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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(40): 25018-25024, 2022 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36218045


State-to-state photodissociation of CO2(v2 = 0 and 1) at 157 nm via the O(1D) + CO(X1Σ+) channel was studied by using the sliced velocity map imaging technique. Both the O(1D) and CO(X1Σ+) products were detected by (2 + 1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI). Detection of CO via the B1Σ+ ←← X1Σ+ transition allowed ro-vibrational state-selective detection, and combined with imaging, the fragment energy and angular distributions have been derived. For CO(v = 0 and 1|j) products from the CO2(v2 = 0) molecule, the angular distributions of low-j CO display positive anisotropic parameters (about 0.8); with j increasing, the product anisotropic parameters gradually reduce to zero. While for CO(v = 0 and 1|j) products from the vibrational excited CO2(v2 = 1) molecule, the angular distributions of low-j CO also display positive anisotropic parameters; with j increasing, the product anisotropic parameters first decrease to zero and then become negative (about -0.5). Experimental results show that the observed variation of the product angular distribution with the rotational quantum number of CO is consistent with trends predicted by a classical model for non-axial fragment recoil. The results support advanced theoretical predictions of a predominantly parallel transition to the bent 21A' excited state of CO2, where bending introduces torque during the direct dissociation process.

Front Chem ; 10: 853541, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35844640


Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are important metabolites produced by the gut microbiome as a result of the fermentation of non-digestible polysaccharides. The most abundant SCFAs are acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid which make up 95% of this group of metabolites in the gut. Whilst conventional analysis SCFAs is done using either blood or fecal samples, SCFAs can also be detected in exhaled breath using proton transfer reaction-time-of-flight- mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) using H3O+ for ionization. However, no investigation has been performed to characterize the reactions of SCFAs with H3O+ and with other reagent ions, such as O2 + and NO+. Gas-phase samples of acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid were analyzed with SRI/PTR-ToF-MS under dry and humid conditions. The ions generated and their distribution was determined for each reagent ion. It was found the humidity did not influence the product ion distribution for each SCFA. Using H3O+ as a reagent ion, SRI/PTR-ToF-MS analysis of an exhaled breath sample was performed in real-time to demonstrate the methodology. The presence of SCFAs in exhaled breath was confirmed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS). Breath sampling repeatability was within acceptable limits (<15%) for an analytical methodology for each investigated SCFA. Nutritional intervention studies could potentially benefit from real-time monitoring of exhaled SCFAs as an alternative to measuring SCFAs invasively in blood or fecal samples since it is non-invasive, and requires minimal time investment from participants.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(4): 2592-2600, 2022 Jan 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35029267


In this work, the CO2 Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) photodissociation dynamics of the dominant O(1D) channel near 155 nm have been studied using Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) technique. Correlations among the transition dipole moment of the parent molecule, recoil velocity vector and rotational angular momentum vector of the photofragments were extracted from the anisotropic angular distributions of the images. The vector correlations extracted indicated a picture of photodissociation mainly via the excited 21A' (A) state. The transition dipole moment  lies in the bending molecular plane, and the j⃑ is pointing perpendicular to the plane, while the µ-v vectors angle is between 41°-45°. In addition, a clear trend was observed. As the product CO rotational state j increases, the spatial anisotropy parameter (ß ≡ 2ß20(20)) decreases. This j-dependent attenuation of spatial anisotropy parameter can be explained mainly with the consideration of non-axial recoil effect. These results are in good agreement with both theoretical work and previous experimental work.