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Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(4)2023 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38081279


Here, we present a frequency tuning mechanism for microwave cavities designed for axion dark matter searches and show that it provides a range of at least 200 MHz for the fundamental mode TM010 resonant at ∼10 GHz. The apparatus is based on a clamshell cavity, with the two semi-cells held together at a fixed joint while the other side opens to tune the frequency of the resonant modes. Measurements of the cavity frequencies and quality factor were taken at liquid helium temperature as the aperture was increased incrementally to ∼2°. We show that the frequency shift is approximately linear with respect to the angle of aperture with no mode crossings present for an aperture less than 2°. Furthermore, the form factor and quality factor of the TM010 mode remain relatively constant throughout the tuning as predicted by simulation.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(9): 094701, 2020 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33003802


Searches for dark matter axions involve the use of microwave resonant cavities operating in a strong magnetic field. Detector sensitivity is directly related to the cavity quality factor, which is limited, until recently, to the use of non-superconducting metals by the presence of the external magnetic field. In this paper, we present a cavity of novel design whose quality factor is not affected by a magnetic field. It is based on a photonic structure by the use of sapphire rods. The quality factor at cryogenic temperature is in excess of 5 × 105 for a selected mode.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(17): 171801, 2020 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32412290


A ferromagnetic axion haloscope searches for dark matter in the form of axions by exploiting their interaction with electronic spins. It is composed of an axion-to-electromagnetic field transducer coupled to a sensitive rf detector. The former is a photon-magnon hybrid system, and the latter is based on a quantum-limited Josephson parametric amplifier. The hybrid system consists of ten 2.1 mm diameter yttrium iron garnet spheres coupled to a single microwave cavity mode by means of a static magnetic field. Our setup is the most sensitive rf spin magnetometer ever realized. The minimum detectable field is 5.5×10^{-19} T with 9 h integration time, corresponding to a limit on the axion-electron coupling constant g_{aee}≤1.7×10^{-11} at 95% C.L. The scientific run of our haloscope resulted in the best limit on dark matter axions to electron coupling constant in a frequency span of about 120 MHz, corresponding to the axion-mass range 42.4-43.1 µeV. This is also the first apparatus to perform a wide axion-mass scanning by only changing the static magnetic field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(10): 107205, 2017 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28339224


We demonstrate an all-optical method for manipulating the magnetization in a 1-mm yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) sphere placed in a ∼0.17 T uniform magnetic field. A harmonic of the frequency comb delivered by a multi-GHz infrared laser source is tuned to the Larmor frequency of the YIG sphere to drive magnetization oscillations, which in turn give rise to a radiation field used to thoroughly investigate the phenomenon. The radiation damping issue that occurs at high frequency and in the presence of highly magnetizated materials has been overcome by exploiting the magnon-photon strong coupling regime in microwave cavities. Our findings demonstrate an effective technique for ultrafast control of the magnetization vector in optomagnetic materials via polarization rotation and intensity modulation of an incident laser beam. We eventually get a second-order susceptibility value of ∼10^{-7} cm^{2}/MW for single crystal YIG.

Opt Express ; 22(10): 11570-7, 2014 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24921277


We report on the resonant Fabry Perot cavity of the PVLAS (Polarization of the Vacuum with LASer) experiment operating at λ = 1064 nm with a record decay time of 2.7 ms, a factor more than two larger than any previously reported optical resonator. This corresponds to a coherence length of 8.1 · 10(5) m. The cavity length is 3.303 m, and the resulting finesse is 770,000.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 82(11): 115107, 2011 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22129013


We describe recent improvements in the development of the high power laser system used in the motion induced radiation (MIR) experiment to amplify electromagnetic fields inside a microwave cavity. The improvements made on the oscillator stabilization, the pulse train shaping device, and the spatial beam uniformity are reported.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(11): 110406, 2006 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16605804


We report the experimental observation of a light polarization rotation in vacuum in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. Assuming that data distribution is Gaussian, the average measured rotation is (3.9 +/- 0.5) x 10(-12) rad/pass, at 5 T with 44 000 passes through a 1 m long magnet, with lambda = 1064 nm. The relevance of this result in terms of the existence of a light, neutral, spin-zero particle is discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(4): 041804, 2002 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11801108


We report on the measurement of the Casimir force between conducting surfaces in a parallel configuration. The force is exerted between a silicon cantilever coated with chromium and a similar rigid surface and is detected by looking at the shifts induced in the cantilever frequency when the latter is approached. The scaling of the force with the distance between the surfaces was tested in the 0.5-3.0 microm range, and the related force coefficient was determined at the 15% precision level.

Phys Rev Lett ; 69(16): 2333-2336, 1992 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10046458