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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 25(Pt 1): 91-99, 2018 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29271757


Blazed gratings are of dedicated interest for the monochromatization of synchrotron radiation when a high photon flux is required, such as, for example, in resonant inelastic X-ray scattering experiments or when the use of laminar gratings is excluded due to too high flux densities and expected damage, for example at free-electron laser beamlines. Their availability became a bottleneck since the decommissioning of the grating manufacture facility at Carl Zeiss in Oberkochen. To resolve this situation a new technological laboratory was established at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, including instrumentation from Carl Zeiss. Besides the upgraded ZEISS equipment, an advanced grating production line has been developed, including a new ultra-precise ruling machine, ion etching technology as well as laser interference lithography. While the old ZEISS ruling machine GTM-6 allows ruling for a grating length up to 170 mm, the new GTM-24 will have the capacity for 600 mm (24 inch) gratings with groove densities between 50 lines mm-1 and 1200 lines mm-1. A new ion etching machine with a scanning radiofrequency excited ion beam (HF) source allows gratings to be etched into substrates of up to 500 mm length. For a final at-wavelength characterization, a new reflectometer at a new Optics beamline at the BESSY-II storage ring is under operation. This paper reports on the status of the grating fabrication, the measured quality of fabricated items by ex situ and in situ metrology, and future development goals.

Opt Express ; 24(12): 13220-30, 2016 Jun 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27410339


For photon energies of 1 - 5 keV, blazed gratings with multilayer coating are ideally suited for the suppression of stray and higher orders light in grating monochromators. We developed and characterized a blazed 2000 lines/mm grating coated with a 20 period Cr/C- multilayer. The multilayer d-spacing of 7.3 nm has been adapted to the line distance of 500 nm and the blaze angle of 0.84° in order to provide highest efficiency in the photon energy range between 1.5 keV and 3 keV. Efficiency of the multilayer grating as well as the reflectance of a witness multilayer which were coated simultaneously have been measured. An efficiency of 35% was measured at 2 keV while a maximum efficiency of 55% was achieved at 4 keV. In addition, a strong suppression of higher orders was observed which makes blazed multilayer gratings a favorable dispersing element also for the low X-ray energy range.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(5): 052005, 2016 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27250385


A new Optics Beamline coupled to a versatile UHV reflectometer is successfully operating at BESSY-II. It is used to carry out at-wavelength characterization and calibration of in-house produced gratings and novel nano-optical devices as well as mirrors and multilayer systems in the UV and XUV spectral region. This paper presents most recent commissioning data of the beamline and shows their correlation with initial beamline design calculations. Special attention is paid to beamline key parameters which determine the quality of the measurements such as high-order suppression and stray light behavior. The facility is open to user operation.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(1): 67-77, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26698047


A technology center for the production of high-precision reflection gratings has been established. Within this project a new optics beamline and a versatile reflectometer for at-wavelength characterization of UV- and XUV-reflection gratings and other (nano-) optical elements has been set up at BESSY-II. The Plane Grating Monochromator beamline operated in collimated light (c-PGM) is equipped with an SX700 monochromator, of which the blazed gratings (600 and 1200 lines mm(-1)) have been recently exchanged for new ones of improved performance produced in-house. Over the operating range from 10 to 2000 eV this beamline has very high spectral purity achieved by (i) a four-mirror arrangement of different coatings which can be inserted into the beam at different angles and (ii) by absorber filters for high-order suppression. Stray light and scattered radiation is removed efficiently by double sets of in situ exchangeable apertures and slits. By use of in- and off-plane bending-magnet radiation the beamline can be adjusted to either linear or elliptical polarization. One of the main features of a novel 11-axes reflectometer is the possibility to incorporate real life-sized gratings. The samples are adjustable within six degrees of freedom by a newly developed UHV-tripod system carrying a load up to 4 kg, and the reflectivity can be measured between 0 and 90° incidence angle for both s- and p-polarization geometry. This novel powerful metrology facility has gone into operation recently and is now open for external users. First results on optical performance and measurements on multilayer gratings will be presented here.

Phys Rev Lett ; 86(17): 3767-70, 2001 Apr 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11329319


High-resolution 1s near-edge spectra of molecular nitrogen and variable size nitrogen clusters obtained using monochromatic synchrotron radiation from the high brilliance BESSY-II storage ring facility are reported. The vibrationally resolved 1sigma(u)-->1pi(g) core-to-valence excitation band of clusters shows a distinct redshift of 6+/-1 meV relative to the isolated molecule, but the vibrational structure and linewidths are essentially unchanged. This shift is assigned to dynamic stabilization of 1sigma(u)-->1pi(g) excited molecules in clusters, arising from the dynamic dipole moment generated by core-hole localization in the low-symmetry cluster field. This leads to changes in intermolecular interactions compared to the ground-state cluster. Such spectral shifts are expected to occur generally in molecular clusters and in the corresponding condensed phase.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 5(Pt 3): 584-6, 1998 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15263586


The high precision of 0.1 arcsec required for the positioning of optical elements in new two-axes monochromators at the undulator beamlines at BESSY II has led to the development of UHV-compatible high-precision angle encoders. Mounted directly on the rotation axes, they provide substantial advantages over measuring systems connected outside the vacuum vessel. Making use of a fast closed-loop control system, an accuracy of 0.1 arcsec at a resolution of less than 0.01 arcsec has been experimentally verified.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 5(Pt 3): 747-9, 1998 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15263640


At BESSY II, a third-generation 1.7 GeV storage ring is under construction. A planar elliptical undulator will be installed as a source of X-rays that have a high degree of circular polarization. Radiation in the first, third and fifth harmonics will cover the energy range 87-1330 eV. The beamline will essentially consist of a plane-grating monochromator working with collimated light in the dispersion plane. A single set of optical elements can be used to handle the two angularly separated beams of opposite helicity from the double undulator. The degree of circular polarization ranges from 73 to 100%, and a flux of up to 5 x 10(13) photons s(-1) (100 mA)(-1) can be achieved. A maximum spectral resolution of about 13 000 will be possible at 100 eV using a 20 micro m slit.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 5(Pt 3): 769-71, 1998 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15263647


At the German synchrotron radiation facility BESSY II, the VUV photon energy range between 15 and 600 eV is covered by the first, third and fifth harmonics of the U125 undulator. The beamline connected to this source is a plane-grating monochromator (PGM) with a variable deviation angle. The plane grating is illuminated by collimated radiation, allowing very flexible use of the monochromator. Depending on users' demands, it can be operated at high spectral resolution, high-order suppression or in high-flux mode, simply by software control.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 5(Pt 3): 780-2, 1998 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15263651


At the BESSY II storage ring, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) will operate insertion devices dedicated to radiometric use. One branch of the appendant beamline system will be equipped with a grazing-incidence monochromator, described here. The monochromator concept is based on a plane grating operated in parallel light; therefore exact focusing is maintained for all photon energies irrespective of the angular setting at the grating. The monochromator has been optimized for small higher-order transmittance and high power throughput, as required by radiometric applications in the wide photon energy range from 20 eV to 1900 eV.

Phys Rev B Condens Matter ; 35(14): 7794-7797, 1987 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9941108