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Space Sci Rev ; 220(2): 20, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100574


Here we present the current state of knowledge on the long-term evolution of Saturn's moon system due to tides within Saturn. First we provide some background on tidal evolution, orbital resonances and satellite tides. Then we address in detail some of the present and past orbital resonances between Saturn's moons (including the Enceladus-Dione and Titan-Hyperion resonances) and what they can tell us about the evolution of the system. We also present the current state of knowledge on the spin-axis dynamics of Saturn: we discuss arguments for a (past or current) secular resonance of Saturn's spin precession with planetary orbits, and explain the links of this resonance to the tidal evolution of Titan and a possible recent cataclysm in the Saturnian system. We also address how the moons' orbital evolution, including resonances, affects the evolution of their interiors. Finally, we summarize the state of knowledge about the Saturnian system's long-term evolution and discuss prospects for future progress.

Space Sci Rev ; 220(5): 55, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39036784


Saturn's mid-sized icy moons have complex relationships with Saturn's interior, the rings, and with each other, which can be expressed in their shapes, interiors, and geology. Observations of their physical states can, thus, provide important constraints on the ages and formation mechanism(s) of the moons, which in turn informs our understanding of the formation and evolution of Saturn and its rings. Here, we describe the cratering records of the mid-sized moons and the value and limitations of their use for constraining the histories of the moons. We also discuss observational constraints on the interior structures of the moons and geologically-derived inferences on their thermal budgets through time. Overall, the geologic records of the moons (with the exception of Mimas) include evidence of epochs of high heat flows, short- and long-lived subsurface oceans, extensional tectonics, and considerable cratering. Curiously, Mimas presents no clear evidence of an ocean within its surface geology, but its rotation and orbit indicate a present-day ocean. While the moons need not be primordial to produce the observed levels of interior evolution and geologic activity, there is likely a minimum age associated with their development that has yet to be determined. Uncertainties in the populations impacting the moons makes it challenging to further constrain their formation timeframes using craters, whereas the characteristics of their cores and other geologic inferences of their thermal evolutions may help narrow down their potential histories. Disruptive collisions may have also played an important role in the formation and evolution of Saturn's mid-sized moons, and even the rings of Saturn, although more sophisticated modeling is needed to determine the collision conditions that produce rings and moons that fit the observational constraints. Overall, the existence and physical characteristics of Saturn's mid-sized moons provide critical benchmarks for the development of formation theories.

Nature ; 626(7998): 263-264, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38326598
J Geophys Res Planets ; 127(11): e2022JE007492, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37035521


A nearly pole-to-pole survey near 140°E longitude on Europa revealed many areas that exhibit past lateral surface motions, and these areas were examined to determine whether the motions can be described by systems of rigid plates moving across Europa's surface. Three areas showing plate-like behavior were examined in detail to determine the sequence of events that deformed the surface. All three areas were reconstructed to reveal the original pre-plate motion surfaces by performing multi-stage rotations of plates in spherical coordinates. Several motions observed along single plate boundaries were also noted in previous works, but this work links together isolated observations of lateral offsets into integrated systems of moving plates. Not all of the surveyed surface could be described by systems of rigid plates. There is evidence that the plate motions did not all happen at the same time, and that they are not happening today. We conclude that plate tectonic-like behavior on Europa occurs episodically, in limited regions, with less than 100 km of lateral motion accommodated along any particular boundary before plate motions cease. Europa may represent a world perched on the theoretical boundary between stagnant and mobile lid convective behavior, or it may represent an additional example of the wide variations in possible planetary convective regimes. Differences in observed strike-slip sense and plate rotation directions between the northern and southern hemispheres raise the question of whether tidal forces may influence plate motions.

Nat Astron ; 3: 543-552, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31360776


The orbits of Saturn's inner mid-sized moons (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea) have been notably difficult to reconcile with their geology. Here, we present numerical simulations coupling thermal, geophysical, and simplified orbital evolution for 4.5 billion years that reproduce observed characteristics of their orbits and interiors, provided that the outer four moons are old. Tidal dissipation within Saturn expands the moons' orbits over time. Dissipation within the moons decreases their eccentricities, which are episodically increased by moon-moon interactions, causing past or present oceans in the interior of Enceladus, Dione, and Tethys. In contrast, Mimas' proximity to Saturn's rings generates interactions that cause such rapid orbital expansion that Mimas must have formed only 0.1-1 Gyr ago if it postdates the rings. The resulting lack of radionuclides keeps it geologically inactive. These simulations can explain the Mimas-Enceladus dichotomy, reconcile the moons' orbital properties and geological diversity, and self-consistently produce a recent ocean on Enceladus.

Astrobiology ; 19(1): 1-27, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30346215


In this article, we summarize the work of the NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) group. The aim of this group is to assemble the scientific framework that will guide the exploration of ocean worlds, and to identify and prioritize science objectives for ocean worlds over the next several decades. The overarching goal of an Ocean Worlds exploration program as defined by ROW is to "identify ocean worlds, characterize their oceans, evaluate their habitability, search for life, and ultimately understand any life we find." The ROW team supports the creation of an exploration program that studies the full spectrum of ocean worlds, that is, not just the exploration of known ocean worlds such as Europa but candidate ocean worlds such as Triton as well. The ROW team finds that the confirmed ocean worlds Enceladus, Titan, and Europa are the highest priority bodies to target in the near term to address ROW goals. Triton is the highest priority candidate ocean world to target in the near term. A major finding of this study is that, to map out a coherent Ocean Worlds Program, significant input is required from studies here on Earth; rigorous Research and Analysis studies are called for to enable some future ocean worlds missions to be thoughtfully planned and undertaken. A second finding is that progress needs to be made in the area of collaborations between Earth ocean scientists and extraterrestrial ocean scientists.

Exobiologia , Oceanos e Mares , Planetas , Estados Unidos , United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Astrobiology ; 18(1): 37-53, 2018 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29345986


Ice-covered ocean worlds possess diverse energy sources and associated mechanisms that are capable of driving significant seismic activity, but to date no measurements of their seismic activity have been obtained. Such investigations could reveal the transport properties and radial structures, with possibilities for locating and characterizing trapped liquids that may host life and yielding critical constraints on redox fluxes and thus on habitability. Modeling efforts have examined seismic sources from tectonic fracturing and impacts. Here, we describe other possible seismic sources, their associations with science questions constraining habitability, and the feasibility of implementing such investigations. We argue, by analogy with the Moon, that detectable seismic activity should occur frequently on tidally flexed ocean worlds. Their ices fracture more easily than rocks and dissipate more tidal energy than the <1 GW of the Moon and Mars. Icy ocean worlds also should create less thermal noise due to their greater distance and consequently smaller diurnal temperature variations. They also lack substantial atmospheres (except in the case of Titan) that would create additional noise. Thus, seismic experiments could be less complex and less susceptible to noise than prior or planned planetary seismology investigations of the Moon or Mars. Key Words: Seismology-Redox-Ocean worlds-Europa-Ice-Hydrothermal. Astrobiology 18, 37-53.

Exobiologia/métodos , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Gelo , Oceanos e Mares , Ondas de Maré , Marte , Lua , Temperatura
Comput Sci Eng ; 19(4): 18-28, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29551955


Trajectory design for missions to small bodies is tightly coupled both with the selection of targets for a mission and with the choice of spacecraft power, propulsion, and other hardware. Traditional methods of trajectory optimization have focused on finding the optimal trajectory for an a priori selection of destinations and spacecraft parameters. Recent research has expanded the field of trajectory optimization to multidisciplinary systems optimization that includes spacecraft parameters. The logical next step is to extend the optimization process to include target selection based not only on engineering figures of merit but also scientific value. This paper presents a new technique to solve the multidisciplinary mission optimization problem for small-bodies missions, including classical trajectory design, the choice of spacecraft power and propulsion systems, and also the scientific value of the targets. This technique, when combined with modern parallel computers, enables a holistic view of the small body mission design process that previously required iteration among several different design processes.

Nature ; 521(7550): 57-60, 2015 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25951283


Observations of the south pole of the Saturnian moon Enceladus revealed large rifts in the south-polar terrain, informally called 'tiger stripes', named Alexandria, Baghdad, Cairo and Damascus Sulci. These fractures have been shown to be the sources of the observed jets of water vapour and icy particles and to exhibit higher temperatures than the surrounding terrain. Subsequent observations have focused on obtaining close-up imaging of this region to better characterize these emissions. Recent work examined those newer data sets and used triangulation of discrete jets to produce maps of jetting activity at various times. Here we show that much of the eruptive activity can be explained by broad, curtain-like eruptions. Optical illusions in the curtain eruptions resulting from a combination of viewing direction and local fracture geometry produce image features that were probably misinterpreted previously as discrete jets. We present maps of the total emission along the fractures, rather than just the jet-like component, for five times during an approximately one-year period in 2009 and 2010. An accurate picture of the style, timing and spatial distribution of the south-polar eruptions is crucial to evaluating theories for the mechanism controlling the eruptions.