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Can J Vet Res ; 87(3): 184-190, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37397634


The objective of this study was to assess the application of a urethrostomy technique that utilizes an autologous vascularized intestinal graft as a "neourethra" and to analyze its short- and long-term feasibilities. Six cats with urethral rupture and 8 cats with urethral stricture and a history of urethrostomy were included. The inclusion criteria were the indication for urethroplasty and limited urethral length for perineal urethrostomy. A segment of intestine was prepared as a graft for urethral repair. The diameter of the aboral end was adjusted to facilitate anastomosis with the urethra or neck of the urinary bladder. An ostomy was created in the prepubic region using the oral end. The postoperative follow-up period was at least 1 y. Restoration of urinary flow was successful in all cases immediately after surgery. During postoperative follow-up, minimal complications were observed, with urinary incontinence being one of the most frequent, occurring in 28.5% (4/14) of the cases. Urine culture, carried out at different times during the follow-up period, was positive in 72.7% (8/11) of the cats. The autologous graft from the vascularized intestinal segment was an appropriate urethral substitute and this urethroplasty technique therefore proved to be feasible in cats. The postoperative complications observed were not exclusive to this technique and generally could either be corrected or tolerated. Periodic clinical follow-up examinations are recommended. This procedure allows the reestablishment of urinary flow and should be considered a favorable option, particularly when there is insufficient urethral tissue to allow repair using conventional techniques.

L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'application d'une technique d'urétrostomie qui utilise une greffe intestinale vascularisée autologue comme « néo-urètre ¼ et d'analyser ses faisabilités à court et à long terme. Six chats avec rupture urétrale et huit chats avec rétrécissement urétral et antécédents d'urétrostomie ont été inclus. Les critères d'inclusion étaient l'indication d'urétroplastie et la longueur urétrale limitée pour l'urétrostomie périnéale. Un segment d'intestin a été préparé comme greffon pour la réparation urétrale. Le diamètre de l'extrémité aborale était ajusté pour faciliter l'anastomose avec l'urètre ou le col de la vessie. Une stomie a été créée dans la région prépubienne en utilisant l'extrémité orale. La période de suivi postopératoire était d'au moins 1 an. La restauration du flux urinaire a réussi dans tous les cas immédiatement après la chirurgie. Au cours du suivi postopératoire, des complications minimes ont été observées, l'incontinence urinaire étant l'une des plus fréquentes, survenant dans 28,5 % (4/14) des cas. La culture urinaire, réalisée à différents moments de la période de suivi, était positive chez 72,7 % (8/11) des chats. La greffe autologue du segment intestinal vascularisé était un substitut urétral approprié et cette technique d'urétroplastie s'est donc avérée réalisable chez le chat. Les complications postopératoires observées n'étaient pas exclusives à cette technique et pouvaient généralement être soit corrigées soit tolérées. Des examens de suivi clinique périodiques sont recommandés. Cette procédure permet le rétablissement du flux urinaire et doit être considérée comme une option favorable, en particulier lorsque le tissu urétral est insuffisant pour permettre une réparation à l'aide de techniques conventionnelles.(Traduit par Docteur Serge Messier).

Doenças do Gato , Estreitamento Uretral , Gatos , Animais , Resultado do Tratamento , Estreitamento Uretral/cirurgia , Estreitamento Uretral/veterinária , Uretra/cirurgia , Intestinos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(2): 173-176, 02/2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-748878


One herein reports a successful case of celiotomy by plastrotomy for removal of foreign bodies in yellow-footed tortoise (Geochelone denticulata). The animal was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piaui, with appetite loss, regurgitation, constipation, lethargy, reluctance to walk and slightly reddish ocular mucous membranes. Radiographic examination was performed, confirming the presence of foreign bodies in the stomach. The tortoise underwent celiotomy by plastrotomy for the removal of the foreign bodies. The opening of the plastron was performed through the abdominal shields, with the aid of a circular mini grinding saw. One performed an incision in the midline between the two abdominal veins to access the abdominal cavity. A gastrotomy for removal of the foreign bodies (nails, toothpicks, stones, pieces of plastic, glass and crockery pieces) was performed after the location of the stomach. The surgery was successful and confirmed with radiographic evaluation in the immediate postoperative period. The celiotomy by plastrotomy for removal of foreign bodies in that animal proved to be a viable, very important and safe technique to the survival of chelonians.

Neste relato descreve-se um caso bem sucedido de celiotomia por plastrotomia para remoção de corpos estranhos em uma jabuti-tinga (Geochelone denticulata). O animal foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Piauí apresentando falta de apetite, regurgitação, constipação, letargia, relutância em andar e mucosas oculares hiperêmicas. Foi realizado exame radiográfico, o qual confirmou presença de corpos estranhos no estômago. O animal foi submetido à celiotomia por plastrotomia para remoção dos corpos estranhos. A abertura do plastrão foi realizada através dos escudos abdominais, com o auxílio de uma mini-serra circular de retífica. Foi feita uma incisão na linha média entre as duas veias abdominais para se acessar a cavidade abdominal e, uma vez exposto, o estômago foi incisado para remoção dos corpos estranhos (grampos, palitos de dente, pedras, peças de plástico, fragmentos de louças e vidros). A cirurgia foi bem sucedida e a remoção total dos corpos estranhos foi confirmada por radiografia realizada no pós-operatório imediato. A celiotomia por plastrotomia para remoção de corpos estranhos neste animal demonstrou ser uma técnica muito importante, segura e viável para a sobrevivência de quelônios.

Animais , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Estômago/cirurgia , Répteis/cirurgia , Abdome/cirurgia , Corpos Estranhos/cirurgia