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Front Hum Neurosci ; 16: 867474, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35782037


Purpose: To examine the between-day absolute reliability of gait parameters acquired with Theia3D markerless motion capture for use in biomechanical and clinical settings. Methods: Twenty-one (7 M,14 F) participants aged between 18 and 73 years were recruited in community locations to perform two walking tasks: self-selected and fastest-comfortable walking speed. Participants walked along a designated walkway on two separate days.Joint angle kinematics for the hip, knee, and ankle, for all planes of motion, and spatiotemporal parameters were extracted to determine absolute reliability between-days. For kinematics, absolute reliability was examined using: full curve analysis [root mean square difference (RMSD)] and discrete point analysis at defined gait events using standard error of measurement (SEM). The absolute reliability of spatiotemporal parameters was also examined using SEM and SEM%. Results: Markerless motion capture produced low measurement error for kinematic full curve analysis with RMSDs ranging between 0.96° and 3.71° across all joints and planes for both walking tasks. Similarly, discrete point analysis within the gait cycle produced SEM values ranging between 0.91° and 3.25° for both sagittal and frontal plane angles of the hip, knee, and ankle. The highest measurement errors were observed in the transverse plane, with SEM >5° for ankle and knee range of motion. For the majority of spatiotemporal parameters, markerless motion capture produced low SEM values and SEM% below 10%. Conclusion: Markerless motion capture using Theia3D offers reliable gait analysis suitable for biomechanical and clinical use.

Front Hum Neurosci ; 16: 867485, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35754772


Three-dimensional (3D) kinematic analysis of gait holds potential as a digital biomarker to identify neuropathologies, monitor disease progression, and provide a high-resolution outcome measure to monitor neurorehabilitation efficacy by characterizing the mechanisms underlying gait impairments. There is a need for 3D motion capture technologies accessible to community, clinical, and rehabilitation settings. Image-based markerless motion capture (MLMC) using neural network-based deep learning algorithms shows promise as an accessible technology in these settings. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of implementing 3D MLMC technology outside the traditional laboratory environment to evaluate its potential as a tool for outcomes assessment in neurorehabilitation. A sample population of 166 individuals aged 9-87 years (mean 43.7, S.D. 20.4) of varied health history were evaluated at six different locations in the community over a 3-month period. Participants walked overground at self-selected (SS) and fastest comfortable (FC) speeds. Feasibility measures considered the expansion, implementation, and practicality of this MLMC system. A subset of the sample population (46 individuals) walked over a pressure-sensitive walkway (PSW) concurrently with MLMC to assess agreement of the spatiotemporal gait parameters measured between the two systems. Twelve spatiotemporal parameters were compared using mean differences, Bland-Altman analysis, and intraclass correlation coefficients for agreement (ICC2,1) and consistency (ICC3,1). All measures showed good to excellent agreement between MLMC and the PSW system with cadence, speed, step length, step time, stride length, and stride time showing strong similarity. Furthermore, this information can inform the development of rehabilitation strategies targeting gait dysfunction. These first experiments provide evidence for feasibility of using MLMC in community and clinical practice environments to acquire robust 3D kinematic data from a diverse population. This foundational work enables future investigation with MLMC especially its use as a digital biomarker of disease progression and rehabilitation outcome.