O comportamento dos indicadores de vida dos casos notificados de Leishmaniose Visceral (LV) na Bahia e fatores sociodemográficos foram analisados. Trata-se de um estudo analítico e retrospectivo (2010 a 2020) que utilizou dados secundários do SINAN/DATASUS. Foram analisados dados de notificações, incidência, transmissão, estratificação de risco e indicadores de vida. No período foram registrados 3.573 casos de LV, maior incidência de 3,52 casos/100 mil habitantes e transmissão esporádica na maioria dos municípios. A Taxa de Incremento Anual (TIA) no Núcleo Regional de Saúde Sul e Leste apresentou valores significativos para a incidência e, para a letalidade, na Oeste, Leste e Centro-Norte. O Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) demonstrou que a população baiana infectada perdeu 10 anos de vida. A análise de aspectos individuais dos municípios permitiu identificar a necessidade de implementação de políticas públicas efetivas nessa esfera administrativa.
The behavior of life indicators of notified cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in Bahia and sociodemographic factors were analyzed. The study analyzes the behavior of life indicators of notified cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in Bahia and its correlation with sociodemographic factors. This is an analytical and retrospective study (2010 - 2020) that used the SINAN/DATASUS secondary database between. Were analyzed data on notifications, incidence, transmission, risk stratification and life indicators. During the period there were 3,573 cases of VL, highest incidence of 3.52 cases/100,000 inhabitants and sporadic transmission in most municipalities. The Annual Increment Rate (AIR) in the South and East health macro-regions showed significant values for incidence and lethality in the West, East and Center-North regions. Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) showed that the infected Bahian population lost 10 years of life. The analysis of individual aspects of the municipalities made it possible to identify the need to implement effective public policies at this administrative level.
A adolescência é caracterizada por modificações físicas, mentais e comportamentais nesta fase de transição para a vida adulta. Avaliaram-se a taxa de fecundidade de mulheres de 15 a 19 anos residentes nas macrorregiões de saúde do estado do Pará e seus parâmetros sociodemográficos, da gestação e parto, no período de 2010 a 2020. O estudo é descritivo e analítico e utilizou dados do SINASC/DATASUS. Em 2014, a maior taxa de fecundidade (106,5%) foi na Macrorregião de Saúde III. As mães solteiras ou em união consensual, cor/raça parda e entre 8 a 11 anos de estudo foram as predominantes. O pré-natal foi de quatro a seis consultas entre 37 e 41 semanas. A gravidez precoce em adolescentes expõe a riscos sociais e de saúde como abandono escolar, falta de rede de apoio nos cuidados do bebê, prejuízo na colocação no mercado de trabalho e problemas de saúde mental.
Adolescence is the transition phase to adulthood when physical, mental, and behavioral changes occur. The study evaluated the fertility rate of women aged 15 to 19 years living in the health macroregions of the state of Pará and their sociodemographic parameters, pregnancy and childbirth, from 2010 to 2020. The study is descriptive and analytical and uses data from SINASC/DATASUS. In 2014, the highest fertility rate (106.5%) was in Health Macroregion III. Single mothers or mothers in consensual unions, brown color/race, and between 8 and 11 years of study were the predominant ones. They had four to six prenatal care appointments between 37 and 41 weeks. Early pregnancy in adolescents exposes them to social and health risks such as school dropout, lack of support network in baby care, disadvantage in the labor market, and mental health problems.
RESUMO A utilização da água sempre foi vital para a sobrevivência humana, mas com suas ações surgiram os impactos aos ecossistemas comprometendo a qualidade. O ecossistema aquático tem sido prejudicado por isso, principalmente, pelo descarte inadequado de efluentes não tratados. Este trabalho visou avaliar a eficiência de ilhas flutuantes com plantas, a fim de observar a melhoria da qualidade hídrica de ecossistemas aquáticos. Para isso foi analisado o comportamento das macrófitas nas ilhas flutuantes, por meio de experimento controlado. A ilha se mostrou eficiente e resistente e pode ser utilizada para a remoção de macronutrientes. A eficiência na remoção foi cerca de 25% de fosfato e fósforo total, em um período de análise de 60 dias. Isso indica que com um período maior de análises, o resultado de remoção poderá ser maior, bem como a densidade de biomassa para o povoamento da ilha e a sua aplicação em corpos hídricos comprometidos.
ABSTRACT The use of water has always been vital for human survival, but with its actions, impacts on ecosystems have emerged, compromising quality. The aquatic ecosystem has been harmed by this, mainly, by the inadequate disposal of untreated effluents. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of floating islands with plants, in order to observe the improvement of the water quality of aquatic ecosystems. For this, the behavior of macrophytes on floating islands was analyzed, using a controlled experiment. The island proved to be efficient and resistant and can be used to remove macronutrients. The removal efficiency was about 25% of total phosphate and phosphorus, in an analysis period of 60 days. This indicates that with a longer period of analysis, the removal result may be higher, as well as the density of biomass for the island's population and its application in compromised water bodies.
This data article focuses on sustainability indicators for bioenergy generation from Brazilian Amazon׳s non-woody native biomass sources, considered to be modern forms of biomass. In the construction of the indicators, the Indicator-based Framework for Evaluation of Natural Resource Management Systems (MESMIS, from the original Spanish) method was used, with the application of the seven sustainability attributes to identify critical points and limiting and favorable factors for sustainability. The data yielded a list of 29 indicators distributed across 27 critical points, selected from three system evaluation areas: 11 environmental indicators, 11 social indicators, and 7 economic indicators.
Comunidades quilombolas são espaços habitados por descendentes de escravos, ex-escravizados e negros livres, com infraestrutura e condições sanitárias precárias. A maioria não possui água tratada, esgoto sanitário e acesso aos serviços de saúde. Este estudo objetivou estimar a prevalência das parasitoses intestinais no quilombo Pau D'Arco, Malhada/BA, Brasil. O método foi analítico descritivo com delineamento transversal, epidemiológico e amostra de conveniência. Realizou-se análise macroscópica e microscópica de fezes de 390 participantes, pelos métodos Kato-Katz e HPJ e aplicação de um instrumento estruturado para levantar as características sociodemográficas e econômicas dos sujeitos estudados. Os dados foram analisados usando o SPSS software versão 18.0. Os resultados mostraram uma prevalência de parasitoses de 45,9% na população analisada. Conclui-se que é alta a prevalência dos protozoários intestinais. Apesar dos esforços da saúde pública em combater enteroparasitas, este ainda é um grave problema presente nas populações quilombolas.(AU)
Quilombo communities are inhabited spaces by descendants of slaves, ex-slaves and free blacks, with poor infrastructure and sanitary conditions. Most do not have clean water, sewage and access to health services. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of intestinal parasitoses in Quilombo Pau D'Arco, Malhada/Ba, Brazil. The method was descriptive analytical with a cross-epidemiological design and convenience sample. A macroscopic and microscopic stool analysis of 390 participants was performed using the Kato-Katz and HPJ methods and the application of a structured instrument to raise the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the subjects studied. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 18.0. The results showed a prevalence of parasitosis of 45.9% in the analyzed population. It was concluded that the prevalence of intestinal protozoa is high. Despite public health efforts to combat intestinal parasites, this serious problem is still present in this population.(AU)
Humanos , Doenças Parasitárias , Etnicidade , Saneamento Básico , Saúde Pública , Humanização da Assistência , Promoção da Saúde , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de SaúdeRESUMO
This data article presents a set of non-wood native biomass sources identified for bioenergy production in isolated communities living in Amazon׳s extractive reserves. The data were inventoried using management plan documentation, which provides technical information on Amazon׳s protected areas. The sample was collected from a virtual database published by the Ministry of Environment, the federal body responsible for managing protected areas in Brazil. Five variables were extracted from the management plans to produce the inventory, which includes data on biomass typology, nomenclature and occurrence, as well as mode of access to communities and availability of energy sources in the protected areas.
Este trabalho é de revisão teórica e tem como objetivo refletir sobre a saúde ambiental e a construção de espaços saudáveis, promotores da saúde. Assim, fez parte deste estudo a investigação sobre a interface saúde e ambiente na promoção da saúde; a territorialidade e a saúde ambiental na cidade. Pode-se concluir que os fatores que contribuíram para a crise nas cidades são espaços múltiplos e complexos. No entanto, a falta de gerenciamento ambiental integrado e de redes intersetoriais fazem com que não se consiga olhar para o território de forma mais integradora, e não se perceba como o processo saúde/doença é influenciado pelo território no qual vivem as pessoas.(AU)
This work is of theoretical review and aims to reflect on environmental health and building healthy spaces, health promoters. So, was part of this study research on the interface and environmental health in health promotion; and territoriality and environmental health in the city. It can be concluded that the factors that contributed to the crisis in the cities are multiple and complex. However, the lack of integrated environmental management and intersectoral networks make if you can't look at the territory of more integrative way, and is perceived as the health / disease process is influenced by the area in which people live.(AU)
Territorialidade , Saneamento , Saúde Ambiental , Promoção da Saúde , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Cidade Saudável , Vigilância Sanitária AmbientalRESUMO
The photoprotective effect of the methanolic extracts of three Antarctic plant species - Deschampsia antarctica Desv., Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl., and Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. against UV-induced DNA damage was investigated in hamster lung fibroblasts (V79 cells) and in a biomonitor organism Helix aspersas, using comet assay. The protective, mutagenic, and antimutagenic profiles of these extracts were also evaluated using haploid strains of the simple eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and antioxidant activity were investigated using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay, as well as the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase assay. At the concentration range employed, the extracts were not cytotoxic or mutagenic to S. cerevisiae. In addition, the treatment with these extracts enhanced survival, and decreased induced reverse, frameshift, and forward mutations in a dose-response manner in all UVC doses employed. The plants extracts did not generate DNA strand breaks in V79 cells, and the treatment significantly decreased DNA damage induced by UVC. Extracts significantly decreased UVC-induced lipid peroxidation in V79 cells, showing a clear antioxidant property. Moreover, results of comet assay in V79 cells, employing Fpg, Endo III, and Endo V enzymes, demonstrated significant reduction of UVC-induced DNA damage after pre-incubation with these extracts. The treatment with all tested extracts were much less efficient against UVC-induced cytotoxicity in the yeast strain defective in photolyase as compared to the wild type strain, suggesting that this DNA repair pathway is stimulated by substances present in the extracts. All extracts showed a significant inhibitory effect in the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase assay, and they had the ability to scavenge DPPH. In H. aspersas, the treatment was able to protect against UVC-induced damage. In conclusion, D. antarctica, C. quitensis, and P. juniperinum extracts present photoprotective properties, which can be attributed to molecules, such as flavonoids and carotenoids, which act as UV-absorbing molecules and as antioxidants, as well as stimulate DNA-repair processes.