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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 163-178, jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360486


Resumen Frente al dominio del neoliberalismo en las sociedades contemporáneas, las posibilidades de consumo resultan abrumadoras, en tanto mecanismo de configuración identitaria y evidencia de nuevas formas de inclusión/exclusión de los sujetos respecto de los grupos sociales. Esta investigación aborda un segmento de la sociedad chilena que no escapa de esta lógica: los hombres jóvenes. Los jóvenes, en general, constituyen un segmento propenso al riesgo financiero, con altos niveles de endeudamiento, al menos en la sociedad chilena. En este escenario, el artículo explora los significados de consumo que construyen hombres universitarios de pregrado, de tres áreas de formación profesional de una universidad de la Región de La Araucanía (Chile). Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa, aplicando la técnica de redes semánticas naturales. La muestra estuvo conformada por estudiantes de las áreas de las Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias de la Salud y Ciencias de la Ingeniería, de edades entre 18 y 24 años, con un total de 51 sujetos. Los resultados indican una red semántica general abundante, cuyo núcleo está representado por la palabra "alimentarse", seguido por significados asociados a dinero, comprar y necesidad, que dan cuenta de la dimensión material del consumo. Son relevantes, además, los conceptos asociados a drogas y alcohol. A propósito de los hallazgos, se sugiere explorar la relación de la alimentación con el cuerpo masculino, así como la posesión de bienes materiales y las orientaciones al éxito en los hombres jóvenes, sobre todo en lo referente al proceso de construcción de masculinidades juveniles.

Abstract In the face of the dominance of neoliberalism in Western societies the possibilities of consumption are overwhelming. This type of societies are associated with a consumerist culture and lifestyle, where the capacity of consumption is the fundamental criterion of inclusion/exclusion of the subjects. Consumption intervenes significantly in the construction of people's personal and social identity. The desires and longings generated by the consumer society are related to the acquisition of lifestyles. In this sense, subjects give meaning to objects and experiences. The interest of this research is in young people. Young people represent a segment of interest for the economic market; therefore, they constitute a group that is financially in risk. The high levels of indebtedness of the youth population in Chile must be considered. Specifically, men handle money from a young age and carry out certain paid activities, especially in popular sectors. Men are projected as active consumers in the economic market, an area where the traditional gender division has diminished, directing men to production and women to consumption. On the other hand, empirical evidence shows the association between masculinities and material possessions, money and orientation to success. It is also possible to mention a relative scarcity of studies linking men and consumption in Latin America. In this context, the present article explores the meaning of consumption as constructed by university men in three areas of professional training, who are pursuing undergraduate careers, in the Araucanía Region. A qualitative methodology is used to achieve the research objective, applying the technique of natural semantic networks. A case study is carried out. The sample was conformed by students of Social Sciences (18 subjects), Health Sciences (15 subjects) and Engineering Sciences (18 subjects), aged between 18 and 24 years old, with a total of 51 subjects. All students are from a private university in the Araucanía Region, Chile.
