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J Med Imaging (Bellingham) ; 11(4): 044503, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39006308


Purpose: Atherosclerosis of the carotid artery is a major risk factor for stroke. Quantitative assessment of the carotid vessel wall can be based on cross-sections of three-dimensional (3D) black-blood magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To increase reproducibility, a reliable automatic segmentation in these cross-sections is essential. Approach: We propose an automatic segmentation of the carotid artery in cross-sections perpendicular to the centerline to make the segmentation invariant to the image plane orientation and allow a correct assessment of the vessel wall thickness (VWT). We trained a residual U-Net on eight sparsely sampled cross-sections per carotid artery and evaluated if the model can segment areas that are not represented in the training data. We used 218 MRI datasets of 121 subjects that show hypertension and plaque in the ICA or CCA measuring ≥ 1.5 mm in ultrasound. Results: The model achieves a high mean Dice coefficient of 0.948/0.859 for the vessel's lumen/wall, a low mean Hausdorff distance of 0.417 / 0.660 mm , and a low mean average contour distance of 0.094 / 0.119 mm on the test set. The model reaches similar results for regions of the carotid artery that are not incorporated in the training set and on MRI of young, healthy subjects. The model also achieves a low median Hausdorff distance of 0.437 / 0.552 mm on the 2021 Carotid Artery Vessel Wall Segmentation Challenge test set. Conclusions: The proposed method can reduce the effort for carotid artery vessel wall assessment. Together with human supervision, it can be used for clinical applications, as it allows a reliable measurement of the VWT for different patient demographics and MRI acquisition settings.

Front Behav Neurosci ; 13: 140, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31293403


The modulation of the acoustic startle reflex (ASR) by a pre-stimulus called pre-pulse inhibition (PPI, for gap of silence pre-stimulus: GPIAS) is a versatile tool to, e.g., estimate hearing thresholds or identify subjective tinnitus percepts in rodents. A proper application of these paradigms depends on a reliable measurement of the ASR amplitudes and an exact stimulus presentation in terms of frequency and intensity. Here, we introduce a novel open-source solution for the construction of a low-cost ASR setup. The complete software for data acquisition and stimulus presentation is written in Python 3.6 and is provided as an Anaconda package. Furthermore, we provide a construction plan for the sensor system based on low-cost hardware components. Exemplary GPIAS data from two animal models (Mus musculus, Meriones unguiculatus) show that the ratio histograms (1-GPIAS) of the gap-pre-stimulus and no pre-stimulus ASR amplitudes can be well described by a log-normal distribution being in good accordance to previous studies with already established setups. Furthermore, it can be shown that the PPI as a function of pre-stimulus intensity (threshold paradigm) can be approximated with a hard-sigmoid function enabling a reproducible sensory threshold estimation. Thus, we show that the open-source solution could help to further establish the ASR method in many laboratories and, thus, facilitate and standardize research in animal models of tinnitus and/or hearing loss.