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Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(2)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559814


Introducción: La pandemia por la COVID-19 ha generado repercusiones importantes en los estudiantes de educación superior. Su impacto ha permitido el desarrollo de afecciones en el aspecto académico y de salud, especialmente en la salud mental. Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de estrés, ansiedad y depresión durante la pandemia por la COVID-19 en los estudiantes de obstetricia de una universidad pública. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, que se realizó en una muestra de 212 estudiantes de obstetricia quienes se seleccionaron de forma no probabilística. Se aplicaron 3 instrumentos: la escala de percepción global de estrés (EPGE), la escala de medición del desorden de ansiedad generalizada (GAD-7) y el cuestionario de salud del paciente (PHQ-9), todos con elevada confiabilidad. Se estimaron frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: La mayor proporción de los estudiantes era de sexo femenino (95,8 %) y tenía entre 21 y 25 años (66 %). Además, el 37,2 % se encontraba en cuarto año de la carrera y 6,1 % vivía solo. El eustrés moderado (85,8 %) y el alto distrés (66 %) se presentaron con mayor frecuencia. El 18,9 % tuvo un nivel grave de ansiedad, la preocupación (81,1 %) y la incapacidad para relajarse (80,7 %) fueron los síntomas más frecuentes. El 31,1 % y 11,8 % tuvo depresión leve y grave, respectivamente. Conclusión: Durante la pandemia por la COVID-19 la mayor parte de los estudiantes de obstetricia presentan niveles altos de estrés, depresión leve y ansiedad grave.

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has generated significant repercussions in higher education students. Its impact has led to the development of academic and health conditions, especially in mental health. Objective: To identify the level of stress, anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in midwifery students of a public university. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study, which was carried out in a sample of 212 midwifery students who were selected in a non-probabilistic way. Three instruments were applied: the global perception of stress scale (EPGE), the generalized anxiety disorder measurement scale (GAD-7) and the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9), all with high reliability. Absolute and relative frequencies were estimated. Results: The highest proportion of the students was female (95,8 %) and aged between 21 and 25 years (66%). In addition, 37,2% were in their fourth year and 6,1% lived alone. Moderate eustress (85,8%) and high distress (66%) occurred more frequently. 18,9% had a severe level of anxiety and worry (81,1%), and inability to relax (80,7%) were the most frequent symptoms. 31,1% and 11,8% had mild and severe depression, respectively. Conclusion: During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the midwifery students present high levels of stress, mild depression and severe anxiety.

J Contemp Dent Pract ; 23(8): 761-767, 2022 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37283008


AIM: To analyze the bibliometric characteristics, impact, and visibility of scientific publications on artificial intelligence (AI) in dentistry in Scopus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Descriptive and cross-sectional bibliometric study, based on the systematic search of information in Scopus between 2017 and July 10, 2022. The search strategy was elaborated with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Boolean operators. The analysis of bibliometric indicators was performed with Elsevier's SciVal program. RESULTS: From 2017 to 2022, the number of publications in indexed scientific journals increased, especially in the Q1 (56.1%) and Q2 (30.6%) quartile. Among the journals with the highest production, the majority was from the United States and the United Kingdom, and the Journal of Dental Research has the highest impact (14.9 citations per publication) and the most publications (31). In addition, the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (FWCI: 8.24) and Krois Joachim (FWCI: 10.09) from Germany were the institution and author with the highest expected performance relative to the world average, respectively. The United States is the country with the highest number of published papers. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: There is an increasing tendency to increase the scientific production on artificial intelligence in the field of dentistry, with a preference for publication in prestigious scientific journals of high impact. Most of the productive authors and institutions were from Japan. There is a need to promote and consolidate strategies to develop collaborative research both nationally and internationally.

Inteligência Artificial , Bibliometria , Estudos Transversais , Odontologia , Estados Unidos
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(4)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408749


RESUMEN Introducción: El acompañamiento en el parto representa una estrategia con diversos beneficios, por lo cual es necesario comprender las necesidades físicas y emocionales presentes en la mujer para prestar un servicio humanizado y de calidad, que satisfaga sus expectativas. Objetivo: Describir las expectativas de la gestante sobre el acompañamiento de la pareja durante el trabajo de parto en un hospital del tercer nivel de atención. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 120 gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Nacional "Sergio E. Bernales", que fueron seleccionadas de manera no probabilística. Se aplicó un cuestionario validado sobre la expectativa del acompañamiento de la pareja. Se estimaron frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: El 98,3 % prefería estar acompañada por su pareja en el parto. En los preparativos para el parto, 75 % prefería que su pareja se informe sobre su rol y 76,7 % que le brinde seguridad y confianza. Para el periodo de dilatación, 88,3 % esperaba que su pareja la comprenda y 6,7 % señaló que no quisiera recibir masajes por parte de su pareja. Para el periodo expulsivo, 96,7 % señaló que esperaba que su pareja esté atento al nacimiento del bebé; y para el alumbramiento, 95 % esperaba que su pareja muestre afecto a su hijo. Conclusiones: Las gestantes presentan altas expectativas sobre el acompañamiento previo y durante el proceso de trabajo de parto, especialmente en el aspecto emocional con ella y el recién nacido.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Accompaniment in childbirth represents a strategy with various benefits, which is why it is necessary to satisfy the physical and emotional needs present in women to provide a humanized and quality service that satisfies their expectations. Objective: To describe the expectations of the pregnant woman about the accompaniment of the couple during labor in a hospital of the tertiary care level. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out in 120 pregnant women treated at the Sergio E. Bernales National Hospital, who were selected in a non-probabilistic way. A validated questionnaire was applied on the expectation of the accompaniment of the couple. Absolute and relative frequencies were estimated. Results: The 98,3 % preferred to be accompanied by their partner during childbirth. In preparing for childbirth, 75 % preferred that their partner be informed about her role and 76.7 % that they provide security and confidence. For the period of dilation, 88,3 % expected their partner to understand and 6,7 % indicated that they did not want to receive messages from their partner. For the second stage, 96,7 % indicated that they expected their partner to be attentive to the birth of the baby; and for delivery, 95 % expected their partner to show affection to their child. Conclusions: Pregnant women have high expectations about the accompaniment before and during the labor process, especially in the emotional aspect with her and the newborn.

Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 24(2): 95-99, Abr. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225205


Introducción: Durante la etapa universitaria, los estudiantes afrontan diversas situaciones que pueden afectar a su salud mental; sin embargo, cada uno de ellos puede tener la capacidad de encararlas de forma adecuada. Por ello, este estudio tuvo el objetivo de determinar la relación entre la resiliencia y el estrés percibido en estudiantes de Obstetricia de una universidad pública de Lima, Perú. Sujetos y métodos: Estudio analítico y transversal, realizado en estudiantes de Obstetricia de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Perú. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la escala de resiliencia y la escala de percepción global de estrés, las cuales se aplicaron de forma presencial y confidencial. Se empleó estadística descriptiva, y para establecer la relación entre las variables se utilizó la prueba de correlación de Spearman previa aplicación de la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Resultados: La edad media de los estudiantes fue de 20,8 ± 1,7 años. La mayoría de los estudiantes tuvo una capacidad media de resiliencia (25,8%) y niveles altos de estrés percibido (48,3%); además, se estimó una relación indirecta y moderada entre estas variables (rho = -0,496; p < 0,001). Las dimensiones de 'competencia personal' (rho = -0,53; p < 0,001) y de 'aceptación de sí mismo y la vida' también tuvieron una relación moderada con el estrés (rho = -0,387; p < 0,001). Conclusión: En los estudiantes de Obstetricia, la resiliencia tuvo una relación indirecta y significativa, de magnitud moderada, con el estrés percibido por ellos mismos.(AU)

Introduction: During the university stage, students face several situations that can affect their mental health; however, each of them may be able to deal with them adequately. Therefore, this study had the objective of determining the relationship between resilience and perceived stress in midwifery students at a public university in Lima, Peru. Subjects and methods: Analytical and cross-sectional study, realized in midwifery students at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Peru. The instruments used were the resilience scale and the global stress perception scale, which were applied in person and confidentially. Descriptive statistics were used, and the Spearman correlation test was used prior to applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to establish the relationship between the variables. Results:The mean age of the students was 20.8 ± 1.7 years. Most of the students had a medium resilience capacity (25.8%) and high levels of perceived stress (48.3%); also, a direct but very weak relationship was estimated between these variables (rho = -0.496; p < 0.001). The dimension of 'personal competence' had a very weak relationship with stress (rho = -0.53; p < 0.001); but the 'acceptance of self and life' did not have it (rho = -0.387; p < 0.001). Conclusion: In midwifery students, resilience had a direct and significant relationship, although of a very weak magnitude, with the stress perceived by themselves.(AU)

Humanos , Estresse Psicológico , Obstetrícia/educação , Estudantes , Resiliência Psicológica , Desempenho Acadêmico , Peru , Educação , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva