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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 21146, 2021 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34707151


Fluid flux through Earth's surface and its interior causes geochemical cycling of elements in the Earth. Quantification of such process needs accurate knowledge about the composition and properties of the fluids. Knowledge about the fluids in Earth's interior is scarce due to limitations in both experimental methods and thermodynamic modeling in high/ultrahigh pressure-temperature conditions. In this study, we present halogen (Cl, F) measurements in apatite grains from the mafic (metagabbro), and felsic (two-pyroxene granulite, charnockite, hornblende-biotite gneiss) rocks preserved in the Nilgiri Block, southern India. Previous experiments show that it is difficult to incorporate Cl in apatite compared to F at high pressure and temperature conditions. Based on regional trends in Cl and F content in apatite (with highest Cl content 2.95 wt%), we suggest the presence of acidic C-O-H fluids in the lower crust (~20-40 km deep) during the high-grade metamorphism of these rocks. These fluids are capable of causing extreme chemical alterations of minerals, especially refractory ones. They also have significant potential for mass transfer, causing extensive geochemical variations on a regional scale and altering the chemical and isotope records of rocks formed in the early Earth. Our findings have important relevance in understanding speciation triggered by acidic fluids in the lower crust, as well as the role of fluids in deep Earth processes.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 19869, 2020 Nov 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33199786


Equilibrium omphacite-garnet-bearing mafic rocks have been classified as eclogites, either pristine or retrogressed, that were formed at great depths in the lithosphere. Here we report a unique natural example of eclogite resembling assemblage in disequilibrium formed through fluid-induced metasomatic reactions under the amphibolite to granulite facies. Primarily, the amphibolized protolith experienced a garnet-amphibolite facies metamorphism at ~ 500-700 °C and ~ 0.8-1 GPa. Subsequently, CO2 fluid induced fracturing and dissolution-reprecipitation reactions occurred at peak metamorphic conditions of ~ 700 °C and ~ 1 GPa. Occasional omphacite-albite assemblage, which gradually replace diopside-oligoclase symplectite adjacent to albite veins along fractures, indicates fluid-induced coupled dissolution-reprecipitation disequilibrium reactions. Here the albite-omphacite assemblage is in local equilibrium at least on 1 mm length scale, during cooling, below ~ 600 ºC and ~ 1 GPa, within the amphibolite facies conditions. The results from this study clearly suggest that disequilibrium garnet-omphacite assemblage in mafic rocks could be formed by crustal reworking processes below granulite facies conditions, and their textural equilibrium is an important criterion while defining eclogite facies.