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Infez Med ; 32(2): 248-253, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38827837


Until now, leprosy remains a problem and challenge in the world because it can cause disability and morbidity in affected individuals, including problems due to the emergence of type 2 lepra reaction or erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL). The clinical picture of ENL can appear in an atypical and severe form, called ENL necroticans (ENN), which becomes a problem in diagnosis and therapy. We report a 17-year-old female with lepromatous leprosy and ENN who received therapy in the form of a combination of steroids and methotrexate. Four months after consuming this therapy, the ulcers on the patient's body improved, leaving atrophic and hypertrophic scars. ENN's unusual clinical presentation poses diagnostic difficulties in that its appearance does not follow the typical patterns, making it challenging to identify correctly. Furthermore, managing cases of ENN may necessitate supplementary treatment beyond steroids alone.

Immunotargets Ther ; 13: 123-150, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38476374


Introduction: Various treatments available today for anogenital and cutaneous warts have limitations, including time-consuming, challenging to perform, and the risk of scarring. A new treatment using tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) has been developed, which is expected to generate cellular immunity against HPV. Objective: To assess the evidence for the efficacy and safety of PPD treatment for cutaneous and anogenital warts. Materials and methods: A literature search was performed with the keyword-based search on digital libraries, including the National Library of Medicine, Cochrane Controlled Register of Trial, and Google Scholar, using the following terms: anogenital warts, condyloma acuminata, cutaneous warts, human papillomavirus, immunotherapy, and tuberculin purified protein derivative. Original studies on treating cutaneous or anogenital warts with PPD were included. The results were 47 clinical trials and 4 case reports. Most of the research was done in countries with common Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The treatment showed good efficacy. Comparative studies showed that the treatment has similar efficacy with other immunotherapies. No significant side effects were reported, with evidence of the safety use on the pregnant population. Conclusion: Based on good efficacy and safety, PPD can be considered an alternative therapy, especially in countries where tuberculosis is frequent.

Germs ; 13(2): 168-171, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38144252


Introduction: Co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with syphilis is common and has significant clinical consequences. HIV infection can change the course and clinical manifestations of syphilis, resulting in atypical syphilis. A rare feature of this infection is malignant syphilis, which frequently resembles other skin lesions and poses a challenge in diagnosis. This report aims to describe a case of malignant syphilis in an HIV-positive patient. Case report: A 33-year-old man who has sex with men (MSM) came to the dermato-venereology outpatient clinic with chief complaints of ulcerative lesions on the face, trunk, arms, palms, and legs for the past two months. The patient complained of fever, chills, and decreased appetite two weeks prior to presentation. A dermatological examination showed numerous well-demarcated ulcerated plaques and nodules partially covered with crust. Reactive results were found on syphilis serologic tests with high titers. The test for HIV was reactive, with a CD4 cell count of 219 cells/mm3. The patient was then diagnosed with malignant syphilis and received treatment in the form of benzathine penicillin injection 2.4 million units once a week for three consecutive weeks. After treatment, the skin lesions and syphilis serologic titer improved. Conclusions: Secondary syphilis in patients with HIV infection may present as an atypical variant. As reported in this case, malignant syphilis should always be considered in the differential diagnosis when ulcerative and necrotic lesions are observed in individuals with HIV infection.

Dermatol Reports ; 12(2): 8390, 2020 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33408830


Melasma is a common disfiguring condition involving acquired hyperpigmentation especially on the face, for which the pathogenesis is still uncertain, however histopathological studies showed that there is not only hyperpigmentation in the epidermis, but also solar elastosis or photo-aging due to abnormality of dermal extracellular matrix which contributes to clinical wrinkles. This study aimed to examine a link between the severity of melasma and facial wrinkles as a manifestation of photoaging in a tropical area. This study was an observational study with crosssectional design, conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia involving 51 patients with melasma aged 30-50 years who had fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The melasma severity was measured clinically with the modified Melasma Severity Index (mMASI), and objectively with the Melanin Index (MI) and Erythema Index (EI) assessed with Mexameter Courage Khazaka. The wrinkle severity was measured clinically by scoring from forehead horizontal lines, crow's feet, glabellar and nasolabial lines, and total scores were obtained from all of them. The correlation analysis was done statistically with Spearman's rank tests. The results showed a weak positive but not significant correlation between the mMASI score and total facial wrinkle score (r: 0.165), and a weak positive non-significant correlation between EI and total facial wrinkle score (r: 0.06). There were significant positive moderate correlations between MI and total facial wrinkle score (r: 0.441), due to significant positive moderate correlations between MI and glabella wrinkle (r: 0.392), and between MI and nasolabial wrinkle (r: 0.339). In conclusion, a positive moderate correlation was found between MI and total facial wrinkle score, especially relating to glabellar and nasolabial wrinkles. However, there was no correlation between mMASI score and total facial wrinkle score.