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Sci Adv ; 7(13)2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33771869


The transverse voltage generated by a temperature gradient in a perpendicularly applied magnetic field, termed the Nernst effect, has promise for thermoelectric applications and for probing electronic structure. In magnetic materials, an anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) is possible in a zero magnetic field. We report a colossal ANE in the ferromagnetic metal UCo0.8Ru0.2Al, reaching 23 microvolts per kelvin. Uranium's 5f electrons provide strong electronic correlations that lead to narrow bands, a known route to producing a large thermoelectric response. In addition, uranium's strong spin-orbit coupling produces an intrinsic transverse response in this material due to the Berry curvature associated with the relativistic electronic structure. Theoretical calculations show that in UCo0.8Ru0.2Al at least 148 Weyl nodes, and two nodal lines, exist within 60 millielectron volt of the Fermi level. This work demonstrates that magnetic actinide materials can host strong Nernst and Hall responses due to their combined correlated and topological nature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(6): 066401, 2019 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30822065


Using the satellite structure of the Lγ_{1} line in nonresonant x-ray emission spectra, we probe the high-pressure evolution of the bare 4f signature of the early light lanthanides at ambient temperature. For Ce and Pr the satellite peak experiences a sudden reduction concurrent with their respective volume collapse (VC) transitions. These new experimental results are supported by calculations using state-of-the-art extended atomic structure codes for Ce and Pr, and also for Nd, which does not exhibit a VC. Our work suggests that changes to the 4f occupation are more consistently associated with evolution of the satellite than is the reduction of the 4f moment. Indeed, we show that in the case of Ce, mixing of a higher atomic angular momentum state, driven by the increased hybridization, acts to obscure the expected satellite reduction. These measurements emphasize the importance of a unified study of a full set of microscopic observables to obtain the most discerning test of the underlying, fundamental f-electron phenomena at high pressures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(4): 047001, 2008 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18764356


When either electron or hole doped at concentrations x approximately 0.1, the LaFeAsO family displays remarkably high temperature superconductivity with Tc up to 55 K. In the most energetically stable Q-->M=(pi,pi,0) antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase comprised of tetragonal-symmetry breaking alternating chains of aligned spins, there is a deep pseudogap in the Fe 3d states centered at the Fermi energy arising from light carriers (m* approximately 0.25-0.33), and very strong magnetophonon coupling is uncovered. Doping (of either sign) beyond x approximately 0.08 results in heavy carriers per Fe (by roughly an order of magnitude) with a large Fermi surface. Calculated Fe-Fe transverse exchange couplings Jij(R) reveal that exchange coupling is strongly dependent on both the AFM symmetry and on the Fe-As distance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(22): 226403, 2006 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16803333


Using a novel self-consistent implementation of Hedin's perturbation theory, we calculate space- and energy-dependent self-energy for a number of materials. We find it to be local in real space and rapidly convergent on second- to third-nearest neighbors. Corrections beyond are evaluated and shown to be completely localized within a single unit cell. This can be viewed as a fully self-consistent implementation of the dynamical mean field theory for electronic structure calculations of real solids using a perturbative impurity solver.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(25): 257003, 2005 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16384497


We reconsider the long-standing problem of the effect of spin fluctuations on the critical temperature and isotope effect in a phonon-mediated superconductor. Although the general physics of the interplay between phonons and paramagnons has been rather well understood, the existing approximate formulas fail to describe the correct behavior of Tc for general phonon and paramagnon spectra. Using a controllable approximation, we derive an analytical formula for Tc which agrees well with exact numerical solutions of the Eliashberg equations for a broad range of parameters. Based on both numerical and analytical results, we predict a strong enhancement of the isotope effect when the frequencies of spin fluctuation and phonons are of the same order. This effect may have important consequences for near-magnetic superconductors such as MgCNi3.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(8): 087002, 2003 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14525269


The high-pressure phase diagram of P is studied using density functional total energy, linear response lattice dynamics and model Debye-Grüneisen theories. The volume dependent electron-phonon coupling lambda approximately 0.7-0.9 is extracted for the bcc structure and found to increase with increasing volume. We propose that this phase might be realized in epitaxial thin films using templates such as V(100), Fe(100), or Cr(100) relevant to spintronics applications.

Science ; 300(5621): 953-5, 2003 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12738856


We constructed computer-based simulations of the lattice dynamical properties of plutonium using an electronic structure method, which incorporates correlation effects among the f-shell electrons and calculates phonon spectra at arbitrary wavelengths. Our predicted spectrum for the face-centered cubic delta phase agrees well with experiments in the elastic limit and explains unusually large shear anisotropy of this material. The spectrum of the body-centered cubic phase shows an instability at zero temperature over a broad region of the wave vectors, indicating that this phase is highly anharmonic and can be stabilized at high temperatures by its phonon entropy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(5): 056401, 2003 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12633382


We introduce a new linear response method to study the lattice dynamics of materials with strong correlations. It is based on a combination of dynamical mean field theory of strongly correlated electrons and the local density functional theory of electronic structure. We apply the method to study the phonon dispersions of Mott insulators NiO and MnO in their paramagnetic insulating state not accessible by local density functionals. Our results are in good agreement with experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(21): 216405, 2001 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11736359


We calculate magnetic anisotropy energy of Fe and Ni by taking into account the effects of strong electronic correlations, spin-orbit coupling, and noncollinearity of intra-atomic magnetization. The LDA+U method is used and its equivalence to dynamical mean-field theory in the static limit is emphasized. Both experimental magnitude of magnetic anisotropy energy and direction of magnetization are predicted correctly near U = 1.9 eV, J = 1.2 eV for Ni and U = 1.2 eV, J = 0.8 eV for Fe. Correlations modify the one-electron spectra which are now in better agreement with experiments.

Nature ; 410(6830): 793-5, 2001 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11298442


Given the practical importance of metallic plutonium, there is considerable interest in understanding its fundamental properties. Plutonium undergoes a 25 per cent increase in volume when transformed from its alpha-phase (which is stable below 400 K) to the delta-phase (stable at around 600 K), an effect that is crucial for issues of long-term storage and disposal. It has long been suspected that this unique property is a consequence of the special location of plutonium in the periodic table, on the border between the light and heavy actinides-here, electron wave-particle duality (or itinerant versus localized behaviour) is important. This situation has resisted previous theoretical treatment. Here we report an electronic structure method, based on dynamical mean-field theory, that enables interpolation between the band-like and atomic-like behaviour of the electron. Our approach enables us to study the phase diagram of plutonium, by providing access to the energetics and one-electron spectra of strongly correlated systems. We explain the origin of the volume expansion between the alpha- and delta-phases, predict the existence of a strong quasiparticle peak near the Fermi level and give a new viewpoint on the physics of plutonium, in which the alpha- and delta-phases are on opposite sides of the interaction-driven localization-delocalization transition.