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Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28073, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422159


Em março de 2020 estávamos nas ruas das cidades observando o brincar livre e espontâneo de crianças em espaços diversos, quando fomos surpreendidos pela pandemia global do novo coronavírus. Medidas variadas de isolamento social foram implementadas. Neste cenário, passamos a indagar sobre como estaria o brincar livre e espontâneo dentro das residências de famílias isoladas. Por meio do olhar fenomenológico, passamos a buscar formas de nos aproximarmos da experiência vivida das crianças de maneira remota e por intermédio de seus responsáveis. Dialogamos com 55 famílias em quatro meses. Percebemos que investigar o brincar durante o isolamento social é investigar um fenômeno que acontece dentro de casa em outros momentos, porém no período de isolamento, com tempos mais amplos e com menos restrições de acesso a objetos e cômodos. Em diálogo com autores da área, evidenciam-se provocações que diferentes cômodos engendraram nas crianças a partir do brincar livre e espontâneo. (AU)

In March 2020 we were on the streets of cities observing the free and spontaneous play of children in different spaces, when we were surprised by the global pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Various measures of isolation and social distancing were implemented. In this new scenario, we started to ask ourselves about what free and spontaneous play would be like inside the homes of isolated families. Through the phenomenological perspective, we started to look for ways to approach the lived experience of children remotely and through their guardians. We followed 55 isolated families for four months. We realized that investigating playing during social isolation allowed the approximation of a phenomenon that happens inside the house at other times, but with longer times and with fewer restrictions on access to objects and rooms. In dialogue with authors in the area, the provocations that the different rooms engendered in children from free and spontaneous play are evident. (AU)

En marzo de 2020 estábamos en las calles de las ciudades observando el juego libre y espontáneo de los niños en diferentes espacios, cuando nos sorprendió la pandemia global del nuevo coronavirus. Se implementaron diversas medidas de aislamiento y distanciamiento social. En este escenario, comenzamos a preguntarnos cómo sería el juego libre y espontáneo dentro de las residencias de familias aisladas. A través de la mirada fenomenológica, comenzamos a buscar formas de acercarnos a la experiencia vivida de los niños de forma remota y a través de sus responsables. Dialogamos con 55 familias a lo largo de cuatro meses. Nos dimos cuenta de que investigar el juego durante el aislamiento social correspondía a investigar un fenómeno que ocurre dentro de las casas en otros momentos, sin embargo, en el periodo de aislamiento, con tiempos más largos y con menos restricciones de acceso a objetos y habitaciones. En diálogo con autores de ese campo, se evidencian las provocaciones que los distintos espacios de la casa generaron en los niños a partir del juego libre y espontáneo. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 32(63): [1-21], Jul. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117998


Os caiçaras são populações litorâneas que tem sua cultura diretamente ligada ao mar. Suas práticas corporais possuem uma relação íntima com o espaço onde vivem. Este artigo apresenta dados de caráter qualitativo e se utiliza de uma metodologia fenomenológica, buscando observar a influência dos jogos tradicionais caiçaras na construção identitária destas comunidades. Para isso, são abordados pontos da formação, do desenvolvimento e do cotidiano caiçara, focando em algumas manifestações, como a corrida de canoas, e estabelecendo pontes entre as práticas corporais e a cultura caiçara por meio da fenomenologia da imagem. A relação com o mar aparece como principal elemento de representação das imagens da cultura caiçara e como um ambiente com o qual os indivíduos se identificam e se sentem parte. Os jogos tradicionais, à luz de outras manifestações, se configuram como possibilidade de remodelamento identitário e fortalecimento cultural.

The Caiçaras are coastal populations whose culture is directly linked to the sea. Their bodily practices have an intimate relationship with the space where they live. This article presents qualitative data and uses a phenomenological methodology, seeking to observe the influence of Caiçara's traditional games in the identity construction of these communities. For this, points of formation, development and daily life are expanded focusing on some manifestations, such as the canoe race, and establishing bridges between their bodily practices and the Caiçara culture through image phenomenology. The relationship with the sea appears as the main element of Caiçara's images representation and as an environment with which individuals identify and feel part of. The traditional games, as other manifestations, are configured as a possibility to identity remodeling and cultural strengthening.

Los caiçaras son poblaciones costeras cuya cultura está directamente vinculada al mar. Sus prácticas corporales tienen relación íntima con el espacio donde viven. Este artículo presenta datos cualitativos y utiliza metodología fenomenológica, buscando observar la influencia de los juegos tradicionales caiçaras en la construcción de identidad de estas comunidades. Para esto, se abordan formación, desarrollo y vida cotidiana de los caiçaras centrándose en algunas manifestaciones, como la carrera de canoas, y estableciendo puentes entre las prácticas corporales y la cultura caiçara a través de la fenomenología de la imagen. La relación con el mar aparece como el principal elemento de representación de las imágenes caiçaras y como un entorno con el que los individuos se identifican y se sienten parte. Los juegos tradicionales, a la luz de otras manifestaciones, se configuran como posibilidad de remodelación de identidad y fortalecimiento cultural.

Front Psychol ; 11: 590301, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33584427


From Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) we have not only learned different ways of living time as well as inhabit space and a particular mode of practicing sports and games from distinct cultures, but also promoting universal dialog among people. TSG presents sustainable and ecological references for living needed even before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays, environmentally friendly policies and production methods must be taken more seriously. TSG may reveal a path to sustainable development, considering our corporeality and cultural diversity. TSG are expressions of human groups that historically reproduce their way of life-based on modes of social cooperation and specific forms of relationship with nature, traditionally characterized by sustained environmental management. The purpose of this article is to discuss how TSG promotes intercultural dialog with a focus on sustainability, and how it empowers people and creates equality among its players. We understand that TSG can break socio-cultural barriers. For this study, we considered data from a Brazilian experience of TSG's Festival held at a public school in the city of São Paulo (Brazil), organized in collaboration with our study group. Data consists of observations recorded in pictures and films during the processes of organization, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of a TSG Festival, held in a public school in São Paulo, Brazil from the years of 2017 and 2018, with the participation of 800 students from the first to the ninth grade of elementary school, aged between 7 and 17 years. The first step in our analysis is taken from a dynamic called "Talking Circles," where researchers registered dialog about experiences and used specific literature about TSG, from a philosophical perspective. The team and students from our study group that organized these events were invited to participate in four different Talking Circles. Approximately 20 people participated in each one of these meetings. Recurrences that emerged from these Talking Circles are presented in the results and explored afterward. What does this experience-from bodies in movement, artistic or sporting, or both-teach about intercultural dialog and empowerment? Such gestures indicate a cultural heritage and corporeal wisdom that allows humans to face new encounters and understanding in peace, recognizing humanity common to all of us, regardless of our origins. Ethical and aesthetical results of such dialog reveal possibilities to be explored in our relationship with different cultures and the environment, providing points of sustainable development through TSG.

Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 28(1): 163-175, 03/abr. 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-710108


Esta pesquisa apresenta investigação acerca do imaginário do lazer inscrito no corpo à luz da antropologia do imaginário, valendo-se da fenomenologia da imaginação material em Gaston Bachelard e da filosofia da imagem em Gilbert Durand, dentro de um quadro de educação de sensibilidade, voltada para a temática do brincar em crianças da educação infantil. Os gestos revelados enquanto brincam espontaneamente delineiam um imaginário corporal mítico, ancestral, deflagrador de vivências relacionadas à cultura humana, formador e estruturante da pessoa, justificando assim sua presença no espaço escolar.

This research presents an investigation with leisure imaginary inscribed in the body with the phenomenology of material imagination in Gaston Bachelard's work and at the philosophy of image at Gilbert Durand's work in a perspective of sensible education, where the play and leisure practices occur spontaneously taking into account the reality of children's play. The gestures that are reveled when children are in spontaneous play make mythic recurrence evident, showing a corporality full of ancestral images, related to the human culture, structural to the children, which shows it to be not only important, but necessary into the school contest.

Humanos , Criança , Antropologia , Imaginação , Atividades de Lazer , Jogos e Brinquedos