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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 18660, 2024 08 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39134584


Intensification of swine production can predispose pigs to chronic stress, with adverse effects on the neuroendocrine and immune systems that can lead to health problems, poor welfare, and reduced production performance. Consequently, there is an interest in developing tools to prevent or eliminate chronic stress. Music is widely used as a therapeutic strategy for stress management in humans and may have similar benefits in non-human animals. This study evaluated the effects of a music-based auditory enrichment program in pigs from a multidimensional perspective by assessing psychophysiological responses. Two experimental groups of 20 pigs each were selected for the study: one enriched, exposed to a program of functional veterinary music designed for pigs, and a control group without auditory stimulation. Qualitative behavior assessment (QBA) and skin lesions indicative of agonistic behavior were used to evaluate the psychological determinants underlying the observed behaviors. Physiological assessment included hemograms, with the determination of the neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio and daily measurements of cortisol and salivary alpha-amylase levels. The results demonstrated a positive effect of a music-based auditory program on psychophysiological responses. Therefore, this strategy developed for environmental enrichment may be beneficial in reducing stress and contributing to the welfare and health of pigs under production conditions.

Comportamento Animal , Hidrocortisona , Animais , Suínos , Hidrocortisona/sangue , Hidrocortisona/metabolismo , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Estresse Psicológico/terapia , Música/psicologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Masculino , Estimulação Acústica , Feminino , Musicoterapia/métodos , Estresse Fisiológico
Animals (Basel) ; 14(10)2024 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791707


The effects of sound stimulation as a sensorial environmental enrichment for captive animals have been studied. When appropriately implemented for farm animals, it can improve welfare, health, and productivity. Furthermore, there are indications that music can induce positive emotions in non-human animals, similar to humans. Emotion is a functional state of the organism involving both physiological processes, mediated by neuroendocrine regulation, and changes in behavior, affecting various aspects, including contextual perception and welfare. As there is very limited information on non-human animals, the objective of this review is to highlight what is known about these processes from human biological and comparative perspectives and stimulate future research on using music to improve animal welfare.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 3382, 2022 03 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35233051


There is a lack of clarity on whether pigs can emotionally respond to musical stimulation and whether that response is related to music structure. Qualitative Behavioral Assessment (QBA) was used to evaluate effects of 16 distinct musical pieces (in terms of harmonic structure) on emotional responses in nursery pigs (n = 30) during four periods: "habituation", "treatments", "breaks" and "final". Data were evaluated using Principal component analysis (PCA). Two principal components (PC) were considered in the analysis: PC1, characterized as a positive emotions index, included the emotional responses content, playful, sociable, and happy, whereas PC2, characterized as a negative emotions index, included fearful, inquisitive, and uneasy with positive loadings, and relaxed and calm with negative loadings. Musical stimulation (treatment) increased (P < 0.01) both emotional indices, compared to other periods and this response was influenced by harmonic characteristics of the music. We concluded that pigs have a wide variety of emotional responses, with different affective states related to the music structure used, providing evidence of its potential use as environmental enrichment for this species.

Música , Estimulação Acústica , Animais , Emoções/fisiologia , Medo , Felicidade , Música/psicologia , Suínos
Vitae (Medellín) ; 24(1): 23-29, 2017. Ilustraciones
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-988506


Background: The mahogany tree (Swietenia macrophylla King) is widely used in traditional medicine, especially its seeds, which are used in Malaysia, Indonesia and some countries of South America. Recently an active fraction of the leaf ethanolic extract (labelled "Sm13-16,23"), showed promising results against some toxins of South American pit vipers. Objectives: In this study the aim was to evaluate the acute oral toxicity of fraction Sm13-16,23 from the leaf ethanolic extract, using Swiss Webster mice. Methods: Fraction Sm13-16,23 was administered orally in a single dose to 2000 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg, clinical follow-up for 14 days was performed and then euthanasia, necropsy and histopathology of organs were performed. Results: Overall, there were not deaths recorded during the study period. Further not signs of toxicity in doses of 300mg/kg were observed, but at doses of 2000 mg/kg, histopathological lesions in the liver, as karyomegaly and binucleation were observed. Conclusions: Fraction Sm13-16, 23 does not produce toxicity lesion at doses of 300mg/kg, indicating that the acute oral toxicity risk is low.

Antecedentes: El árbol de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla King) es utilizado ampliamente en la medicina tradicional, especialmente sus semillas, que son usadas en Malasia, Indonesia y algunos países de Suramérica. Recientemente una fracción activa del extracto etanólico de las hojas (llamada "Sm13-16,23"), demostró resultados promisorios frente algunas toxinas de las víboras suramericanas. Objetivos: En este estudio se evaluó la toxicidad aguda oral de la fracción Sm13-16,23 del extracto etanólico de las hojas de S. macrophylla utilizando ratones Swiss Webster. Métodos: La fracción Sm13-16,23 se administró vía oral como dosis única a 2000 mg/kg y 300 mg/kg, se realizó seguimiento clínico de los animales durante 14 días y finalmente se les aplicó la eutanasia. Se practicó la necropsia de cada animal y se tomaron algunos órganos para su evaluación histopatológica. Resultados: No se registraron muertes durante el tiempo de estudio, ni se evidenciaron signos de toxicidad a dosis de 300mg/kg, sin embargo, a la dosis de 2000 mg/kg, se encontraron lesiones histopatológicas en el hígado; como cariomegalia y binucleación de los hepatocitos. Conclusión: La fracción Sm13-16,23 no produjo lesiones de toxicidad a dosis de 300mg/ kg, lo que indicia que el riesgo de toxicidad aguda oral es bajo.

Humanos , Testes de Toxicidade Aguda , Meliaceae , Patologia , Compostos Fenólicos
Ces med. vet. zootec ; 9(2): 158-168, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-755578


Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the viral agent that produces most cases of acute hepatitis worldwide. Four genotypes and 24 subtypes of HEV have been identified. Presence of viral strains in pigs suggests this species is a reservoir for HEV. A case of Hepatitis E in humans has been reported in Antioquia, the largest pig producer and pork consumer province in Colombia. This study investigated the presence of HEV in pigs from several swine farms in Antioquia by looking for anti-HEV antibodies and viral RNA in pig feces. Serological tests were performed for detecting IgG and IgM anti-HEV. Molecular assays (RT-PCR) were also used for detecting the ORF-1 marker of HEV viral genome. These procedures were performed on 210 animals from 30 pig farms. Presence of antibodies and molecular analysis were organized by frequencies and analyzed using the R software (version 2.15.2). 100% of the samples were positive for IgG antibodies, while 57% of the samples were positive for IgM antibodies. According to the molecular analysis, 26% of pig feces had genetic material from HEV. This study demonstrates exposure and circulation of HEV in pig farms of Antioquia.

La Hepatitis E es una enfermedad producida por el Virus de Hepatitis E (HEV), considerado el agente vírico con mayor producción de hepatitis agudas alrededor del mundo. Se han determinado 4 genotipos y 24 subtipos de HEV. La presencia de cepas virales tanto en humanos como en otras especies, ha sugerido que existen reservorios animales para HEV, entre los cuales el cerdo juega un papel importante. En Antioquia se ha reportado un caso de Hepatitis E en humanos. Teniendo en cuenta que este departamento es el principal productor y consumidor de cerdos en Colombia, se investigó la presencia de este virus en los cerdos de diferentes granjas porcícolas, con el fin de determinar anticuerpos anti-HEV y RNA viral en heces porcinas. Para lograr esto, se realizaron pruebas serológicas para la detección de anticuerpos IgG e IgM anti-HEV, y pruebas moleculares (RT-PCR) para la detección del marcador ORF-1 del genoma viral de HEV. Estos procedimientos se realizaron en 210 animales de 30 granjas porcícolas de Antioquia. La presencia de anticuerpos y análisis moleculares en los cerdos, se determinaron por frecuencias y se analizaron mediante el software R versión 2.15.2. El 100% de las muestras fueron positivas para anticuerpos IgG; mientras que para anticuerpos IgM, los positivos representaron el 57% de las muestras evaluadas. El análisis molecular determinó que el 26% de los cerdos presentó material genético de HEV en sus heces. Esta información demuestra la exposición y la circulación de HEV en cerdos de las granjas evaluadas en municipios de Antioquia.

A hepatite E é uma doença produzida pelo vírus da hepatite E (HEV), considerado o agente virulento com maior produção de hepatites agudas ao redor do mundo. Tem se determinado quatro genótipos e 24 subtipos de HEV. A presença de cepas virais tanto em humanos quanto em outras espécies, tem sugerido que existem reservatórios animais para HEV, entre os quais o suíno tem grande importância. Em Antioquia tem se reportado um caso de hepatite E em humanos. Tendo de presente que este departamento é o principal produtor e consumidor de suínos na Colômbia, pesquisou-se a presença deste vírus em suínos de diferentes granjas suínas, com o fim de determinar anticorpos anti-HEV e RNA viral em fezes porcinas. Para lograr isto, realizaram-se testes serológicos para a detecção de anticorpos IgG e IgM anti-HEV e testes moleculares (RT-PCR) para a detecção do marcador ORF-1 do genoma viral de HEV. Estes procedimentos realizaram-se em 210 animais de 30 granjas suínas em Antioquia. A presença de anticorpos e as análises moleculares nos suínos, determinaram-se por frequências e se analisaram mediante o software R Versão 2.15.2. O 100% das amostras foram positivas para anticorpos IgG; enquanto que para anticorpos IgM os positivos representaram o 57% das amostras avaliadas. O analise molecular determinou que o 26% dos suínos apresentou material genético de HEV em suas fezes. Esta informação demonstra a exposição e circulação de HEV em suínos das granjas avaliadas em municípios de Antioquia, Colômbia.