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Phys Rev E ; 107(5): L052102, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37329035


The entropy production of an open system coupled to a reservoir initialized in a canonical state can be expressed as a sum of two microscopic information-theoretic contributions: the system-bath mutual information and the relative entropy measuring the displacement of the environment from equilibrium. We investigate whether this result can be generalized to situations where the reservoir is initialized in a microcanonical or in a certain pure state (e.g., an eigenstate of a nonintegrable system), such that the reduced dynamics and thermodynamics of the system are the same as for the thermal bath. We show that while in such a case the entropy production can still be expressed as a sum of the mutual information between the system and the bath and a properly redefined displacement term, the relative weight of those contributions depends on the initial state of the reservoir. In other words, different statistical ensembles for the environment predicting the same reduced dynamics for the system give rise to the same total entropy production but to different information-theoretic contributions to the entropy production.

Entropia , Termodinâmica
Phys Rev Lett ; 130(15): 150201, 2023 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37115862


There is ongoing controversy about whether a coherent superposition of the occupied states of two fermionic modes should be regarded entangled or not, that is, whether its intrinsic quantum correlations are operationally accessible and useful as a resource. This has been questioned on the basis that such an entanglement cannot be accessed by local operations on individual modes due to the parity superselection rule which constrains the set of physical observables. In other words, one cannot observe violations of Bell's inequality. Here, we show, however, that entanglement of a two-mode fermionic state can be used as a genuine quantum resource in open-system thermodynamic processes, enabling one to perform tasks forbidden for separable states. We thus demonstrate that quantum thermodynamics can shed light on the nature of fermionic entanglement and the operational meaning of the different notions used to define it.

Phys Rev E ; 106(2-1): 024119, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36109909


Current fluctuations are a powerful tool to unravel the underlying physics of the observed transport process. This work discusses some general properties of the third and the fourth current cumulant (skewness and kurtosis) related to dynamics and thermodynamics of a transport setup. Specifically, several distinct bounds on these quantities are either analytically derived or numerically conjectured, which are applicable to (1) noninteracting fermionic systems, (2) noninteracting bosonic systems, (3) thermally driven classical Markovian systems, and (4) unicyclic Markovian networks. Finally, it is demonstrated that violation of the obtained inequalities can provide a broad spectrum of information about the physics of the analyzed system; e.g., it can enable one to infer the presence of interactions or unitary dynamics, unravel the topology of the Markovian network, or characterize the nature of thermodynamic forces driving the system. In particular, relevant information about the microscopic dynamics can be gained even at equilibrium when the current variance-a standard measure of current fluctuations-is determined mostly by the thermal noise.

Phys Rev E ; 106(1-1): 014114, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35974499


It is investigated whether non-Markovianity, i.e., the memory effects resulting from the coupling of the system to its environment, can be beneficial for the performance of quantum heat engines. Specifically, two physical models are considered. The first one is a well-known single-qubit Otto engine; the non-Markovian behavior is there implemented by replacing standard thermalization strokes with so-called extremal thermal operations which cannot be realized without the memory effects. The second one is a three-stroke engine in which the cycle consists of two extremal thermal operations and a single qubit rotation. It is shown that the non-Markovian Otto engine can generate more work-per-cycle for a given efficiency than its Markovian counterpart, whereas performance of both setups is superior to the three-stroke engine. Furthermore, both the non-Markovian Otto engine and the three-stroke engine can reduce the work fluctuations in comparison with the Markovian Otto engine, with their relative advantage depending on the performance target. This demonstrates the beneficial influence of non-Markovianity on both the average performance and the stability of operation of quantum heat engines.

Phys Rev E ; 106(1-1): 014122, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35974627


Thermalization in open systems coupled to macroscopic environments is usually analyzed from the perspective of relaxation of the reduced state of the system to the equilibrium state. Less emphasis is given to the change of the state of the bath. However, as previously shown for some specific models, during the thermalization the environment may undergo a nontrivial dynamics, indicated by the the change of its von Neumann entropy, at timescales even longer than the relaxation time of the system; here such a behavior is called post-thermalization. We provide a more detailed analysis of this phenomenon by simulating the full dynamics of a variety of systems together with their environment. In particular, the post-thermalization is qualitatively explained as a result of reconversion of the initially built up correlation between the system and the bath into the correlation between the degrees of freedom in the environment. We also present exemplary systems in which such a reconversion is suppressed due to non-Markovian dynamics or the presence of interactions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(20): 200603, 2019 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31809109


We show that the entropy production in small open systems coupled to environments made of extended baths is predominantly caused by the displacement of the environment from equilibrium rather than, as often assumed, the mutual information between the system and the environment. The latter contribution is strongly bounded from above by the Araki-Lieb inequality and therefore is not time extensive, in contrast to the entropy production itself. We confirm our results with exact numerical calculations of the system-environment dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(15): 150603, 2019 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050547


We report two results complementing the second law of thermodynamics for Markovian open quantum systems coupled to multiple reservoirs with different temperatures and chemical potentials. First, we derive a nonequilibrium free energy inequality providing an upper bound for a maximum power output, which for systems with inhomogeneous temperature is not equivalent to the Clausius inequality. Second, we derive local Clausius and free energy inequalities for subsystems of a composite system. These inequalities differ from the total system one by the presence of an information-related contribution and build the ground for thermodynamics of quantum information processing. Our theory is used to study an autonomous Maxwell demon.

Phys Rev E ; 97(1-1): 012116, 2018 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29448358


I study an autonomous quantum Maxwell's demon based on two exchange-coupled quantum dots attached to the spin-polarized leads. The principle of operation of the demon is based on the coherent oscillations between the spin states of the system which act as a quantum iSWAP gate. Due to the operation of the iSWAP gate, one of the dots acts as a feedback controller which blocks the transport with the bias in the other dot, thus inducing the electron pumping against the bias; this leads to the locally negative entropy production. Operation of the demon is associated with the information transfer between the dots, which is studied quantitatively by mapping the analyzed setup onto the thermodynamically equivalent auxiliary system. The calculated entropy production in a single subsystem and information flow between the subsystems are shown to obey a local form of the second law of thermodynamics, similar to the one previously derived for classical bipartite systems.

Phys Rev E ; 97(1-1): 012127, 2018 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29448475


Fluctuations in stochastic systems are usually characterized by full counting statistics, which analyzes the distribution of the number of events taking place in the fixed time interval. In an alternative approach, the distribution of the first-passage times, i.e., the time delays after which the counting variable reaches a certain threshold value, is studied. This paper presents the approach to calculate the first-passage time distribution in systems in which the analyzed current is associated with an arbitrary set of transitions within the Markovian network. Using this approach, it is shown that when the subsequent first-passage times are uncorrelated, there exist strict relations between the cumulants of the full counting statistics and the first-passage time distribution. On the other hand, when the correlations of the first-passage times are present, their distribution may provide additional information about the internal dynamics of the system in comparison to the full counting statistics; for example, it may reveal the switching between different dynamical states of the system. Additionally, I show that breaking of the fluctuation theorem for first-passage times may reveal the multicyclic nature of the Markovian network.

Plasmonics ; 9: 607-614, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24834020


Photonic devices can be developed, and their working principle can be understood only by considering the phenomena taking place at the nanoscale level. Optical properties of plasmonic structures depend on their geometric parameters and are sensitive to them. Recently, many advanced methods for the preparation of nanostructures have been proposed; however still, the geometric parameters are inaccurate. Numerical simulations provide a powerful tool for the analysis of plasmonic nanostructures. To the best of our knowledge, there are not many papers on near-field and far-field properties of single nanoprism and nanoprism dimer, the so-called bowtie, with rounded edges. For this purpose, Finite Integration Technique implemented to the CST Microwave Studio was used. Besides the edge rounding, an additional modification of the resonance modes was investigated, achieved by placement of a spherical nanoparticle in the gap between the prisms. Results of numerical simulations indicate that the radius of the curvature edges strongly affects the plasmon peak localization, and this effect cannot be neglected in plasmonic device design. Increase in the radius of edge curvature causes main extinction cross-section peak blueshift in all cases analyzed. Moreover, our calculations imply that the nanoparticle in the gap between prisms strongly influences the dependence of spectral properties on the radius curvature.

J Am Chem Soc ; 135(45): 17176-86, 2013 Nov 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24147901


Enantiopure (S,S) and (R,R) dimethyl-ethylenedithio-tetrathiafulvalene (DM-EDT-TTF) 1 donors are synthesized by cross coupling followed by decarboxylation reactions. In the solid state the methyl groups are arranged in axial positions within sofa-type conformation for the six-membered rings. Crystalline radical cation salts formulated as [(S,S)-1]2PF6, [(R,R)-1]2PF6, and [(rac)-1]2PF6 are obtained by electrocrystallization. When the experiment is conducted with enantioenriched mixtures both enantiopure and racemic phases are obtained. The monoclinic enantiopure salts, containing four independent donors in the unit cell, show semiconducting behavior supported by band structure calculations of extended Hückel type. The racemic salt contains only one independent donor in the mixed valence oxidation state +0.5. Under ambient pressure the racemic material is metallic down to 120 K, while an applied pressure of 11.5 kbar completely suppresses the metal-insulator transition. Band structure calculations yield an open Fermi surface, typical for a pseudo-one-dimensional metal, with unperfected nesting, thus ruling out the possibility of charge or spin density modulations to be at the origin of the transition. Raman spectroscopy measurements, in agreement with structural analysis at 100 K, show no indication of low-temperature charge ordering in the racemic material at ambient pressure, thus suggesting Mott-type charge localization for the observed metal-insulator transition.