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Brain Sci ; 14(7)2024 Jul 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39061443


Several therapies have been developed to reduce cognitive decline associated with aging. Aquatic exercises, which are widely used to enhance functional capacity, may play a role in stimulating cognitive functions. This study investigated the effects of a 3-month aquatic exercise program on cognitive functions in community-dwelling older adults. In this prospective, single-blinded, controlled clinical trial, 31 participants were allocated to either the experimental (aquatic exercises) or control (no-exercise) group. The intervention program consisted of exercises conducted twice a week in a 1.2 m deep indoor pool. The main outcome measures were cognitive functions, assessed using Raven's Progressive Matrices test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to assess the impact of the exercise program. The effect sizes (η2p) were reported when a level of significance was achieved (p < 0.05). Compared with the control group, the participants who underwent aquatic exercises showed positive outcomes in Raven's Progressive Matrices test (p = 0.046; η2p = 0.131) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (p = 0.001, η2p = 0.589). Complementary analyses of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test indicated that the benefits of the aquatic exercise were observed in terms of the number of trials (p = 0.001, η2p = 0.478), number of errors (p = 0.001, η2p = 0.458), and number of non-perseverative errors (p = 0.001, η2p = 0.302). The results indicate that a period of three months of aquatic exercise was beneficial for stimulating specific aspects of the cognitive function of community-dwelling older individuals. Aquatic exercise should be prescribed to this population.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 25(2): e220146, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431594


Resumo Objetivo Analisar o impacto da pandemia da covid-19 sobre as funções cognitivas e motoras de pessoas idosas. Método Neste estudo coorte, 90 idosos foram submetidos a testes cognitivos (Mini Exame do Estado Mental e Bateria de Avaliação Frontal) e motores (teste Timed Up and Go e Questionário Internacional de Queda) em dois momentos: antes do primeiro caso da pandemia ser identificado no Brasil e após o fim do estado de emergência em saúde pública. O teste de análise múltipla de variâncias para medidas repetidas foi aplicado junto ao teste lambda de Wilk para verificar o impacto da covid-19 sobre os fatores "momento" (pré × pós-pandemia), "grupo" (sexo, estado civil e escolaridade) e "interação" (momento × grupo). Tamanho do efeito e poder estatístico foram reportados. Significância foi admitida em 5%. Resultados Pessoas idosas sofreram declínio cognitivo durante a pandemia da covid-19 (tamanho do efeito: 0,43; poder estatístico: 99,8%; p=0,001). O declínio foi semelhante segundo sexo (p=0,864), estado civil (p=0,910) e escolaridade (p=0,969). Os participantes sofreram ainda declínio das funções motoras durante a pandemia (tamanho do efeito: 0,74; poder estatístico: 99,9%; p=0,001). O declínio foi semelhante segundo sexo (p=0,542) e estado civil (p=0,260). Participantes com menor escolaridade sofreram maior declínio físico do que pessoas com maiores níveis escolares (tamanho do efeito: 0,38; poder estatístico: 97,6%; p=0,004). Conclusão A pandemia da covid-19 afetou as funções cognitivas e motoras de pessoas idosas. Participantes com baixa escolaridade sofreram maior impacto da pandemia sobre sua saúde física, fato que deve incentivar novos estudos a explorar essa temática.

Abstract Objective To analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cognitive and motor functions in older people. Method In this cohort study, 90 older persons underwent cognitive (Mini-Mental State Examination and Frontal Assessment Battery) and motor (Timed Up and Go test and International Fall Questionnaire) tests in two moments: before the first case of the COVID-19 pandemic have been identified in Brazil and after the end of the state of public health emergency. The multiple analysis of variance was applied with the Wilk's lambda test to verify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the factors "time" (pre × post-pandemic), "group" (sex, marital status and education) and "interaction" (time × group). Effect size and statistical power are reported. Significance was set at 5%. Results Older persons presented cognitive decline during the COVID-19 pandemic (effect size: 0.43; statistical power: 99.8%; p=0.001). The decline was similar according to sex ( p=0.864), marital status ( p=0.910) and schooling ( p=0.969). The participants also suffered a motor decline during COVID-19 pandemic (effect size: 0.74; statistical power: 99.9%; p=0.001). The decline was similar according to sex ( p=0.542) and marital status ( p=0.260). Participants with lower educational level suffered greater physical decline than persons with higher schooling (effect size: 0.38; statistical power: 97.6%; p=0.004). Conclusion The COVID-19 pandemic affected the cognitive and motor functions of older persons. Participants with low schooling suffered a greater decline of their physical health during the pandemic, a fact that should encourage further studies on this thematic.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 24(1): e200120, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156056


Resumo Objetivo Analisar o impacto da complexidade da tarefa sobre mobilidade e equilíbrio de idosos saudáveis. Métodos Noventa idosos foram incluídos neste estudo. Os participantes foram submetidos a tarefas que simularam problemas comuns ao envelhecimento, como baixa acuidade visual, alterações na base de apoio e dificuldades em realizar atividades simultâneas. Para avaliação da mobilidade utilizou-se o teste Timed Get Up and Go associado a atividades de dupla-tarefa cognitiva e motora. Para o equilíbrio utilizou-se uma plataforma de força avaliada em diferentes bases de apoio e informações visuais. Testes cognitivos foram aplicados com objetivo de caracterizar a amostra e analisar a associação entre as variáveis motoras e cognitivas. Na análise estatística utilizou-se o teste de Friedman para verificar o efeito da complexidade da tarefa nos idosos e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman para verificar a associação entre as variáveis motoras e cognitivas. O nível de significância foi estipulado em 5%. Resultados A complexidade da atividade interferiu na mobilidade dos participantes, exigindo um maior número de passos e tempo para realizar a tarefa (p=0,001). De maneira semelhante, uma base de apoio diminuída e informações visuais restritas causaram uma maior insegurança nos participantes frente às reações de equilíbrio (p=0,001). Testes de correlação apontaram associações significativas entre funções executivas e tarefas motoras complexas (p<0,05). Conclusão Idosos saudáveis apresentam instabilidade motora quando submetidos a tarefas complexas, potencializando as alterações provenientes do envelhecimento. A associação entre as variáveis cognitivas e motoras sugere a necessidade de assistência multiprofissional para preparar os idosos no enfrentamento de desafios diários.

Abstract Objective to analyze the impact of task complexity on the mobility and balance of healthy older adults. Methods ninety older adults were enrolled in the study. The participants performed tasks that simulated problems common to aging, such as low visual acuity, changes in the base of support and difficulties in carrying out activities simultaneously. Mobility was evaluated with the Timed Get Up and Go test during dual cognitive and motor tasks. Balance was assessed using a force plate with different bases of support and visual information. Cognitive tests were applied to characterize the sample and to analyze the association between the motor and cognitive variables. For statistical analysis, the Friedman test was used to verify the impact of task complexity on the older adults and the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to verify the association between the motor and cognitive variables. Significance was set at 5%. Results task complexity impacted the mobility of participants, with a greater number of steps and time required to complete the test (p=0.001). Similarly, small bases of support and restricted visual information resulted in greater insecurity among the participants in terms of balance reactions (p=0.001). Correlation tests identified significant associations between executive functions and complex motor tasks (p<0.05). Conclusion healthy older adults exhibited motor instability when performing complex tasks, potentiating aging-related changes. The association between the cognitive and motor variables suggests the need of multi-professional care to prepare older adults for their daily challenges.