux of the method consists of renormalizing a four-point interaction amplitude on the basis of the fusion rules. This amplitude includes a small dimensionless parameter, which is shown to be of the order of the anomaly of zeta(2), delta(2)=zeta(2)-2/3 approximately 0.03. Higher-order interaction amplitudes are shown to be even smaller. The corrections to K41 to O(delta(2)) result from standard logarithmically divergent ladder diagrams in which the four-point interaction acts as a "rung." The theory allows a calculation of the anomalous exponents zeta(n) in powers of the small parameter delta(2). The n dependence of the scaling exponents zeta(n) stems from pure combinatorics of the ladder diagrams. In this paper we calculate the exponents zeta(n) up to O(delta32). Previously derived bridge relations allow a calculation of the anomalous exponents of correlations of the dissipation field and of dynamical correlations in terms of the same parameter delta(2). The actual evaluation of the small parameter delta(2) from first principles requires additional developments that are outside the scope of this paper.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11970254


The Taylor hypothesis, which allows surrogating spatial measurements requiring many experimental probes by time series from one or two probes, is examined on the basis of a simple analytic model of turbulent statistics. The main points are as follows: (i) The Taylor hypothesis introduces systematic errors in the evaluation of scaling exponents. (ii) When the mean wind V0 is not infinitely larger than the root-mean-square longitudinal turbulent fluctuations v(T), the effective Taylor advection velocity V(ad) should take the latter into account. (iii) When two or more probes are employed the application of the Taylor hypothesis and the optimal choice of the effective advecting wind V(ad) need extra care. We present practical considerations for minimizing the errors incurred in experiments using one or two probes. (iv) Analysis of the Taylor hypothesis when different probes experience different mean winds is offered.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11970586


It was shown recently that the anomalous scaling of simultaneous correlation functions in turbulence is intimately related to the breaking of temporal scale invariance, which is equivalent to the appearance of infinitely many times scales in the time dependence of time-correlation functions. In this paper we derive a continued fraction representation of turbulent time correlation functions which is exact and in which the multiplicity of time scales is explicit. We demonstrate that this form yields precisely the same scaling laws for time derivatives and time integrals as the "multi-fractal" representation that was used before. Truncating the continued fraction representation yields the "best" estimates of time correlation functions if the given information is limited to the scaling exponents of the simultaneous correlation functions up to a certain, finite order. It is worth noting that the derivation of a continued fraction representation obtained here for a time evolution operator which is not Hermitian or anti-Hermitian may be of independent interest.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11969663


The theory of fully developed turbulence is usually considered in an idealized homogeneous and isotropic state. Real turbulent flows exhibit the effects of anisotropic forcing. The analysis of correlation functions and structure functions in isotropic and anisotropic situations is facilitated and made rational when performed in terms of the irreducible representations of the relevant symmetry group which is the group of all rotations SO(3). In this paper we first consider the needed general theory, and explain why we expect different (universal) scaling exponents in the different sectors of the symmetry group. We exemplify the theory context of isotropic turbulence (for third order tensorial structure functions) and in weakly anisotropic turbulence (for the second order structure function). The utility of the resulting expressions for the analysis of experimental data is demonstrated in the context of high Reynolds number measurements of turbulence in the atmosphere.