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Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr ; 26(2): 88-98, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36950060


Purpose: Children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) frequently undergo clinical assessments, involving triadic communication between clinician, parent, and child. During such encounters parents are traditionally the main communicator of information on their child's IBD, including subjective symptom reports. The level of agreement between children and their parents for IBD symptoms is poorly understood, and this study aimed to examine this factor. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study among children with IBD, and one parent. A validated paediatric IBD symptom report tool (IBDnow) enabled children and their parent to rate seven pain, well-being, and stool metrics, with dyads completing the tool concurrently. Results were assessed using: Individual agreement: proportion of identical symptom reports by each dyad (ideal score >0.7); Category agreement: percentage of identical reports for IBDnow metrics for the cohort; Inter-rater reliability: Gwet's AC1 coefficient with higher scores indicating better reliability (maximum=1). Results: Seventy-four parent/child dyads participated; child's mean age 12.2 years (standard deviation [SD] 2.9, range 6-16), mean time since diagnosis 2.8 years (SD 3), 54% female, 73% had Crohn's Disease. Mean individual agreement level was 0.6, with 27% of dyads agreeing on ≥6/7 IBDnow metrics. Category agreement was reported by 61% of dyads, 20% of parents overestimated, and 19% underestimated, their child's symptoms. Inter-rater reliability ranged from fair to good. Conclusion: These results should improve clinician awareness of how IBD symptom reports from parents may introduce bias. Children should be considered the most important source of symptom reports, and tools such as IBDnow utilised to enhance communication.

JPGN Rep ; 2(3): e075, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37205965


The relapsing pattern of illness and diverse management strategies for children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may inhibit their opportunities to develop self-management skills. Interventions focused on the development of these skills require population-specific outcome measures. We provide a comprehensive overview of self-management skills assessment tools that are available for children with IBD that target processes and behaviors outlined as beneficial for the development of these skills. Seven health literature databases were searched using terms related to self-management, transition, IBD, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and children. Identified studies underwent a process of title and then full text review. Included studies underwent data extraction using a priori quality assessment criteria related to self-management skills, health literacy, suitability for the target population, validity and reliability testing. The searches identified 523 papers, 123 of which underwent full-text review and 10 included in the final analysis. The assessment tools identified showed great diversity in their development approach, content, methodological rigor, and health literacy considerations. The most frequently included self-management skills were related to adherence, communication, attending clinic, and disease/treatment knowledge. None of the tools satisfied the criteria of selection for use in the target population. While many chronic diseases of childhood follow a predictable disease course with established treatment pathways, IBD presents a unique set of challenges. The development of self-management skills is vital for successful disease management, but these skills should be assessed by a tool appropriate for the population and their diverse needs.