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Behav Processes ; 205: 104805, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36581083


This study assessed the effects of individual and common resources availability in choosing individual or shared contingencies in a partial altruism situation. The experimental situation consisted in placing blocks on three different boards. Sixteen elementary school children were assigned to eight dyads, divided in two groups of four dyads each. Groups differed in the sequence of exposure to individual or common resources availability. Participants could observe their peers' performance and place blocks in their own board obtaining points only for themselves, could place blocks in the common board obtaining equal points for their peers and themselves, and/or could place blocks in the peers' board providing points only for their peers. Findings suggest that initial exposure to individual or to common resources availability affects the choice for individual or shared contingencies, respectively. Results are discussed in terms of interactions between individuals related to exchange contingencies and reciprocity interactions.

Altruísmo , Grupo Associado , Criança , Humanos
Behav Processes ; 201: 104733, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35985391


We assessed spatiotemporal distribution of behavior as a function of the spatial and temporal arrangement of food delivery. Eight food-deprived rats were exposed in an extended experimental chamber to a continuous reinforcement schedule (CRf) or to a fixed interval (FI) 30 s, with three levers contiguous to food dispenser or placed on separate panels. Responses on any of the levers were equally operative on the ongoing schedule. All rats moved mainly near to dispenser and levers when these were contiguous, under both, CRf and FI schedules, although distribution of responses on different levers was more variant under FI than under CRf. With separate levers, rats traveled through a larger area of the experimental space, especially under FI. Distribution of responses showed more variation under FI than under CRf schedule. Under FI, response patterns consisted in a post-meal pause followed by an acceleration towards the next food. Findings are discussed in the context of studies in which have been reported inconsistent patterns under FI schedules when are manipulated the number of operanda, dispensers, and their locations. It is highlighted the relevance of continuous analysis of rats' displacement, to account for the configuration of response patterns observed in this study.

Condicionamento Operante , Animais , Ratos , Esquema de Reforço
Behav Processes ; 193: 104549, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34801654


A study was designed to explore the effects of concurrent random-time delivery of water on the spatial dimensions of behavior with five different continuous measures in time and space. Four water-deprived male-Wistar rats were exposed to two concurrent random time schedules of water delivered in two dispensers located at opposite walls of an enlarged experimental chamber. In five different phases, the scheduled frequency of water deliveries remained constant while their distribution in each of two dispensers varied systematically. The continuous record of rat location through the experimental chamber was analyzed in terms of the directionality, vigor, variation, preference, and persistence of behavior. Directionality and preference showed systematic variations as the number of dispensers providing water and their timing changed, vigor and variation remained relatively constant through the experimental phases, and persistence showed a slight decrease across phases. Results support the argument that molar continuous measures depict extended moment-to-moment changes in behavioral dimensions usually not considered in the typical procedures recording discrete repetitive responses.

Comportamento de Escolha , Água , Animais , Atenção , Masculino , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Esquema de Reforço
Behav Processes ; 181: 104256, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33161069


Two studies evaluated the effect of delivering water depending on lever-pressing in a proximal or distant location to the water-producing response. Effects were measured on the spatial distribution of behavior and on the frequency and patterning of lever pressing. In both experiments water was available under two concurrent, complementary fixed interval schedules in two dispensers located at opposite ends of the chamber. The proportion of water deliveries in one dispenser relative to the second dispenser varied between phases, while the overall frequency was kept constant. In one study rats received water from a dispenser proximal to the water producing response location, whereas in the second study rats received water in the dispenser at the opposite panel where the response was emitted. The number of obtained water deliveries varied according to the programmed proportion, but rats obtained fewer deliveries under the distal location contingency. No systematic variations on space allocation were observed in neither experiment. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of considering the continuous interaction of time and space parameters in the analysis of behavior.

Água , Animais , Condicionamento Operante , Ratos , Esquema de Reforço
Behav Processes ; 171: 104024, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31875521


This study evaluated the functional role of behavioral patterns in relational behavior in humans. The participants were five children, 9-11 years-old. A modified transposition task (size) was used, requiring active comparison patterns in order to match two relational stimulus compounds with two sample stimulus compounds. Comparison patterns were analyzed in terms of the variety of sequences and exceeding movements, the choice of relevant stimuli, and their correspondence with the size relationship between stimulus instances. Results suggest that variation in sequences and movements as well as choice for relevant stimuli influenced the establishment of relational behavior. The neglect of active comparison patterns in accounting for relational behavior is discussed.

Aprendizagem , Reconhecimento Visual de Modelos , Criança , Percepção de Cores , Percepção de Forma , Humanos , Masculino , Percepção de Tamanho
Apuntes psicol ; 30(1/3): 77-91, ene.-dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-132428


En este trabajo, realizado desde el interior del espacio conceptual conductista, se reflexiona, en primer lugar, sobre el papel de Skinner en relación con los diversos conductismos para, después, abordar la concepción skinneriana de la explicación científica, la lógica de la investigación y la construcción teórica. Posteriormente se analizan las innovaciones que, dentro de la teoría del condicionamiento, introdujo Skinner, destacando las ventajas que ello supuso así como los nuevos problemas que planteó a la teoría de la conducta. A continuación se realiza una aproximación a la contribución metodológica de Skinner -la operante libre- y se evalúa su impacto histórico sobre las prácticas de investigación psicológica. Se destaca también el interés skinneriano por el comportamiento humano y cómo sólo de forma analógica y muy parcialmente Skinner se acercó a su análisis experimental en el laboratorio; se resalta cómo el resto de su abordaje de la conducta humana puede caracterizarse como un análisis hermeneútico y de extensión definicional y teórica. En tal sentido se revisan, principalmente, sus concepciones sobre la conducta gobernada por reglas y la conducta verbal. Finalmente, se analiza la lógica del nacimiento y evolución de la tecnología conductual con base skinneriana, subrayando las restricciones que el paradigma del condicionamiento operante impuso a la metodología aplicada al ser extrapolado a situaciones sociales humanas (AU)

This paper which concentrates on the behaviorist conceptual approach, reflects, firstly, on Skinner’s role in relation with various behaviorisms and then goes on to tackle the Skinnerian conception of scientific explanation, the logic of research and theoretical construction. Subsequently the innovations are analyzed that, within the conditioning theory, Skinner introduced, pointing out the advantages of these innovations as well as the new problems that they created for the behaviour theory. In the following an approximation to Skinner’s methodological contribution -the free operant- is carried out, ‘and its historical impact on the practices of psychological research is assessed. The paper also highlights Skinnerian interest for human behaviour and how, only in an analogical fashion and very partially, Skinner approached its experimental analysis in the laboratory; it is emphasized how the rest of his approach towards human behaviour can be characterized as a hermeneutical analysis and as a definitional and theoretical extension. Thus, it is mainly his conceptions about rule-governed behaviour and verbal behaviour that are reviewed. Finally, the logic of the birth and evolution of Skinnerian based behavioral technology is analyzed, underlining the restrictions that the paradigm of operant conditioning imposed on applied methodology on being extrapolated to human social conditions (AU)

Humanos , Psicologia/tendências , Behaviorismo , Ciências do Comportamento/tendências , Condicionamento Psicológico , Psicologia Aplicada/tendências , Psicologia Comparada/tendências , Desenvolvimento da Personalidade , Desenvolvimento Humano
Suma psicol ; 18(1): 9-15, ene.-jun. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-657157


Se examinan varias razones por las que es necesaria la investigación con animales y del comportamiento animal en la formulación (y aplicación) de una teoría general de la conducta. Entre ellas se destacan razones de naturaleza evolutiva, de tipo epistemológico, de carácter lógico, de utilidad experimental y de índole ética.

Several arguments are examined in order to support the need of animal behavior research for the formulation (and application) of a general behavior theory. Among them, arguments related to evolution, epistemology, logics, experimental utility, and ethics are emphasized.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 1(1): 121-131, abr. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-706763


Se reflexiona sobre el concepto de control del estímulo en la teoría del condicionamiento operante y, en especial, sobre el concepto de estímulo discriminativo. Para ello se señalan los problemas lógicos y definicionales que reviste el uso del concepto de estímulo en general y el de estímulo discriminativo en particular. Se reseñan diversos experimentos del autor para mostrar la incapacidad del concepto de estímulo discriminativo para dar cuenta de una serie de datos que muestran las insuficiencias lógicas y empíricas del concepto.

Some thoughts on the concept of stimulus control in operant conditioning theory and in particular on the concept of a discriminative stimulus are presented. The paper presents the logical and definitional problems regarding the use of the concept of stimulus in general and of a discriminative stimulus in particular. Several experiments conducted by the author are presented to exemplify the logical and empirical inadequacies of the concept of discriminative stimulus to account for a series of data.

Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-119589


Verbal Behavior by B.F. Skinner, represents a systematic extrapolation of the concepts and principles of operant conditioning to account for language as behavior. I examine the logic and conceptual deficiencies of Skinner’s formulation, based upon the analysis of a limited number of problems: a) the definition of verbal behavior, b) the selection of the ‘word’ as the dominant unit of analysis, c) the morphological nature of the taxonomy of verbal behavior, d) the lack of systematicness of such classification, e) the establishment of discriminated verbal operants, and f) the logical and functional distinction between the mand, the tact, and the intraverbal. It is stressed the importance of theoretical and conceptual analyses for scientific progress (AU)

Conducta verbal de B.F. Skinner, representa la extrapolación sistemática de los conceptos y principios del condicionamiento operante para dar cuenta del lenguaje como conducta. Examino las deficiencias lógicas y conceptuales de la formulación de Skinner, a partir del análisis de un número limitado de problemas: a) la definición de conducta verbal, b) la selección de la ‘palabra’ como unidad dominante de análisis, c) la naturaleza morfológica de la taxonomía de la conducta verbal, d) la asistematicidad de dicha clasificación, e) el establecimiento de las operantes verbales discriminadas, y f) la distinción lógica y funcional entre el mando, el tacto y la intraverbal. Se subraya la importancia del análisis teórico y conceptual en el progreso científico (AU)

Humanos , Comportamento Verbal , Comunicação , Comunicação Persuasiva , Condicionamento Psicológico , Discriminação Psicológica , Reforço Psicológico
Univ. psychol ; 7(2): 535-547, mayo-ago. 2008. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-572046


Se diseñó un estudio con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos de variar la disponibilidad en la entrega de agua a través de la manipulación de los valores de Ť, bajo distintas condiciones de señalización de los subciclos en un programa temporal, manteniendo constante el valor la probabilidad (P) de entrega del agua. Los datos de este estudio muestran que en algunas ratas se observó un incremento en la frecuencia de respuesta asociada a la variación de Ť. No se observaron efectos sistemáticos relacionados con las señales en los subciclos. Se analiza la diferencia funcional entre P y Ť y su relación con la frecuencia y la distribución temporal de respuesta.

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the variations of wateravailability through the manipulation of Ť values, under different signalingconditions of subcycles, maintaining constant the water delivery probability(P). Data from this study show that in some rats were observed an increase in the frequency response associated with varying Ť. There were no systematiceffects related to signals in subcycles. We analyze the functional difference between P and Ť and its relationship with the frequency and temporal distribution of response.

Microbiologia da Água , Animais de Laboratório , Pesquisa
Psychol Rep ; 101(2): 365-77, 2007 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18175475


Two experiments were carried out to find within-subject consistencies as well as individual differences in a choice situation involving achievement persistence. Four volunteers, two men (21 and 23 years old) and two women (21 and 22 years old) were exposed twice, with a 1-mo. interval, to a filling-patterns task, to evaluate their choices for two options. For one option, task-time and outcomes for every response were constant. For the other option, task-time decreased in correlation with an increase in earnings for every response. Analyses showed reliable profiles for three of the four subjects when percent of responding to each option was compared in independent experiments. Results are discussed in terms of interactive styles.

Logro , Relações Interpessoais , Personalidade , Comportamento Social , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Inventário de Personalidade
Behav Processes ; 73(1): 41-8, 2006 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16530984


We evaluated the effects of concurrent random temporal contingencies of water delivery on the location of rats' behavior. In this experiment, two concurrent random-time schedules delivered water in two dispensers that were located at opposite ends of the chamber, and provided complementary frequencies of water deliveries while the overall number of deliveries stayed constant. Time allocation in the areas adjacent to each water dispenser covaried with water deliveries, although no proportional relation was found. Rats showed a preference for the area where water was initially presented. The results point to the importance of examining spatial properties and patterning of behavior.

Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Condicionamento Operante , Comportamento Espacial/fisiologia , Animais , Masculino , Distribuição Aleatória , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Fatores de Tempo , Água , Privação de Água
Suma psicol ; 11(1): 9-28, mar. 2004. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-468980


Se plantea la existencia de diversas psicologías bajo un mismo nombre, que difieren en la formulación de su objeto de conocimiento, métodos y criterios de aplicación. Se examina cómo diversos problemas relacionadoscon la transmutación del lenguaje ordinario en lenguaje técnico y la influencia del pensamiento judeocristiano han sido determinantes de la confusión existente respecto de la naturaleza de la psicología como disciplinacientífica.

It is advocated the existence of diverse psychologies under the same name, in spite they differ in subject-matter, methods, and application criteria. It is examined how different problems related with the transmutation of ordinary language into technical language and the influence of Judeo- Christian thinkink have determined the prevailing confusion about the nature of psychology as a scientific discipline.

Conhecimento , Idioma , Pensamento , Psicologia
Psychol Rep ; 93(3 Pt 2): 1307-18, 2003 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14765605


A study was designed to evaluate the effects of anticipating the matching response on acquisition and transfer of a second-order matching-to-sample task. 40 college students of both sexes were assigned to different anticipation procedures that involved several verbal descriptions of the correct response, as well as others not involving explicit descriptions. All subjects were exposed to a pretest, two training blocks, two transfer test blocks, and a posttest. Anticipation procedures were evaluated during the first training block using an observational training procedure, except for 8 subjects, who were exposed to two training control procedures. Analysis showed acquisition and transfer of successful matching seems to depend on a verbal discrimination of the matching criterion exemplified by second-order stimuli. This discrimination was facilitated by prior conditions, as when subjects showed correct matching performance at pretest or was established with anticipation procedures that required explicit reading of verbal descriptions of the response choice.

Aprendizagem , Transferência de Experiência , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
México; Manual moderno; 2002. 211 p.
Monografia em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-871307