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Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 24(1): 80-94, Ene 2, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229620


The aim of thepresent study was to investigate the effectiveness of selected cognitive-motor intervention on the level of physical literacy (PL) and executive functions of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) girls in a one-month follow-up plan. The statistical population included 30 girls with ADHD, all from Yazd (15 participants per group, experimental and control) were selected based on DSM-V criteria. While the control group was not exposed to any treatment andjust continued working as usual, the experimental group participated in 18 sessions (3 sessions a week) of the cognitive-motor program. In order to evaluate PL, the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy Second Edition (CAPL-2), and for executive function the Continuous Performance Test (sustained attention) and Computer Mapping of the Tower of London task (motion planning) were used. Data analysis wa also conducted using the mixed varianceanalysis test with repeated measures and an independent T-test at a significance level of p≤.05. According to the results, the experimental group had better performance in PL and executive functions (sustained attention and movement planning) in the posttest and follow-up than the pretest. But, in the control group, no significant difference was observed between the test stages. Moreover, comparing the groups, the experimental group had better performance than the control group in PL, sustained attention, and movement planning. Therefore, cognitive-motor intervention can be used to develop PL and executive functions of ADHD girls.(AU)

El objetivo del estudio fueinvestigar la efectividad de una intervención cognitiva-motora seleccionada en el nivel de la Literacia Física (PL) y funciones ejecutivas de niñas contrastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) en un plan de seguimiento de un mes. La población eran niñas con TDAH, de Yazd, 15 participantes por grupo, experimental y control, fueron seleccionadas según los criterios del DSM-V. Mientras que el grupo de control no estuvo expuesto a ningún tratamiento y siguió trabajando como de costumbre, el grupo experimental participó en 18 sesiones del programa cognitivo-motor. (3 sesiones/sem). Para evaluar la PL se utilizó Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy Second Edition (CAPL-2), y para la función ejecutiva el Continuous Performance Test (atenciónsostenida) y la tarea Computer Mapping of the Tower of London (planificación motora). Un análisis de varianza mixta con medida repetida y una prueba T independiente fue realizada a un nivel de significancia de p≤.05. De acuerdo con los resultados, el grupoexperimental tuvo mejor desempeño en PL y funciones ejecutivas (atención sostenida y planificación motora) en el posprueba y seguimiento que en la prueba previa. Pero, en el grupo de control, no se observó diferencia significativa entre las etapas de laprueba. Al comparar los grupos, se demostró que el grupo experimental tuvo un mejor desempeño que el grupo de control en PL, atención sostenida y planificación motora. Por lo tanto, la intervención cognitivo-motora se puede utilizar para desarrollar la PL y las funciones ejecutivas de las niñas con TDAH.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a eficácia da intervenção cognitivo-motora selecionada no nível de Literacia Física (PL) e funções executivas de meninas com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) com um plano de acompanhamento de um mês. A população foi composta por 30 meninas meninas com TDAH, todas de Yazd, as quais (15 participantes por grupo, experimental e controlo) foram selecionadas com base nos critérios do DSM-V. Enquanto o grupo controlo não foi exposto a nenhum tratamento e apenas continuou trabalhando normalmente, o grupo experimental participou de 18 sessões do programa cognitivo-motor (3 sessões/semena). Para avaliar a PL, foi utilizado o Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy Second Edition (CAPL-2), e para a função executiva o Continuous Performance Test (atenção sustentada) e a tarefa de Computer Mapping of the Tower of London (planeamentomotor). A análise dos dados também foi realizada por meio do teste de análise de variância mista com medida repetida e um t test de amsotras independentescom nível designificância p≤.05. De acordo com os resultados, o grupo experimental demonstrou melhor desempenho em PL e funções executivas (atenção sustentada e planeamento motor) no pós-teste do que no pré-teste. Já no grupo controlo não frami observadasdiferenças significativas entre as etapas do teste. A comparação dos grupos evidenciou que o grupoexperimental teve melhor desempenho do que o grupo controlo na alfabetização física, atenção sustentada e planeamento motor. Portanto, a intervenção cognitivo-motora pode ser usada para desenvolver a PL e as funções executivas de meninas com TDAH.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Função Executiva , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Motivação , Confiança/psicologia , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Hipercinese , Psicologia , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva , Esportes/psicologia , Psicologia da Criança , Psicologia do Desenvolvimento , Saúde Mental
Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health ; 19: e174501792303282, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37916212


Background/Objective: There is little research on the effectiveness of new approaches to psychology, including mindfulness-acceptance-commitment, especially in team disciplines. Therefore, this study compared mindfulness-acceptance and commitment-based approaches to rumination, cognitive flexibility, and sports performance of elite beach soccer players during a two-month follow-up. Methods: The research design consisted of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), with follow-up. Thus, 34 players of the premier league of beach soccer were randomly divided into intervention and control groups based on mindfulness acceptance and commitment. The experimental group exercises consisted of one session per week for 7 weeks and daily homework. Participants filled out the questionnaires of the Ruminative Response Scale, Cognitive Flexibility Inventory, and Sports Performance Questionnaire before, after, and at two months of follow-up of the intervention. Results: Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures were used to evaluate the changes over time and compare the scores of the subjects of the two groups. The results showed a significant difference in mindfulness-acceptance and commitment intervention in the experimental group on pre- vs. post-test and pre-test vs. follow-up scores of research variables. Also, a comparison of groups using independent T-test analysis showed a significant effect of mindfulness-acceptance and commitment exercises on research variables in the experimental group in the post-test and follow-up stages. Conclusion: Findings suggest that mindfulness, commitment, and acceptance exercises can be used as a new method to reduce rumination and increase cognitive flexibility and sports performance of elite beach soccer players.

Infez Med ; 31(1): 20-30, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36908379


West Nile virus (WNV) is a member of the Japanese encephalitis serocomplex, which was first described in 1937 as neurotropic virus in Uganda in 1937. Subsequently, WNV was identified in the rest of the old-world and from 1999 in North America. Birds are the primary hosts, and WNV is maintained in a bird-mosquito-bird cycle, with pigs as amplifying hosts and humans and horses as incidental hosts. WNV transmission is warranted by mosquitoes, usually of the Culex spp., with a tendency to spill over when mosquitoes' populations build up. Other types of transmissions have been described in endemic areas, as trough transplanted organs and transfused blood, placenta, maternal milk, and in some occupational settings. WNV infections in North America and Europe are generally reported during the summer and autumn. Extreme climate phenomena and soil degradation are important events which contribute to expansion of mosquito population and consequently to the increasing number of infections. Draught plays a pivotal role as it makes foul water standing in city drains and catch basins richer of organic material. The relationship between global warming and WNV in climate areas is depicted by investigations on 16,298 WNV cases observed in the United States during the period 2001-2005 that showed that a 5°C increase in mean maximum weekly temperature was associated with a 32-50% higher incidence of WNV infection. In Europe, during the 2022 season, an increase of WNV cases was observed in Mediterranean countries where 1,041 cases were reported based on ECDC data. This outbreak can be associated to the climate characteristics reported during this period and to the introduction of a new WNV-1 lineage. In conclusion, current climate change is causing an increase of mosquito circulation that supports the widest spread of some vector-borne virus including WNV diffusion in previously non-permissible areas. This warrant public health measures to control vectors circulation to reduce WNV and to screen blood and organ donations.

Expert Opin Biol Ther ; 11(6): 787-98, 2011 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21504387


INTRODUCTION: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative illness affecting over 35 million people worldwide. Solanezumab is a monoclonal antibody that binds to ß-amyloid (Aß), a protein that plays a key role in the pathogenesis of AD. The drug is currently being investigated in Phase III trials as a disease-modifying treatment for AD. AREAS COVERED: This paper reviews literature on solanezumab that is available in PubMed from 2008 to 2010, other treatment trials in and published abstracts from conferences. The article also provides a discussion of the early trials of AN1792 and an overview of the immunotherapies currently in development. The authors provide the reader with a critical appraisal of the to-date clinical trial data on solanezumab and its implications for the broader field of immunotherapies for AD. EXPERT OPINION: Solanezumab can neutralize soluble Aß peptides, which may represent the more neurotoxic of the Aß species. Phase II findings support the compound's safety, which has been a concern for some Aß immunotherapies. Cerebrospinal and plasma biomarker changes with solanezumab treatment are encouraging. Results of the ongoing Phase III trials will be instrumental in determining the drug's clinical significance.

Doença de Alzheimer/tratamento farmacológico , Anticorpos Monoclonais/uso terapêutico , Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados , Ensaios Clínicos como Assunto , Humanos , Imunoterapia