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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 135-149, ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385922


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los itinerarios corporales de mujeres de nivel socioeconómico (NSE) alto y bajo que viven en Santiago de Chile. A través de una investigación cualitativa se indaga en las prácticas de alimentación, ejercicio y cuidado estético. Se realizaron entrevistas reflexivas a cuatro mujeres y se hizo un análisis temático reflexivo. Los análisis muestran que las mujeres de nivel socioeconómico alto refieren a las prácticas corporales cotidianas desde una alta sensación/conciencia corporal, mientras que para las de nivel socioeconómico bajo el cuerpo se vive como un lugar de control sobre el que hay escaso registro. A la descripción de las prácticas se agrega el carácter moral y afectivo con que son descriptas. Como resultado emergente, el cuidado de hijos/as surge como una variable relevante dentro de los itinerarios corporales, específicamente respecto de las prácticas de alimentación y ejercicio. Se concluye que las diferencias en las prácticas de alimentación, ejercicio y cuidado estético entre mujeres de NSE alto y bajo son consistentes con disparidades presentadas en encuestas. Trabajar desde la noción de itinerarios corporales permitió mostrar el modo en que se articula una diversidad de asuntos cotidianos que tradicionalmente se han estudiado de manera desagregada. Se sugiere para futuras investigaciones trabajar con muestras que incluyan otro tipo de participantes (hombres y/o sujetos de NSE medio) e integrar el rol de cuidadora como una variable a considerar.

Abstract This work aims to study women's body itineraries, through the interviews of women from high and low socioeconomic status (SES) who live in Santiago de Chile. The project inquiries bodies' itineraries as a set of nutrition, exercise, and aesthetics care actions as everyday practices. This concept allowed reflecting on the body as a continuous becoming, a movement or action, and not a fixed entity. The project had a qualitative research design. Data was collected using reflexive interviews. Participants were asked to describe a typical day using magazine images. Every interview started with the question: "If your body could talk with images, how would it tell its day?". Four women were interviewed, two of high SES and two of low SES. The data analysis was conducted the reflexive thematic analysis guidelines. The results compared high and low SES bodies itineraries organized by type of practice. Women of high SES describe their nutrition practices in terms of body awareness; how food affects their bodies. Low SES women instead talk about their nutrition from a self-control perspective. These women describe their food intake as something that must be at all times regulated. For them, nutrition becomes a constant failure because they usually lack self-control. Women of high SES describe the exercise as a pleasant activity, it is related to wellbeing. The interviewed women from this group reported exercising regularly. Women of Low SES described their lack of exercising in terms of laziness. Women of low SES report makeup as a daily aesthetic care practice. Women describe that they start applying makeup at their house, continue in the subway or bus on the way to work, and finish at the workplace. Makeup doesn't have a delimited space or place. Women of high SES describe aesthetic care practices in terms of skincare. They emphasize that good-looking skin and body image reflect a healthy body. A significant difference between low and high SES women is that the first consider aesthetic care practices as superficial, while for the latter is an inner state that reflects exteriorly. In general terms, women of high SES refer to body itineraries in terms of awareness. Women regularly refer to how the practices of nutrition, exercise, and aesthetic care affect their bodies. Women of low SES instead describe their body itineraries as control practices that regularly fail. They don't report body sensations. The analysis shows that the description of nutrition, exercise, and aesthetic care have moral (good/bad) and affective dimensions (how a body shall be affected in these practices). Being a caregiver emerged as a relevant issue when accounting for body itineraries. Two of the four women we interviewed were mothers, one from each SES. Caregiving was significant in nutrition and exercise practices. Women with children tend to eat when and what their children are eating. Eating tends to be a practice distributed in the routine. For example, a woman had a sandwich with her son before school and then a coffee after dropping him at school. Likewise, exercise is in function to the children's routine. For example, a woman walks fast from the school to her house. Being a caregiver structures time and, as an effect, it is very significant in body itineraries. Finally, in the discussion the analysis was compared with other data. The different practices of women of high and low SES derive into different outcomes. Women of low SES are more obese and sedentary than women from high SES. The notion of body itineraries is an integrative concept to study nutrition, exercise, and aesthetic care.

Front Sociol ; 6: 666758, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447806


This article is an empirical work on decision-making processes in the case of persons with chronic illnesses in the COVID19 pandemic context, regarding their medical care and self-care. Medical decisions are processes that guide the production of a health diagnosis or treatment, using the available information, where the patients' preferences are often incorporated. This article tackles the impact of the pandemic on chronically ill patients' medical decisions when the care system has been significantly altered by it. Considering that health decisions are importantly embedded in social and economic conditions, the pandemic affects a precarious care system and constrains individual possibilities. Chile has a weak support infrastructure for caregivers and a health care system that promotes private health and a low-quality public health system. Hence, the pandemic is an adverse context for chronically ill patients and it alters the conditions in which medical decisions are taken. We performed 10 interviews with chronically ill patients who took responsibility for their own health decisions: five patients diagnosed with common chronic diseases and five patients diagnosed with rare chronic diseases. After Reflexive Thematic Analysis, the results show that the Chilean health system is extremely precarious and that not many alternatives are or have been offered to chronically ill patients in the COVID19 context.

Saúde Soc ; 30(2): e200393, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280656


Resumen Este ensayo teórico pretende analizar las decisiones médicas en el caso de las enfermedades raras. Una decisión médica es un proceso que orienta la producción de un diagnóstico o un tratamiento de salud, utilizando la información y evidencia disponible, en el cual muchas veces se incorporan las preferencias de los pacientes. En el caso de las enfermedades comunes o frecuentes, existe información clara y disponible sobre las distintas alternativas frente a un problema de salud. En el caso de las enfermedades raras, que están estadísticamente definidas como aquellas patologías que tienen prevalencia inferior a 1:2000, no suelen existir tales alternativas. Por la cronicidad y gravedad que este tipo de patologías suelen revestir, la ausencia de posibilidades se convierte en un problema que tiene dimensiones sanitarias y sociales. En este sentido, este artículo propone una transición de una definición estadística de las enfermedades a una definición social, que permita a futuras investigaciones conocer y profundizar en los procesos y efectos sanitarios, psicológicos y sociales sobre las enfermedades raras y su padecimiento.

Abstract The following article is a theoretical work on medical decisions in the case of rare diseases. A medical decision is a process that guides the production of a health diagnosis or treatment, using the available information and evidence, where the preferences of the patients are often incorporated. In the case of common or frequent illnesses, patients usually have clear and available information on the different alternatives to a health problem. In the case of rare diseases, which are statistically defined as those pathologies with a prevalence of less than 1:2000, usually there are no such alternatives. Due to the chronicity and severity that these types of pathologies have, the absence of possibilities becomes a problem that has health and social dimensions. In this sense, the article below proposes a transition from a statistical definition of diseases to a social definition that allows future research to learn about and deepen the health, psychological and social processes and effects on rare diseases and their condition.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Medicina Social , Terapêutica , Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Doenças Raras , Diagnóstico , Tomada de Decisão Clínica
Saúde Soc ; 27(2): 448-463, abr.-jun. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-962583


Abstract In this article, we present the development of a methodological diagnostic tool for the field of public health from an interdisciplinary perspective that articulates the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of human health from a post-structuralist and feminist perspective and epistemology. In prior research, we have developed a methodology for the study of chronic pain without an organic cause, or fibromyalgia (FM), that we call the psychosocial diagnosis of gender. That work addresses the analysis of the research object itself and, above all, a critical reconceptualization of health in general. We have also used qualitative fieldwork methods (life stories, discussion groups, and documentary material) in our study of people diagnosed with FM. Here, we present the actual tool we use in the Psychosocial Diagnosis of Gender, using a case study that enacts a displacement of the clinical diagnosis of FM towards its articulation with the psychosocial diagnosis of gender.

Resumo Neste artigo apresentamos o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de diagnóstico metodológico para o campo da saúde pública a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar que articula as dimensões biológica, psicológica e social da saúde humana com base em epistemologia e um ponto de vista pós-estruturalista e feminista. Em pesquisa anterior desenvolvemos metodologia para o estudo da dor crônica sem causa orgânica ou fibromialgia (FM), a que chamamos "diagnóstico psicossocial de gênero". Esse trabalho aborda a análise do objeto de estudo em si e, acima de tudo, busca uma nova concepção crítica de saúde em geral. Também utilizamos métodos qualitativos do trabalho de campo (histórias de vida, grupos de discussão e material documental) em nosso estudo de pessoas diagnosticadas com FM. Aqui apresentamos a ferramenta que usamos na diagnóstico psicossocial de gênero, usando um estudo de caso que encena um deslocamento do diagnóstico clínico de FM para a sua articulação com o diagnóstico psicossocial do gênero.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Fibromialgia/diagnóstico , Saúde de Gênero , Dor Crônica , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença
Duazary ; 14(1)2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-987045


En los últimos años han aparecido problemáticas de salud nuevas y renovadas, cuya característica transversal es que no se les encuentra una causa orgánica en términos biopsicomédicos. Este artículo aborda algunas de éstas problemáticas asociadas al dolor crónico con diagnóstico de fibromialgia. De esta manera, el objetivo es analizar la forma en que personas con diagnóstico de fibromialgia y que participan en organizaciones de pacientes, transforman el malestar corporal en malestar psicosocial respecto a su enfermedad. Esto se ha hecho mediante el uso de métodos cualitativos, específicamente con grupos focales y análisis de contenido. Los principales resultados arrojan el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida en quienes logran hacer este tránsito, evidenciando al mismo tiempo la necesidad de incorporar las dimensiones de género, desigualdad social y relaciones de poder que cruzan el acceso a la salud pública en este nuevo conjunto de problemáticas sanitarias.

The research identifies the effects of sociodemographic variables and quality of life in the academic performance of 465 students of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Magdalena. The methodology used for data collection consisted of the application of two instruments to students of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Magdalena, the instrument of Martha Artunduaga on variables that influence the achievement of the University and the instrument SF 36 was the quality of life in health. We conclude that there is no relationship between quality of life, sociodemographic factors and academic performance in the subjects of this sample. While a significant and inverse relationship between age and academic performance as well as the social status and academic performance was observed, showing that the lower the social stratum have better academic performance among younger and better academic performance, are relates this phenomenon by the fact that students are faced with strength and persistence of the difficulties perceiving education as an opportunity to overcome poverty as the core of the theory of social mobility.

Fatores Socioeconômicos