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Value Health Reg Issues ; 1(2): 264-266, 2012 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29702912


In Mexico, the primary aim of "Healthcare Supplies Catalog" (CBCISS) is guide the optimization of public resources to the attention of the health problems of the country, through the use of medicines, treatments, procedures and devices which have proven safety, efficacy and efficiency. Since May 2003, the Commission of CBCISS established as a requirement for updating submits a Health Economic Evaluation (EE) of the product. Therefore, in 2008, was a prepared and published methodological guideline for the conduct of studies of economic value (GCEEE). In 2011 was developed some strategies as updated the Internal Regulations and developed the Evaluation Guide Health Products (GEIS); both complement the GCEEE and oriented between other things, to increased the availability of technologies in different public institutions, decreased likelihood to commit injustices and inequities in access to supplies and standardize a transparent process. With the epidemiological transition, the cares of patients with chronic or terminal phase are contributing to the escalating costs of health care. The escalating costs are driven by the use of therapies that unfortunately have only marginal benefits, increasing the health and social costs, and upholding financial sustainability of healthcare systems. Therefore the stakeholders must decide the order of preference and establish an allocation methodology.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 62(1): 9-18, ene.-feb. 2005. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-700738


Introducción. Las leucemias son el cáncer más frecuente durante la infancia. El estudio pretende describir la mortalidad por leucemias en menores de 20 años en México. Material y métodos. A partir del Sistema Estadístico y Epidemiológico de las Defunciones se calcularon tasas específicas por edad, género y entidad federativa. Se estimó la tasa media de mortalidad anual (TMMA) por estado, y la tasa truncada estandarizada por edad de mortalidad. La estandarización fue por el método directo y el error estándar por la aproximación de Poisson, los intervalos de confianza (IC) fueron de 95%. En la elaboración de la razón estandarizada de mortalidad (REM) se utilizó la tasa nacional como referencia. Se calculó la proporción de cambio anual estatal y nacional con IC al 95%, además se estimaron las tendencias nacionales y estatales de 1998 a 2002 por medio de la regresión de Poisson. Resultados. La mortalidad por leucemias representó 51.1%. La razón hombre/mujer fue de 1.3. Los grupos de edad más afectados fueron los de 5-9 y 10-14 años, ambas con TMMA de 27.7 por 10(6) habitantes. La REM para Quintana Roo y Puebla fueron significativas. En cuanto a la tendencia Tlaxcala presentó un incremento y Baja California Sur un decremento, ambos fueron estadísticamente significativos. Conclusiones. La mortalidad por leucemias en menores de 20 años representa un problema de salud pública nacional, por lo que el diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento específico deben ser de alta prioridad.

Introduction. Leukemias are the most frequent form of cancer in childhood and adolescence. This study describes the mortality rate for individuals under 20 years of age with a primary diagnosis of leukemia in Mexico over a 15 year period, from 1988-2002. Material and methods. Specific mortality rates were calculated according to age, gender and state of origin based on data provided by a National Epidemiological Mortality Reporting System (SEED). The median annual mortality rate and age adjusted mortality rate were estimated for each state in Mexico. The direct method was used for standardization and standard error with 95% confidence intervals were also calculated. The national mortality rate was used as a reference to estimate the standardized mortality rate. State annual change and trends were calculated from 1988 to 2002 by Poisson regression. Results. The leukemia mortality rate during the study period was 51.1%; the male/female ratio was 1.3 and the predominant age group ranged from 10 to 14 years of age. The median annual mortality rate of 27.7 per 10(6) inhabitants. Conclusions. Leukemia mortality in children and adolescents under 20 years of age represents a major public health problem in Mexico, early diagnosis and specific treatment must be considered high priority.