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Methods Enzymol ; 659: 243-273, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34752288


Hyperthermophiles, typically defined as organisms with growth optima ≥80°C, are dominated by the Archaea. Proteins that support life at the extremes of temperatures often retain substantial biotechnological and commercial value, but the recombinant expression of individual hyperthermophilic proteins is commonly complicated in non-native mesophilic hosts due to differences in codon bias, intracellular solutes and the requirement for accessory factors that aid in folding or deposition of metal centers within archaeal proteins. The development of versatile protein expression and facilitated protein purification systems in the model, genetically tractable, hyperthermophilic marine archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis provides an attractive platform for protein expression within the hyperthermophiles. The assortment of T. kodakarensis genetic backgrounds and compatible selection markers allow iterative genetic manipulations that facilitate protein overexpression and expedite protein purifications. Expression vectors that stably replicate both in T. kodakarensis and Escherichia coli have been validated and permit high-level ectopic gene expression from a variety of controlled and constitutive promoters. Biologically relevant protein associations can be maintained during protein purifications to identify native protein partnerships and define protein interaction networks. T. kodakarensis thus provides a versatile platform for the expression and purification of thermostable proteins.

Proteínas Arqueais , Thermococcus , Proteínas Arqueais/genética , Proteínas Arqueais/metabolismo , Escherichia coli/genética , Escherichia coli/metabolismo , Técnicas Genéticas , Temperatura , Thermococcus/genética
Front Microbiol ; 12: 657356, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34093470


Thermococcus kodakarensis (T. kodakarensis), a hyperthermophilic, genetically accessible model archaeon, encodes two putative restriction modification (R-M) defense systems, TkoI and TkoII. TkoI is encoded by TK1460 while TkoII is encoded by TK1158. Bioinformative analysis suggests both R-M enzymes are large, fused methyltransferase (MTase)-endonuclease polypeptides that contain both restriction endonuclease (REase) activity to degrade foreign invading DNA and MTase activity to methylate host genomic DNA at specific recognition sites. In this work, we demonsrate T. kodakarensis strains deleted for either or both R-M enzymes grow more slowly but display significantly increased competency compared to strains with intact R-M systems, suggesting that both TkoI and TkoII assist in maintenance of genomic integrity in vivo and likely protect against viral- or plasmid-based DNA transfers. Pacific Biosciences single molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing of T. kodakarensis strains containing both, one or neither R-M systems permitted assignment of the recognition sites for TkoI and TkoII and demonstrated that both R-M enzymes are TypeIIL; TkoI and TkoII methylate the N6 position of adenine on one strand of the recognition sequences GTGAAG and TTCAAG, respectively. Further in vitro biochemical characterization of the REase activities reveal TkoI and TkoII cleave the DNA backbone GTGAAG(N)20/(N)18 and TTCAAG(N)10/(N)8, respectively, away from the recognition sequences, while in vitro characterization of the MTase activities reveal transfer of tritiated S-adenosyl methionine by TkoI and TkoII to their respective recognition sites. Together these results demonstrate TkoI and TkoII restriction systems are important for protecting T. kodakarensis genome integrity from invading foreign DNA.