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J Med Primatol ; 53(4): e12731, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39135544


BACKGROUND: Marmosets, Callithrix spp, are small New World monkeys that have gained importance as an experimental animal model for human. Despite its use, information on its renal morphometry, vascularization, and location are limited. Therefore, this study will supply basic anatomy for applied studies and for comparative anatomy. METHODS: Fifty cadavers of Callithrix spp were collected on highways from the Atlantic Forest biome, identified and injected with a 10% formaldehyde solution. Later, the specimens were dissected and the measurements and topography of the kidneys and renal vessels were recorded. Both left and right kidneys were significantly larger in females. RESULTS: In the specimens studied, the average body length was 20.00 ± 2.46 cm in males and 20.50 ± 1.98 cm in females (p = .43). The kidneys of the Callithrix spp. were symmetrical in shape and resembled a "bean." They were also pale brown with a smooth surface. In males, the most frequent location of the right kidney was at the L1-L2 level (92%), while the location of the left kidney was between L2 and L3 (76%). In females, the most frequent location of the right kidney was at the L1-L2 level (56%), while the location of the left kidney was between L2 and L3 (32%) (Table 1). However, in seven (28%) males and nine (36%) females, the kidneys were at the same level. CONCLUSIONS: In both sexes, there was a positive and significant linear correlation between body length and kidney length. Regardless of the variable location of the kidneys in both sides and in either sexe, the right kidney was always located more cranially than the left, similar to observations in other non-human primates.

Callithrix , Rim , Animais , Feminino , Callithrix/anatomia & histologia , Masculino , Rim/anatomia & histologia , Rim/irrigação sanguínea , Artéria Renal/anatomia & histologia , Cadáver , Veias Renais/anatomia & histologia
Braz J Vet Med ; 45: e004922, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37288441


Breed traits seem to influence the dimensions of the cerebral ventricles in dogs. The ratios between the ventricles and the brain are crucial diagnostic criteria for suspected canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD). This study aimed to establish linear computed tomography (CT)-scan measurements of the cerebral ventricles in 55 Poodle dogs aged >7 years. To this end, cross-sectional CT images were evaluated. The measurements in the whole sample were: height of the right ventricle, 6.0 ± 1.6 mm; height of the left ventricle, 5.8 ± 1.6 mm; width of the right ventricle, 6.9 ± 1.4 mm; width of the left ventricle, 7.0 ± 1.3 mm; height of the third ventricle, 3.4 ± 0.8 mm; height of the right cerebral hemisphere, 39.5 ± 2.0 mm; and height of the left cerebral hemisphere, 40.2 ± 2.6 mm. The average ventricular measurements were higher in dogs older than 11 years (p < 0.05). However, the average ratio of the ventricle height to the height of the brain did not reveal differences between age groups, sex, or antimeres. In addition, none of the images showed fused lateral ventricles. Thus, these data can assist in interpreting ventricle size in senile Poodle dogs (aged >7 years).

Características raciais parecem influenciar as dimensões dos ventrículos cerebrais em cães. As proporções entre os ventrículos e o cérebro são cruciais para os casos suspeitos de disfunção cognitiva canina (DCC). Este estudo objetivou estabelecer medidas lineares dos ventrículos cerebrais de 55 cães da raça Poodle com idade acima de sete anos. Para tal, foram avaliadas imagens de cortes transversais obtidas por tomografia computadorizada. As medidas na amostragem total foram: altura do ventrículo direito 6,0 ± 1,6 mm, altura do ventrículo esquerdo 5,8 ± 1,6 mm, largura do ventrículo direito 6,9 ± 1,4 mm, largura do ventrículo esquerdo 7.0 ± 1,3 mm, altura do terceiro ventrículo 3,4 ± 0,8 mm, altura do hemisfério cerebral direito 39,5 ± 2,0 mm e altura do hemisfério cerebral esquerdo 40,2 ± 2,6 mm. As médias das medidas ventriculares foram maiores em cães acima de 11 anos de idade (p < 0,05). Contudo, a relação entre altura ventricular e altura cerebral não revelou diferenças entre grupos etários, sexo ou antímeros. Além disso, nenhuma imagem revelou ventrículos fusionados. Assim, os dados do presente estudo podem auxiliar na interpretação das dimensões ventriculares em cães da raça Poodle acima dos sete anos de idade.

Braz J Vet Med ; 45: e005222, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37250867


Various animal models are used for research; however, non-human primates are well suited for biomedical research owing to their genetic homology with humans. The objective of this research was the anatomical characterization of red howler's kidneys in view of the scarcity of information in the literature. Protocols were approved by the Committee for Ethics in the Use of Animals at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (number 018/2017). The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Domestic and Wild Animal Morphology, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of Alouatta guariba clamitans were collected from the Serra dos Órgãos National Park road in Rio de Janeiro and subsequently frozen. Four adult cadavers (two males and two females) were used, identified, and injected with a 10% formaldehyde solution. Later, the specimens were dissected, and measurements and topography of the kidneys and renal vessels were recorded. The kidneys of A. g. clamitans resemble a "bean seed," with a smooth surface. The longitudinal section shows two distinct regions, cortical and medullary; in addition, the kidneys are unipyramidal. The renal arteries emerged from the abdominal aorta as a single vessel posterior to the renal veins. The renal veins drained directly into the caudal vena cava as a single vessel in all specimens.

Vários modelos animais são usados para pesquisa, no entanto, primatas não humanos são adequados para pesquisas biomédicas devido à sua homologia genética com humanos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi a caracterização anatômica dos rins do Bugio, tendo em vista a escassez de informações na literatura. Os protocolos foram aprovados pelo Comitê de Ética no Uso de Animais da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (número 018/ 2017). O estudo foi realizado no Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Morfologia de Animais Domésticos e Silvestres da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Espécimes de Alouatta guariba clamitans foram coletados da estrada para o Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos no Rio de Janeiro, e posteriormente congelados. Foram utilizados quatro cadáveres adultos (dois machos e duas fêmeas), identificados e injetados com solução de formaldeído a 10%. Os rins de A. g. clamitans assemelham-se a uma "semente de feijão", com superfície lisa. Ao corte longitudinal apresenta duas regiões distintas, cortical e medular, além disso, apresenta-se unipiramidal. As artérias renais emergiram da aorta abdominal como um único vaso, posteriormente às veias renais. As veias renais drenaram diretamente para a veia cava caudal como um único vaso em todos os espécimes.

Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 25-36, jan.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1425963


Relatos de ingestão de corpos estranhos dos mais diferentes materiais são comuns em aves, especialmente nas mais jovens. Os corpos estranhos podem causar intoxicação (dependendo da composição do material) ou mesmo perfuração do canal alimentar ou obstrução gastrintestinal. Quando há suspeita de ingestão de corpos estranhos, exames de imagem como a radiologia, ultrassonografia e endoscopia são ferramentas valiosas para o diagnóstico. Objetivou-se relatar um caso de uma ave da espécie Gallus gallus domesticus, raça Brahma, sete meses de idade, macho, pesando 4,3 Kg com quadro de sensibilidade na cavidade corporal e histórico de regurgitação, hiporexia e prostração há cinco dias. As radiografias simples indicaram a presença de corpo estranho radiopaco (parafuso) alojado na região do ventrículo (moela). Após tratamento clínico com lavagens gástricas por cinco dias sem êxito, optou-se por realizar uma endoscopia digestiva alta sob anestesia geral com quetamina e isoflurano. O corpo estranho foi satisfatoriamente removido com pinça de alça de polipectomia e a ave apresentou rápida melhora clínica sem complicações. A endoscopia mostrou-se um procedimento pouco invasivo e eficaz para a resolução do presente caso. Os clínicos veterinários de aves devem considerar a possibilidade de usar a endoscopia como ferramenta para diagnóstico e resolução de corpos estranhos no canal alimentar das aves.(AU)

Reports of ingestion of foreign bodies from most different materials are common in birds, especially younger ones. Foreign bodies can cause intoxication (depending on the composition of the material) or even perforation of the alimentary canal and gastrointestinal obstruction. When foreign body ingestion is suspected, imaging tests such as radiology, ultrasound, and endoscopy are valuable diagnostic tools. The objective of this paper was to report a case of an avian of the species Gallus gallus domesticus, Brahma breed, seven months old, male, weighing 4.3 kg, with sensitivity in the body cavity, and a history of regurgitation, hyporexia, and prostration for five days. Plain radiographs indicated the presence of a radiopaque foreign body (screw) lodged in the ventricle region (gizzard). After clinical treatment with gastric lavages for five days without success, it was decided to perform an upper digestive endoscopy under general anesthesia with ketamine and isoflurane. The foreign body was satisfactorily removed with polypectomy loop forceps, and the bird showed rapid clinical improvement without complications. Endoscopy proved to be a minimally invasive and effective procedure for resolving the present case. Avian veterinary practitioners may consider using endoscopy to diagnose and resolve foreign bodies in the alimentary canal of birds.(AU)

Los informes de ingestión de cuerpos extraños de los más diferentes materiales son comunes en las aves, especialmente en las más jóvenes. Los cuerpos extraños pueden causar intoxicación (dependiendo de la composición del material) o incluso perforación del tubo digestivo u obstrucción gastrointestinal. Cuando se sospecha la ingestión de un cuerpo extraño, las pruebas de imagen como la radiología, la ecografía y la endoscopia son valiosas herramientas diagnósticas. El objetivo fue reportar un caso de un ave de la especie Gallus gallus domesticus, raza Brahma, de siete meses de edad, macho, con un peso de 4,3 kg, con sensibilidad en la cavidad corporal y antecedentes de regurgitación, hiporexia y postración de cinco días de evolución. Las radiografías simples indicaron la presencia de un cuerpo extraño radiopaco (tornillo) alojado en la región del ventrículo (molleja). Tras tratamiento clínico con lavados gástricos durante cinco días sin éxito, se decide realizar endoscopia digestiva alta bajo anestesia general con ketamina e isoflurano. El cuerpo extraño se extrajo satisfactoriamente con pinzas de asa de polipectomía y el ave mostró una rápida mejoría clínica sin complicaciones. La endoscopia demostró ser un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo y efectivo para la resolución del presente caso. Los veterinarios aviares deberían considerar la posibilidad de utilizar la endoscopia como herramienta para el diagnóstico y resolución de cuerpos extraños en el tubo digestivo de las aves.(AU)

Animais , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/diagnóstico , Galinhas , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Sistema Digestório , Endoscopia/veterinária
Braz J Vet Med ; 44: e001322, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35775866


The Military Police of Rio de Janeiro state use dogs as a decisive tool for patrol and detection of drugs, weapons, and explosives. Complementary tests, such as echocardiography, are essential to maintain the integrity of these animals. This study aimed to evaluate the echocardiographic parameters of the working dogs belonging to the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro and compare them with the available data. Echocardiographic evaluation was performed on 48 healthy adult dogs from the Canine Action Battalion of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The sample consisted of 13 Labrador Retrievers, 12 Malinois Belgian Shepherds, 10 German Shepherds, 8 Dobermann Pinschers, and 5 Dutch Shepherds. Echocardiographic variables were correlated with body weight (BW). A positive correlation (P=0.0142, r=0.6837) between BW and the diameter of the left atrium was found in Malinois Belgian Shepherds. In German Shepherds, a positive correlation between BW and the internal diameter of the right ventricle during diastole (P=0.0320, r=0.6757) was observed; in addition, a positive correlation between BW and left ventricular internal diameter (P=0.0344, r=0.6689) during diastole was also found. Echocardiographic evaluations of these working dogs differed slightly from those previously established for similar-sized dog breeds.

No Rio de Janeiro, a Polícia Militar usa cães para patrulhar e detectar rotineiramente drogas, armas e explosivos. A realização de testes complementares como ecocardiogramas, é importante para manter a integridade dos animais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros ecocardiográficos de cães trabalhadores da Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro e compará-los com os dados disponíveis na literatura. A avaliação ecocardiográfica foi realizada em quarenta e oito cães adultos saudáveis do Batalhão de Ação Canina da Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro. A amostra consistia de 13 Retriever de Labrador, 12 Pastores Belgas de Malinois, 10 Pastores Alemães, 8 Dobermann Pinschers e 5 Pastores Holandeses. Todas as variáveis ecocardiográficas foram correlacionadas com o peso corporal (PC). Foi encontrada uma correlação positiva (P=0,0142, r=0,6837) entre o peso e o diâmetro do átrio esquerdo nos Pastores Belgas de Malinois. Foi observada uma correlação positiva (P=0,0320, r= 0,6757) entre o peso corporal e o diâmetro interno do ventrículo direito durante a diástole para os pastores alemães. Além disso, foi encontrada uma correlação positiva (P= 0,0344, r=0,6689) entre o PC e o diâmetro interno do ventrículo esquerdo durante a diástole para Pastores Alemães ou Holandeses. As avaliações ecocardiográficas desses cães de trabalho diferiram ligeiramente dos padrões estabelecidos na literatura para raças porte semelhantes.

Rev. med. vet. (Bogota) ; (44): 33-40, Jan.-June 2022. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377005


Resumo As aves apresentam anatomia e fisiologia únicas. Seu sistema digestório é composto por esôfago, estômago (proventrículo e ventrículo), intestino delgado e intestino grosso. O esôfago apresenta uma dilatação chamada de inglúvio na maioria das aves, que armazena alimentos. Lesões e massas nesses locais ocorrem por diversos motivos, provocando dificuldades alimentares e emagrecimento. A ingestão de substâncias inadequadas pode formar uma massa, repousar no papo e gerar possível intoxicação. O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever um caso de ingluviotomia decorrente de ingestão de corpo estranho em calopsita (Nymphicus hollandicus). A ingluviotomia é um procedimento cirúrgico de urgência, podendo ser optado para a remoção de corpo estranho no inglúvio, sendo que a resolução cirúrgica do problema e a recuperação clínica ocorre sem maiores problemas desde que empregada um conduta clínico-cirúrgica adequada.

Resumen Los pájaros tienen una anatomía y fisiología únicas. Su sistema digestivo consta de esófago, estómago (proventrículo y ventrículo), intestino delgado e intestino grueso. En la mayoría de los pájaros, el esófago tiene una dilatación llamada ingluvie que almacena alimento. En este lugar pueden ocurrir lesiones y masas debido a varias razones, ocasionando dificultades dietarias y pérdida de peso. La digestión de sustancias inadecuadas puede formar una masa, quedarse ahí hasta germinar e intoxicarse. El objetivo de este estudio es hacer un informe de una ingluviotomía debido a la ingestión de un cuerpo extraño en una cacatúa ninfa (Nymphicus hollandicus). La ingluviotomía es un procedimiento quirúrgico de urgencia y se puede escoger para remover un cuerpo extraño en el ingluvium. La resolución quirúrgica del problema y la recuperación clínica ocurren sin mayores problemas si se usa un enfoque clínico-quirúrgico adecuado.

Abstract Birds have a unique anatomy and physiology. Their digestive system consists of esophagus, stomach (proventricle and ventricle), small intestine and large intestine. The esophagus has a dilatation called ingluvies in most birds, which stores food. Injuries and masses in these places can occur for several reasons, causing dietary difficulties and weight loss. Ingestion of inappropriate substances can form a mass, rest in the crop and cause intoxication. The aim of this study was to describe a case of ingluviotomy resulting from the ingestion of a foreign body in cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus). Ingluviotomy is an urgent surgical procedure, and it can be chosen to remove a foreign body in the ingluvium. The surgical resolution of the problem and clinical recovery occur without major problems as long as an appropriate clinical-surgical approach is used.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 492021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363750


Thyroid gland diseases are the most common endocrinopathies in feline practice. Diagnosis and surgical treatment must base on solid anatomical knowledge about the gland size, localization, and blood supply. However, some textbooks provide a general anatomical description of the thyroid gland of domestic carnivores. Thus, specific details of the feline gland are missing. The present study aimed to investigate the dimensions, topography, and arterial supply of the thyroid gland in Brazilian shorthair cats and, therefore, provide additional data to diagnose and treat feline thyroid diseases. Thirty Brazilian shorthair cats formalin-fixed cadavers (15 male and 15 female) were injected with red-stained latex solution by a canula in the thoracic aorta. The necropsy unit of the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro donated the specimens. The study included only adult animals with no history of thyroid disease. After the fixation period, the cadavers were dissected to investigate the measurements (length, width at cranial and caudal poles, and thickness), topography, and in situ arterial supply of the thyroid lobes. The mean measurements of the length, cranial pole width, caudal pole width, and thickness in the right lobe were 19.39 ± 3.10 mm, 5.36 ± 1.40 mm, 3.67 ± 0.93 mm, and 1.30 ± 0.29 mm, respectively; and 20.29 ± 3.35 mm, 4.85 ± 1.58 mm, 3.88 ± 0.91 mm, 1.64 ± 0.65 mm in the left lobe, respectively. There were no statistical differences (P > 0.05) in the comparison of the measures between sexes or antimers (sides). Pearson's linear correlation detected a positive, moderate (r = 0.55), and significant (P < 0.05) correlation between the right and left lobe lengths. In 70% of the cats, both left and right lobes had the cranial poles located at the same level. Typically, the lobes extended between the first to the eighth tracheal ring. However, the cranial pole of some lobes located as cranially as the cricoid cartilage level, and the caudal pole as caudally as the 12th tracheal ring. Fifty-six percent of the cats had a ventrally located isthmus. In all the sampling, one single thyroid artery emerged as a branch of the common carotid artery and provided branches directly to the thyroid lobe, isthmus and the adjacent muscles and esophagus. Besides establishing average dimensions of normal thyroid lobes in Brazilian shorthair cats, this study detected no significant difference between the average measurements of right and left lobes. Also, a positive linear correlation between the length and width of the right and left lobes became evident. Therefore, the practitioner must consider suspicious any length asymmetry between right and left thyroid lobes until further endocrine test proves otherwise. Most of the cats had the right and left thyroid lobe positioned at the same transversal level; however, positional asymmetries are not uncommon. Unlike dogs, Brazilian shorthair cats have only a single artery to supply each lobe: the thyroid artery. In a feline thyroidectomy, the surgeon must avoid blindly ligating the thyroid artery since this vessel also provided numerous branches to adjacent muscles and esophagus. In a bilateral thyroidectomy, the ventral region between lobes should be thoroughly inspected for the common presence of an isthmus. Sometimes, the surgeon may need to extend the incision caudally beyond the 12th tracheal ring level to visualize the gland tissue entirely.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Artérias , Doenças da Glândula Tireoide/veterinária , Glândula Tireoide/anatomia & histologia , Glândula Tireoide/irrigação sanguínea , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Gatos
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 25(1): 98-102, ene.-abr. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279660


RESUMEN Objetivo. El propósito de este estudio fue explorar la duplicidad de la arteria renal en un espécimen de Cerdocyon thous, centrándose en las posibilidades de la implicación clínico-quirúrgica de esta variación anatómica. Materiales y Métodos. Fueron disecados 32 especímenes de Cerdocyon thous, obtenidos de las colecciones del Laboratorio de Enseñanza e Investigación en Morfología de los Animales Domésticos y Salvajes del Departamento de Anatomía Animal y Humana, de la Universidad Federal Rural del Rio de Janeiro y del Laboratorio de Anatomía Animal de la Universidad Federal del Pampa. Resultados. Fue observada una variación numérica en la arteria renal izquierda en un cadáver hembra adulto. El riñón izquierdo tenía dos arterias renales, una craneal y otra caudal. La primera arteria renal del riñón izquierdo, midiendo 2,25 cm de longitud, se ha originado lateralmente desde la aorta abdominal a nivel de la tercera vértebra lumbar. Además, emanaba dos ramas prehiliares, una dorsal y otra ventral, con la rama ventral suministrando también a la glándula suprarrenal. La segunda arteria renal también se ha originado lateralmente desde la aorta abdominal a nivel de la tercera vértebra lumbar, midiendo 2,36 cm de longitud. También ha emitido dos ramas prehiliares, una craneal y otra caudal, las cuales emitieron la rama uretral. Conclusiones. Las variaciones numéricas de las arterias renales deben ser consideradas en la ejecución de procedimientos quirúrgicos, radiológicos y experimentales, con los fines de evitar errores ocasionados por la falta de conocimiento de la posibilidad de estas variaciones tanto en animales domésticos como salvajes.

ABSTRACT Objective. The aim of this study was explored the duplicity of renal artery in a specimen of Cerdocyon thous, focusing on the possibilities of clinical-surgical implication of this anatomical variation. Materials and methods. Were dissected 32 specimens of Cerdocyon thous, obtained from the collections of the Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Morfologia dos Animais Domésticos e Selvagens do Departamento de Anatomia Animal e Humana, da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro e Laboratório de Anatomia Animal da Universidade Federal do Pampa. Results. Were observed a numerical variation in the left renal artery in an adult female cadaver. The left kidney had two renal arteries, one cranial and another caudal. The first renal artery of the left kidney, measuring 2.25 cm in length, originated laterally from the abdominal aorta at the level of the third lumbar vertebra. Moreover, it emanated two pre-hilar branches, one dorsal and one ventral, with the ventral branch supplying also to the adrenal gland. The second renal artery also originated laterally from the abdominal aorta at the level of the third lumbar vertebra and measured 2.36 cm in length. It also emitted two pre-hilar branches, one cranial and another caudal, which emitted the ureteral branch. Conclusions. Numerical variations of the renal arteries should be considered in the execution of surgical, radiological and experimental procedures in order to avoid mistakes made due to lack of knowledge of the possibility these variations both in domestic and wild animals.

Animais , Suínos , Artéria Renal , Sistema Urogenital
Int. j. morphol ; 37(4): 1404-1408, Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040145


Las glándulas tiroides consisten en dos partes denominadas lobos que se encuentran en ambos lados de la laringe. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar las medidas, topografía y vascularización de la glándula tiroides de conejos Nueva Zelanda. Las disecciones anatómicas se realizaron en 36 cadáveres adultos, 17 machos y 19 hembras, con masa corporal media de 2,5 kg y longitud cara-sacral media de 40 cm. Los cadáveres fueron obtenidos del sector de necropsia de la Universidad. Los especímenes tuvieron la arteria aorta torácica canalada, por la cual se inyectó solución de formaldehído al 10 %, seguida de látex coloreado. En los machos, el lobo izquierdo de la glándula tiroidea midió 1,40 x 0,40 x 0,01 cm y el derecho 1,36 x 0,56 x 0,01 cm; en las hembras, el lobo izquierdo midió 1,50 x 0,49 x 0,01 cm y el derecho 1,37 x 0,48 x 0,01cm. No hubo diferencia significativa (p> 0,05) entre las medias de las medidas entre machos y hembras, pero la extensión del lóbulo izquierdo de las hembras y la anchura del lóbulo derecho de los machos fueran significativamente mayores (p <0,05). La extremidad craneal de los lobos tiroideos se encontraba al nivel del cartílago cricoide en casi todos los especímenes. El extremo caudal presentó topografía más variable, desde el tercer hasta el décimo anillo traqueal, habiendo predominado al nivel del quinto anillo. Invariablemente, la irrigación arterial fue determinada por las arterias tiroideas izquierda y derecha, originadas de la arteria carótida común. Las anastomosis entre las arterias tiroideas fueron comunes. La constancia en las dimensiones y irrigación de la glándula tiroidea puede ser ventajosa en la elección del Coelho como modelo experimental para el estudio de esta glándula.

The thyroid glands consist of two parts called lobes located on both sides of the larynx. The aim of this study was to characterize the measures, topography and arterial irrigation of New Zealand´s rabbits thyroid glands. The anatomical dissections were performed in 36 adult cadavers, 17 males and 19 females, with a mean body mass of 2.5 kg and a mean cranium-sacral length of 40 cm. The specimens were obtained from the necropsy unit of the University. The cadavers had the thoracic aorta artery cannulated, through which 10 % formaldehyde solution was injected, followed by injection colored latex. In males, the left lobe of the thyroid gland measured 1.40x0.40x0.01cm and the right 1.36x0.56x0.01cm; in females, the left lobe measured 1.50x0.49x0.01cm and the right one was 1.37x0.48x0.01cm. There was no significant difference (p> 0.05) between the means of the measurements between males and females, but the left lobe length of the females and the right lobe width of the males were significantly higher (p <0.05). The cranial extremity of the thyroid lobes was at the level of the cricoid cartilage in almost all specimens. The caudal end showed more variable topography, from the third to the tenth tracheal ring in few specimens, but predominated at the level of the fifth ring. Invariably, arterial irrigation was determined by the left and right thyroid arteries, originating from the common carotid artery. Anastomoses between the thyroid arteries were common. The constancy in dimensions and irrigation of the thyroid gland may be advantageous in choosing the rabbit as an experimental model for the study of this gland.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Coelhos/anatomia & histologia , Glândula Tireoide/irrigação sanguínea , Vasos Sanguíneos/anatomia & histologia , Caracteres Sexuais , Glândula Tireoide/anatomia & histologia