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J Mol Spectrosc ; 205(1): 146-163, 2001 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11148119


An investigation of the torsion-rotation Hamiltonian of CH(3)CF(3) in the ground vibrational state has been carried out using infrared and mm-wave spectroscopy. With infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy, the weak, torsional overtone (v(6) = 2 <-- 0) has been studied leading to the measurement of 382 frequencies between 405 and 440 cm(-1) at a resolution of 0.005 cm(-1). Torsional splittings on the order of 0.03 cm(-1) were observed. With mm-wave methods, a total of 669 rotational transitions between 50 and 360 GHz have been measured at Doppler-limited resolution in the four lowest torsional states v(6) = 0, 1, 2, 3. The experimental uncertainty attained for an isolated line was better than 10 kHz below 150 GHz, and somewhat larger at higher frequencies. For v(6) = 3, torsional splittings as large as 8.7 MHz were observed. The global data set consisted of the current frequency determinations and the 443 measurements with molecular beam, microwave, and mm-wave methods analyzed by I. Ozier, J. Schroderus, S.-X. Wang, G. A. McRae, M. C. L. Gerry, B. Vogelsanger, and A. Bauder [J. Mol. Spectrosc. 190, 324-340 (1998)]. The observation of mm-wave R-branch transitions for v(6) = 1 led to a change in the J-assignment of the forbidden (Deltak = +/-3) transitions reported earlier for this torsional state. A good fit was obtained by varying 24 parameters in a Hamiltonian that represented both the torsional effects and the sextic splittings. In the earlier work, the large reduced barrier height led to high correlations among several of the torsional distortion constants. With the current measurements, many of these correlations are substantially reduced. Improved effective values were determined for the height V(3) of the hindering barrier and the first-order correction V(6) in the Fourier expansion of the potential function. The dipole function which characterizes the transition moment of the torsional overtone (v(6) = 2 <-- 0) can be written as the product of a single effective dipole constant µ(T)(0,eff) and the appropriate off-diagonal matrix element of (1 - cos 3alpha)/2, where alpha is the torsional angle. From an intensity analysis of the infrared spectrum, it has been determined that |µ(T)(0,eff)| = 85.3(62) mD. A novel approach based on a simple regrouping of angular momentum operators is introduced for decoupling the torsional and rotational degrees of freedom. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 201(2): 292-296, 2000 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10814492


The lowest frequency degenerate fundamental band of CH(3)SiD(3) (v(12) = 1 <-- 0) centered around 418 cm(-1) was measured in order to investigate the vibration-torsion-rotation interactions in a symmetric-top molecule with a single torsional degree of freedom. The spectrum was recorded at an instrumental resolution of 0.004 cm(-1) using a Bomem Fourier transform spectrometer. The temperature and pressure of the sample were 180 K and 2 Torr, respectively. Because of the Coriolis coupling between the torsional stack with one quantum of the silyl rock excited and the corresponding stack for the ground vibrational state, torsional splittings are measured that are substantially larger than expected simply from the observed increase in the barrier height. Due to the local nature of the Coriolis perturbation, the significantly enhanced torsional splittings are confined to a few (K, varsigma) rotational series; here varsigma = -1, 0, 1 labels the torsional sublevels. The current measurements of the nu(12) band and frequencies from previously reported studies in the ground vibrational state were fitted to within experimental uncertainty using an effective Hamiltonian which was used for the analyses of similar spectra in CH(3)SiD(3) and CH(3)CD(3). Spectroscopic parameters characterizing the states v(12) = 0 and 1 and their interactions were determined, including several Coriolis-coupling constants. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 200(1): 1-15, 2000 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10662571


High-resolution Fourier transform infrared spectrum of CH(3)D has been recorded in the region of the fundamental bands nu(3), nu(5), and nu(6) between 900 and 1700 cm(-1). High sensitivity of the equipment used as well as high accuracy of the recorded line positions gave the possibility of assigning the first-time transitions with the upper state J quantum number up to 23. In the analysis the new ground vibrational state information [O. N. Ulenikov, G. A. Onopenko, N. E. Tyabaeva, J. Schroderus, and S. Alanko, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 193, 249-259 (1999)] were used. In addition, modification of the Hamiltonian model of the interacting vibrational states (v(3) = 1), (v(5) = 1), and (v(6) = 1) allowed the theoretical description of numerous effects and peculiarities in the spectrum. In particular, sets of a(1)/a(2) splittings have been assigned and explained, not only for upper state K = 1 and 2 but also for K = 4 and 5. Moreover, unusually giant exotic splittings have been found for K = 7. The spectroscopic parameters reproducing the initial experimental energies with accuracy close to the experimental uncertainty have been determined. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 201(1): 9-17, 2000 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10753606


The nu(3), nu(5), and nu(6) fundamental bands of the (13)CH(3)D molecule have been studied with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The spectra and results for the parent species (12)CH(3)D (O. N. Ulenikov, G. A. Onopenko, N. E. Tyabaeva, J. Schroderus, and S. Alanko, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 193, 249-259 (1999)) have been used to assign and analyze about 1900 lines belonging to the (13)CH(3)D isotopic species. About 850 ground state combination differences with DeltaK = 0 were calculated, which allowed us to determine the J-dependent ground state rotational constants. The K-dependent constants as well as those describing the a(1)-a(2) (K = 3) splitting were fixed to the values obtained for the (12)CH(3)D species. The (v(3) = 1), (v(5) = 1), and (v(6) = 1) states were fit simultaneously by including the intervibrational interactions in the Hamiltonian. The rotational energies, the rotational and centrifugal distortion constants, as well as the resonance parameters involving the three states have been determined and discussed. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 193(2): 249-259, 1999 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9920701


The rotational analysis in the ground vibrational state has been carried out for CH3D by using the ground state combination differences. More than 1500 allowed and 2500 forbidden transitions from the fundamental bands nu3, nu5, and nu6 were used to determine 12 rotational parameters, which reproduce the observed combination differences within an accuracy of 1.0 x 10(-4) cm-1. Altogether ten independent a1-a2 (K = 3) splittings with J >/= 10 in the vibrational ground state were observed and analyzed both with supercombination differences method [O. N. Ulenikov, S. Alanko, M. Koivusaari, and R. Anttila, Chem. Phys. Lett. 268, 242-248 (1997)] and by generating energy levels from Hamiltonian. Problems in simultaneous determination of epsilon; and &htilde;3 constants responsible for such splittings are discussed. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 190(2): 324-40, 1998 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9668025


The pure rotational spectrum driven by the small distortion dipole moment perpendicular to the symmetry axis has been investigated between 8 and 18 GHz for CH3CF3 in the ground vibrational state using a pulsed Fourier transform waveguide spectrometer. This molecule has been selected as a prototype for the case of a symmetric top with small ( approximately 500 kHz) torsional energy splittings in the ground torsional state (nu6 = 0). In this state, six (k +/- 3 <-- k) Q-branch series have been measured for lower state K = |k| between 3 and 8 with 27