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Front Microbiol ; 15: 1351297, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38404597


In the marine α-proteobacterium Dinoroseobacter shibae more than 40 genes of the aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis are regulated in a light-dependent manner. A genome-wide screen of 5,605 clones from a D. shibae transposon library for loss of pigmentation and changes in bacteriochlorophyll absorbance identified 179 mutant clones. The gene encoding the LOV-domain containing protein Dshi_1135 was identified by its colorless phenotype. The mutant phenotype was complemented by the expression of a Dshi_1135-strep fusion protein in trans. The recombinantly produced and chromatographically purified Dshi_1135 protein was able to undergo a blue light-induced photocycle mediated by bound FMN. Transcriptome analyses revealed an essential role for Dshi_1135 in the light-dependent expression of the photosynthetic gene cluster. Interactomic studies identified the repressor protein PpsR as an interaction partner of Dshi_1135. The physical contact between PpsR and the Dshi_1135 protein was verified in vivo using the bacterial adenylate cyclase-based two-hybrid system. In addition, the antirepressor function of the Dshi_1135 protein was demonstrated in vivo testing of a bchF-lacZ reporter gene fusion in a heterologous Escherichia coli-based host system. We therefore propose to rename the Dshi_1135 protein to LdaP (light-dependent antirepressor of PpsR). Using the bacterial two-hybrid system, it was also shown that cobalamin (B12) is essential for the interaction of the antirepressor PpaA with PpsR. A regulatory model for the photosynthetic gene cluster in D. shibae was derived, including the repressor PpsR, the light-dependent antirepressor LdaP and the B12-dependent antirepressor PpaA.