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ACS Omega ; 9(32): 34981-34989, 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39157103


For many years researchers believed that hydrocarbons only contain covalent bonds. However, since 1985 Okamoto et al. demonstrated the formation of hydrocarbon salts in several systems, demolishing the structural principle that hydrocarbons only contain covalent bonds. Despite the great importance of this outcome to the study of chemical bonds, quantum chemical calculations on these systems are essentially nonexistent. The stability of the hydrocarbon ions along with the steric hindrance associated with the formation of the covalent bond contribute to their occurrence either in solution (dissociated) or in the solid state. These facts along with the common formation of ion pairs in solvents of low polarity motivated us to search for hydrocarbon ion pairs in the gas phase. Its energetics has also been studied in four nonprotic solvents, through a continuum solvation model (CPCM). DFT and CASSCF calculations indicate a metastable and highly polar ion pair between the tricyclopropylcyclopropenylium cation and a simplified Kuhn's anion. The barrier to the covalent structure varies from ∼4.8 to 14.4 kcal/mol, while the energy difference between the ion pair and the covalent form varies from ∼4.3 to 25.4 kcal/mol. The obtained theoretical results along with previous experimental results suggest the following strategy to obtain kinetically and thermodynamically stable hydrocarbon ion pairs: choose very stable hydrocarbon ions and systematically increase the steric hindrance between them.

J Comput Chem ; 37(7): 675-83, 2016 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26606893


The UV-induced photochemistry of HCFC-132b (CF2 ClCH2 Cl) was investigated by computing excited-state properties with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2), and coupled cluster with singles, doubles, and perturbative triples (CCSD(T)). Excited states calculated with TDDFT show good agreement with CASPT2 and CCSD(T) results, correctly predicting the main excited-states properties. Simulations of ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamics in the gas phase were performed, taking into account 25 electronic states at TDDFT level starting in two different spectral windows (8.5 ± 0.25 and 10.0 ± 0.25 eV). Experimental data measured at 123.6 nm (10 eV) is in very good agreement with our simulations. The excited-state lifetimes are 106 and 191 fs for the 8.5 and 10.0 eV spectral windows, respectively. Internal conversion to the ground state occurred through several different reaction pathways with different products, where 2Cl, C-Cl bond breakage, and HCl are the main photochemical pathways in the low-excitation region, representing 95% of all processes. On the other hand, HCl, HF, and C-Cl bond breakage are the main reaction pathways in the higher excitation region, with 77% of the total yield. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

J Mol Model ; 20(9): 2393, 2014 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25135066


The vertical ionization energies of the chlorine lone pairs in HCFC-133a have been calculated at the SCF (via Koopmans' theorem and including orbital relaxation) and correlated (ROMP2, OVGF, and ROCCSD(T)) levels. Dunning aug-cc-pVXZ (X = D, T, and Q) basis sets were employed, and the ROMP2 and ROCCSD(T) results were extrapolated to the complete basis set (CBS) limit. Our highest-level results (obtained at the ROCCSD(T)/CBS level) were 11.99 and 12.08 eV for the Cl lone pairs of A″ and A' symmetry, respectively. The values obtained at the computationally much less demanding ROMP2/CBS level were just 0.10 and 0.13 eV higher than the highest-level ones. Using the Cl lone-pair band of the photoelectron spectrum of the HCF(2)Cl and CF(3)Cl molecules as a guide, it is considered very unlikely that these two lone pairs can be discriminated in the photoelectron spectrum of the title molecule. The use of the calculated IPs to estimate the energies of the Rydberg states of HCFC-133a is also discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 139(20): 204302, 2013 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24289349


The molecular structure and infrared spectrum of the atmospheric pollutant 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-chloroethane (HCFC-133a; CF3CH2Cl) in the ground electronic state were characterized experimentally and theoretically. Excited state calculations (at the CASSCF, MR-CISD, and MR-CISD+Q levels) have also been performed in the range up to ~9.8 eV. The theoretical calculations show the existence of one (staggered) conformer, which has been identified spectroscopically for the monomeric compound isolated in cryogenic (~10 K) argon and xenon matrices. The observed infrared spectra of the matrix-isolated HCFC-133a were interpreted with the aid of MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations and normal coordinate analysis, which allowed a detailed assignment of the observed spectra to be carried out, including identification of bands due to different isotopologues ((35)Cl and (37)Cl containing molecules). The calculated energies of the several excited states along with the values of oscillator strengths and previous results obtained for CFCs and HCFCs suggest that the previously reported photolyses of the title compound at 147 and 123.6 nm [T. Ichimura, A. W. Kirk, and E. Tschuikow-Roux, J. Phys. Chem. 81, 1153 (1977)] are likely to be initiated in the n-4s and n-4p Rydberg states, respectively.