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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38607716


Raw depth images captured in indoor scenarios frequently exhibit extensive missing values due to the inherent limitations of the sensors and environments. For example, transparent materials frequently elude detection by depth sensors; surfaces may introduce measurement inaccuracies due to their polished textures, extended distances, and oblique incidence angles from the sensor. The presence of incomplete depth maps imposes significant challenges for subsequent vision applications, prompting the development of numerous depth completion techniques to mitigate this problem. Numerous methods excel at reconstructing dense depth maps from sparse samples, but they often falter when faced with extensive contiguous regions of missing depth values, a prevalent and critical challenge in indoor environments. To overcome these challenges, we design a novel two-branch end-to-end fusion network named RDFC-GAN, which takes a pair of RGB and incomplete depth images as input to predict a dense and completed depth map. The first branch employs an encoder-decoder structure, by adhering to the Manhattan world assumption and utilizing normal maps from RGB-D information as guidance, to regress the local dense depth values from the raw depth map. The other branch applies an RGB-depth fusion CycleGAN, adept at translating RGB imagery into detailed, textured depth maps while ensuring high fidelity through cycle consistency. We fuse the two branches via adaptive fusion modules named W-AdaIN and train the model with the help of pseudo depth maps. Comprehensive evaluations on NYU-Depth V2 and SUN RGB-D datasets show that our method significantly enhances depth completion performance particularly in realistic indoor settings.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 30: 2989-3004, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33560984


With the current exponential growth of video-based social networks, video retrieval using natural language is receiving ever-increasing attention. Most existing approaches tackle this task by extracting individual frame-level spatial features to represent the whole video, while ignoring visual pattern consistencies and intrinsic temporal relationships across different frames. Furthermore, the semantic correspondence between natural language queries and person-centric actions in videos has not been fully explored. To address these problems, we propose a novel binary representation learning framework, named Semantics-aware Spatial-temporal Binaries ( [Formula: see text]Bin), which simultaneously considers spatial-temporal context and semantic relationships for cross-modal video retrieval. By exploiting the semantic relationships between two modalities, [Formula: see text]Bin can efficiently and effectively generate binary codes for both videos and texts. In addition, we adopt an iterative optimization scheme to learn deep encoding functions with attribute-guided stochastic training. We evaluate our model on three video datasets and the experimental results demonstrate that [Formula: see text]Bin outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of various cross-modal video retrieval tasks.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32248106


Predictive scene parsing is a task of assigning pixellevel semantic labels to a future frame of a video. It has many applications in vision-based artificial intelligent systems, e.g., autonomous driving and robot navigation. Although previous work has shown its promising performance in semantic segmentation of images and videos, it is still quite challenging to anticipate future scene parsing with limited annotated training data. In this paper, we propose a novel model called STC-GAN, Spatio-Temporally Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks for predictive scene parsing, which employ both convolutional neural networks and convolutional long short-term memory (LSTM) in the encoderdecoder architecture. By virtue of STC-GAN, both spatial layout and semantic context can be captured by the spatial encoder effectively, while motion dynamics are extracted by the temporal encoder accurately. Furthermore, a coupled architecture is presented for establishing joint adversarial training where the weights are shared and features are transformed in an adaptive fashion between the future frame generation model and predictive scene parsing model. Consequently, the proposed STCGAN is able to learn valuable features from unlabeled video data. We evaluate our proposed STC-GAN on two public datasets, i.e., Cityscapes and CamVid. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art.