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J Chem Phys ; 146(19): 194307, 2017 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28527463


The sub-Doppler CH-symmetric stretch (ν3) infrared absorption spectrum of a hydroxymethyl (CH2OH) radical is observed and analyzed with the radical formed in a slit-jet supersonic discharge expansion (Trot = 18 K) via Cl atom mediated H atom abstraction from methanol. The high sensitivity of the spectrometer and reduced spectral congestion associated with the cooled expansion enable first infrared spectroscopic observation of hydroxymethyl transitions from both ± symmetry tunneling states resulting from large amplitude COH torsional motion. Nuclear spin statistics due to exchange of the two methyl H-atoms aid in unambiguous rovibrational assignment of two A-type Ka = 0 ← 0 and Ka = 1 ← 1 bands out of each ± tunneling state, with additional spectral information obtained from spin-rotation splittings in P, Q, and R branch Ka = 1 ← 1 transitions that become resolved at low N. A high level ab initio potential surface (CCSD(T)-f12b/cc-pvnzf12 (n = 2,3)/CBS) is calculated in the large amplitude COH torsional and CH2 wag coordinates, which in the adiabatic approximation and with zero point correction predicts ground state tunneling splittings in good qualitative agreement with experiment. Of particular astrochemical interest, a combined fit of the present infrared ground state combination differences with recently reported millimeter-wave frequencies permits the determination of improved accuracy rotational constants for the ground vibrational state, which will facilitate ongoing millimeter/microwave searches for a hydroxymethyl radical in the interstellar medium.

J Chem Phys ; 125(5): 054303, 2006 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16942209


First high-resolution infrared spectra are presented for jet-cooled CH2 35Cl and CH2 37Cl radicals in the symmetric (nu1) CH2 stretching mode. A detailed spectral assignment yields refined lower and upper state rotational constants, as well as fine structure spin-rotation parameters from least-squares fits to the sub-Doppler line shapes for individual transitions. The rotational constants are consistent with a nearly planar structure, but do not exclude substantial large amplitude bending motion over a small barrier to planarity accessible with zero-point excitation. High level coupled cluster (singles/doubles/triples) calculations, extrapolated to the complete basis set limit, predict a slightly nonplanar equilibrium structure (theta approximately 11 degrees), with a vibrationally adiabatic treatment of the bend coordinate yielding a v = 1<--0 anharmonic frequency (393 cm(-1)) in excellent agreement with matrix studies (nu(bend) approximately 400 cm(-1)). The antisymmetric CH2 stretch vibration is not observed despite high sensitivity detection (signal to noise ratio >20:1) in the symmetric stretch band. This is consistent with density functional theory intensity calculations indicating a >35-fold smaller antisymmetric stretch transition moment for CH2Cl, and yet contrasts dramatically with high-resolution infrared studies of CH2F radical, for which both symmetric and antisymmetric CH2 stretches are observed in a nearly 2:1 intensity ratio. A simple physical model is presented based on a competition between bond-dipole and "charge-sloshing" contributions to the transition moment, which nicely explains the trends in CH2X symmetric versus asymmetric stretch intensities as a function of electron withdrawing group (X = D,Br,Cl,F).

Opt Lett ; 31(14): 2211-3, 2006 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16794729


Nondegenerate azimuthal morphology-dependent resonances are observed for a distorted, fluorescently labeled polystyrene microsphere levitated in a quadrupole ion trap. Modeling the individual resonances by using perturbation theory allows a determination of quadrupole and octupole distortion parameters. The particle's shape changes slowly over the course of the measurement and eventually becomes spherical. The morphological changes are facilitated by laser heating of the particle above the polystyrene glass transition temperature. We demonstrate a method of transforming a trapped particle to a sphere and rendering its azimuthal modes degenerate.

J Chem Phys ; 124(5): 054316, 2006 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16468878


High-resolution IR absorption spectra of supersonically cooled ethyl radicals (Trot approximately 20 K) have been obtained in a slit supersonic jet discharge expansion, revealing first rotationally resolved data for CH-stretch excitation of the methyl group. Three different vibrational bands are observed, one parallel (k=0<--0) and two perpendicular (/k/1<--0), which for a nearly decoupled methyl rotor framework would correspond to symmetric and (nearly degenerate) asymmetric CH-stretch excitations. However, the splitting between the two asymmetric CH-stretch excitations is anomalously large (approximately 125 cm(-1)), signaling the presence of interactions between the CH2 radical moiety and the opposing CH bond on the methyl group. This suggests an improved zeroth-order vibrational description as an isolated CH stretch, strongly redshifted by hyperconjugation, with localized vibrations in the remaining CH bonds split into symmetric and asymmetric stretches. Such a dynamical picture highlights a remarkably strong coupling between methyl CH-stretch vibrations and C-C torsional geometry and begins to elucidate discrepancies with previous matrix observations.