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Ecol Evol ; 13(9): e10451, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37736273


Army ants provide nourishment to a large variety of animals. This includes birds that feed on animals flushed out by army ant raids, symbiotic arthropods that consume the ants' prey or their brood, and other arthropods that scavenge on army ant refuse deposits. The latter have not received much attention, and the few published studies lack detailed species identifications. Here we provide a first systematic inventory of the beetle fauna associated with refuse deposits of Eciton army ants, with a focus on Eciton burchellii. We collected 8364 adult beetles, 511 larvae, and 24 eggs from 34 deposits at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. We used a combination of DNA barcoding and morphology to identify a subset of 436 specimens to species level. The samples included several new species, and we here formally describe two water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae). Refuse deposits harbored a diverse beetle fauna. The identified subset consisted of 91 beetle species from 12 families, with rove beetles being the most abundant and diverse visitors. Of the 85 species found with E. burchellii, 50 species were collected from only one or two refuse deposits. Conversely, seven species were found in 10 or more refuse deposits, indicating a certain level of habitat specialization. We matched adults and immatures for 22 beetle species via DNA barcodes, demonstrating that army ant middens also serve as a beetle nursery. The present survey highlights the significant ecological function of army ants as promoters of biodiversity and their status as keystone species in tropical rainforests.

Zootaxa ; 4731(2): zootaxa.4731.2.11, 2020 Feb 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32229823


Agathidium mexicanum Hendrichs, 1979: 106 is the single Mexican species of Leiodidae described by a Mexican entomologist: Chemical Engineer Jorge Hendrichs. As an amateur coleopterist he made a beetle collection of 18,400 specimens, adequately labeled by his wife and daughter. Most of the specimens are now in the entomological collection of the Instituto de Biología, UNAM. He published 12 papers, one of them devoted to the description of one leiodid species: Agathidium mexicanum Hendrichs, 1979. Type specimens of A. mexicanum were collected in Estado de Mexico and Distrito Federal (now Ciudad de México) localities (type locality: Cerro Tlaloc, Estado de México). The type series as described in the original description was constituted by 13 specimens: Holotype (male), allotype (female) and, 11 paratypes (6 males and 5 females). For specific details, data of the material examined is fully included (Hendrichs 1979: 110):.

Besouros , Animais , Feminino , Masculino
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26819145


Thermal pretreatment effect of a mixture of organic wastes (physicochemical sludge, excreta of broiler chickens and sugarcane wastes (SCW)) in the solubilization and biodegradability organic matter as well as bioenergy production by anaerobic digestion was evaluated. Two different mixtures of physicochemical sludge, excreta of broiler chickens and SCW (70%, 15%, 15% and 60%, 20%, 20% of VS, respectively) were treated at different temperatures (80 °C, 85 °C and 90 °C) and contact time (30, 60 and 90 min). Results indicate that, organic matter solubilization degree increased from 1.14 to 6.56%; subsequently, in the anaerobic digestion process, an increase of 50% in the volatile solids removal and 10% in biogas production was observed, while, retention time decreased from 23 up to 9 days. The results obtained were similar to pilot-scale. In both experimental scales it showed that the synergy produced by the simultaneous anaerobic digestion of different substrates could increase bioenergy production up to 1.3 L bio g(-1) VS removed and 0.82 L CH4 g(-1) VS removed. The treatment conditions presented in this study allow for large residue quantities to be treated and large bioenergy quantities to be produced (10% higher than during conventional treatment) without increasing the anaerobic digester volume.

Bactérias Anaeróbias/metabolismo , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Esterco/microbiologia , Metano/biossíntese , Saccharum/metabolismo , Esgotos/química , Esgotos/microbiologia , Agricultura , Animais , Biodegradação Ambiental , Reatores Biológicos , Galinhas , México , Solubilidade
Investig. segur. soc. salud ; 2: 93-11, 2000. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-595214


Justificación y propósito Colombia se ubica en el cuarto lugar entre los países continentales de América Latina en cuanto al número total de casos reportados de VIH-SIDA, lo cual ha afectado la percepción de riesgo que significan las otras ETS, en especial las ulcerativas como sífilis y gonorrea, no sólo en la población general, sino también en los equipos de salud que atienden estas patologías. A tal punto ha llegado la situación que varias de ellas casi han desaparecido de los registros de notificación, aunque no del medio como han probado varias investigaciones recientes. Lo más lamentable de esta situación es que la prevención y el control de estas patologías se puede hacer con medios específicos, tratamientos relativamente baratos y efectivos, que además disminuyen el riesgo y la transmisión del VIH porque al realizar intervenciones de prevención en ETS también se previene el VIH-SIDA. Un ejemplo típico es el de la sífilis, que varios estudios del exterior y del país han probado que constituye un factor de riesgo para infección VIH y una infección indicadora del SIDA. No obstante, la respuesta a los esfuerzos para implementar el programa de erradicación de la sífilis con- génita antes del año 2000 que actualmente adelantan el Ministerio de Salud y la Secretaría de Salud de Bogotá, ha sido muy pobre. En estas circunstancias hay que buscar estrategias novedosas que favorezcan el control de las otras ETS a través de las que están en curso para VIH y viceversa. Este proyecto fue desarrollado para evaluar la magnitud del reservorio de sífilis en embarazadas de Bogotá, con un estudio simultáneo de infección VIH, intentando desarrollar algoritmos de diagnóstico y predicción de riesgo en los cuales se use la detección rutinaria a partir de la serología positiva confirmada para sífilis para detectar casos de infección VIH. Objetivos Evaluar la frecuencia de Infecciones por T. pallidum en el grupo de embarazadas seleccionadas de la dudad de Bogotá, al Igual que la frecuencia de infecciones por VIH, con miras a establecer la importancia de los posibles algoritmos de diagnóstico que permitan la detección de las dos patologías tanto en la madre como en sus hijos, iniciando por el estudio de la infección por T. pallidum. Evaluar la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo de las pruebas que actualmente se tienen disponibles en Bogotá para la detección de estas patologías en el grupo de pacientes mencionados. Metodología Entre octubre de 1998 y octubre de 1999 se tomaron muestras de sangre, en el momento del parto, a las embarazadas que asistieron a los hospitales Simón Bolívar, Clínica Corpas, La Victoria, La Perseverancia, La Granja. La Samaritana, Clínica El Bosque y el Centro de Atención de Cafam en Ciudad Bolívar en Santa Fe de Bogotá. La muestra de embarazadas fue no probabilística y se les practicaron pruebas rápidas y convencionales para sífilis e infección VIH; además se obtuvieron datos sobre variables demográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio, y una muestra de suero para Nasba carga viral, pruebas no treponémicas y Elisa IgM trepónemica para detección de anticuerpos contra el T. pallidum. Para propósitos de comparación y validación de las pruebas usadas ante dudas que surgieron fuera del grupo de trabajo durante su ejecución, se incluyeron muestras obtenidas de trabajadoras sexuales durante un proyecto diferente en el Hospital de La Perseverancia y muestras de sangre de trabajadoras sexuales embarazadas que han asistido a consulta también al Hospital de La Perseverancia, tanto positivas como negativas. A estas últimas pacientes se le realizaron también pruebas convencionales deVDRL para sífilis en el Instituto de Virología y Elisa para VIH en el Hospital de La Perseverancia; una prueba no trepónemica para sífilis (RPR), Elisa IgM treponémica para detección de anticuerpos contra el T. pallidum, Elisa y Western Blot para VIH y Nasba carga viral.También se les llenó una ficha prediseñada donde se tomaron datos demográficos, clínicos y epidemiológicos, y una muestra de sangre que se procesó en forma similar a las de los hospitales ya mencionados. Resultados Se examinaron un total de 567 muestras procedentes de los hospitales mencionados. Se encontró un total de 2 (0.4%) muestras positivas para VIH y un total de 14 (2.5%) reactivas por VDRL y/o RPR; de ellas se confirmaron 9 (1.6%) por Elisa IgM para sífilis que corresponden al 30% de las que fueron inicialmente reactivas por VDRL y RPR. Conclusiones De acuerdo con los resultados de este estudio la frecuencia de infecciones confirmadas por T. pallidum es de 1.6% en el grupo de embarazadas estudiadas, lo cual corresponde a la literatura; esto podría deberse a la acumulación de casos por factores diferentes a los de riesgo. La frecuencia de infecciones por VIH estuvo en 0.4% que no corresponde a lo informado para la población general en Bogotá y no se correlacionó con la seropositividad para sífilis. Se evidenció también alta frecuencia de falsos reactivos o falsos positivos para sífilis en el embarazo que son detectados por las pruebas no treponémicas como VDRL y RPR, lo que hace obligatorio la confirmación por métodos más específicos como la ¡nmunofluorescencia y el Elisa IgM con antígenos treponémicos.

Justification and purpose Colombia ranks fourth among the continental countries of Latin America in terms of the total number of reported cases of HIV-AIDS, which has affected the perception of risk posed by other STDs, especially ulcerative STDs such as syphilis and gonorrhea, not only in the general population, but also in the health teams that treat these pathologies. The situation has reached such a point that several of them have almost disappeared from the notification records, although not from the environment, as several recent investigations have proven. The most regrettable aspect of this situation is that the prevention and control of these pathologies can be done with specific means, relatively cheap and effective treatments, which also reduce the risk and transmission of HIV because by carrying out STD prevention interventions, HIV-AIDS is also prevented. A typical example is syphilis, which several studies from abroad and at home have proven to be a risk factor for HIV infection and an AIDS indicator infection. However, the response to the efforts to implement the program to eradicate syphilis before the year 2000, currently being carried out by the Ministry of Health and the Secretariat of Health of Bogota, has been very poor. In these circumstances, it is necessary to look for novel strategies that favor the control of other STDs through those that are underway for HIV and vice versa. This project was developed to evaluate the magnitude of the syphilis reservoir in pregnant women in Bogota, with a simultaneous study of HIV infection, trying to develop diagnostic and risk prediction algorithms in which routine screening from confirmed positive serology for syphilis is used to detect cases of HIV infection. Objectives To evaluate the frequency of T. pallidum infections in the group of selected pregnant women in the city of Bogotá, as well as the frequency of HIV infections, in order to establish the importance of possible diagnostic algorithms that allow the detection of both pathologies in the mother and her children, starting with the study of T. pallidum infection. To evaluate the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of the tests currently available in Bogota for the detection of these pathologies in the aforementioned group of patients. Methodology Between October 1998 and October 1999, blood samples were taken at the time of delivery from pregnant women attending the following hospitals: Simón Bolívar, Clínica Corpas, La Victoria, La Perseverancia, La Granja, La Samaritana, Clínica El Bosque and the Cafam Care Center in Ciudad Bolívar in Santa Fe, Bogotá. La Samaritana, Clínica El Bosque and the Cafam Care Center in Ciudad Bolívar in Santa Fe de Bogotá. The sample of pregnant women was non-probabilistic and they underwent rapid and conventional tests for syphilis and HIV infection; in addition, data on demographic, clinical and laboratory variables were obtained, as well as a serum sample for Nasba viral load, non-treponemal tests and Elisa IgM treponemal for detection of antibodies against T. pallidum. For purposes of comparison and validation of the tests used in case of doubts that arose outside the working group during its execution, samples obtained from sex workers during a different project at the Hospital de La Perseverancia and blood samples from pregnant sex workers who have also attended the Hospital de La Perseverancia, both positive and negative, were included. The latter patients also underwent conventionalVDRL tests for syphilis at the Instituto de Virología and Elisa for HIV at the Hospital de La Perseverancia; a non-treponemal test for syphilis (RPR), Elisa IgM treponemal for detection of antibodies against T. A pre-designed form was also filled out where demographic, clinical and epidemiological data were collected, and a blood sample was processed in a similar way to those of the aforementioned hospitals. Results A total of 567 samples from the aforementioned hospitals were examined. A total of 2 (0.4%) samples were found to be positive for HIV and a total of 14 (2.5%) reactive by VDRL and/or RPR; of these, 9 (1.6%) were confirmed by IgM Elisa for syphilis, corresponding to 30% of those initially reactive by VDRL and RPR. Conclusions According to the results of this study, the frequency of confirmed T. pallidum infections is 1.6% in the group of pregnant women studied, which corresponds to the literature; this could be due to the accumulation of cases due to factors other than risk factors. The frequency of HIV infection was 0.4%, which does not correspond to that reported for the general population in Bogotá, and did not correlate with seropositivity for syphilis. There was also a high frequency of false reactive or false positives for syphilis in pregnancy that are detected by non-treponemal tests such as VDRL and RPR, which makes confirmation by more specific methods such as ¡nmunofluorescence and IgM Elisa with treponemal antigens mandatory.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Sífilis , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Infecções por HIV , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida , Sistema Único de Saúde , Sangue , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Gonorreia , Demografia , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , HIV , Estratégias de Saúde , Carga Viral , Gestantes , Diagnóstico , Profissionais do Sexo , Anticorpos