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Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-458946


The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has triggered myriad efforts to dissect and understand the structure and dynamics of this complex pathogen. The Spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 has received special attention as it is the means by which the virus enters the human host cells. The N-terminal domain (NTD) is one of the targeted regions of the Spike protein for therapeutics and neutralizing antibodies against COVID-19. Though its function is not well-understood, the NTD is reported to acquire mutations and deletions that can accelerate the evolutionary adaptation of the virus driving antibody escape. Cellular processes are known to be regulated by complex interactions at the molecular level, which can be characterized by means of a graph representation facilitating the identification of key residues and critical communication pathways within the molecular complex. From extensive all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the entire Spike for the wild-type and the dominant variant, we derive a weighted graph representation of the protein in two dominant conformations of the receptor-binding-domain; all-down and one-up. We implement graph theory techniques to characterize the relevance of specific residues at facilitating roles of communication and control, while uncovering key implications for fitness and adaptation. We find that many of the reported high-frequency mutations tend to occur away from the critical residues highlighted by our graph theory analysis, implying that these mutations tend to avoid targeting residues that are most critical for protein allosteric communication. We propose that these critical residues could be candidate targets for novel antibody therapeutics. In addition, our analysis provides quantitative insights of the critical role of the NTD and furin cleavage site and their wide-reaching influence over the protein at large. Many of our conclusions are supported by empirical evidence while others point the way towards crucial simulation-guided experiments.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-437783


COVID-19 is a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It has become a global pandemic and its frequent mutations may pose new challenges for vaccine design. During viral infection, the Spike RBD of SARS-CoV-2 binds the human host cell receptor ACE2, enabling the virus to enter the host cell. Both the Spike and ACE2 are densely glycosylated, and it is unclear how distinctive glycan types may modulate the interaction of RBD and ACE2. Detailed understanding of these determinants is key for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. To this end, we perform extensive all-atom simulations of the (i) RBD-ACE2 complex without glycans, (ii) RBD-ACE2 with oligomannose MAN9 glycans in ACE2, and (iii) RBD-ACE2 with complex FA2 glycans in ACE2. These simulations identify the key residues at the RBD-ACE2 interface that form contacts with higher probabilities, thus providing a quantitative evaluation that complements recent structural studies. Notably, we find that this RBD-ACE2 contact signature is not altered by the presence of different glycoforms, suggesting that RBD-ACE2 interaction is robust. Applying our simulated results, we illustrate how the recently prevalent N501Y mutation may alter specific interactions with host ACE2 that facilitate the virus-host binding. Furthermore, our simulations reveal how the glycan on Asn90 of ACE2 can play a distinct role in the binding and unbinding of RBD. Finally, an energetics analysis shows that MAN9 glycans on ACE2 decrease RBD-ACE2 affinity, while FA2 glycans lead to enhanced binding of the complex. Together, our results provide a more comprehensive picture of the detailed interplay between virus and human receptor, which is much needed for the discovery of effective treatments that aim at modulating the physical-chemical properties of this virus.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-428516


The SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein mediates virus entry and is a major target for neutralizing antibodies. All current vaccines are based on the ancestral Spike with the goal of generating a protective neutralizing antibody response. Several novel SARS-CoV-2 variants with multiple Spike mutations have emerged, and their rapid spread and potential for immune escape have raised concerns. One of these variants, first identified in the United Kingdom, B.1.1.7 (also called VUI202012/01), contains eight Spike mutations with potential to impact antibody therapy, vaccine efficacy and risk of reinfection. Here we employed a lentivirus-based pseudovirus assay to show that variant B.1.1.7 remains sensitive to neutralization, albeit at moderately reduced levels (~2-fold), by serum samples from convalescent individuals and recipients of two different vaccines based on ancestral Spike: mRNA-1273 (Moderna), and protein nanoparticle NVX-CoV2373 (Novavax). Some monoclonal antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of Spike were less effective against the variant while others were largely unaffected. These findings indicate that B.1.1.7 is not a neutralization escape variant that would be a major concern for current vaccines, or for an increased risk of reinfection.

Preprint em Inglês | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-219741


The COVID-19 pandemic underwent a rapid transition with the emergence of a SARS-CoV-2 variant that carried the amino acid substitution D614G in the Spike protein that became globally prevalent. The G-form is both more infectious in vitro and associated with increased viral loads in infected people. To gain insight into the mechanism underlying these distinctive characteristics, we employed multiple replicas of microsecond all-atom simulations to probe the molecular-level impact of this substitution on Spikes closed and open states. The open state enables Spike interactions with its human cellular receptor, ACE2. Here we show that changes in the inter-protomer energetics due to the D614G substitution favor a higher population of infection-capable (open) states. The inter-protomer interactions between S1 and S2 subunits in the open state of the D-form are asymmetric. This asymmetry is resolved in the G-form due to the release of tensile hydrogen bonds resulting in an increased population of open conformations. Thus, the increased infectivity of the G-form is likely due to a higher rate of profitable binding encounters with the host receptor. It is also predicted to be more neutralization sensitive due to enhanced exposure of the receptor binding domain, a key target region for neutralizing antibodies.