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J Plant Res ; 136(6): 817-826, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37505305


Climate warming may impact plant invasion success directly, as well as indirectly through changes among interactions within plant communities. However, the responses of invasive alien aquatic species to plant density and rising temperatures remain largely unknown. We tested the effects of plant density and neighbour plant identity at different temperatures to better understand the performance of a community of invasive species exposed to climate warming. A microcosm experiment was conducted with three invasive aquatic plants species-Elodea canadensis, Egeria densa and Lagarosiphon major-, at mono and polycultures with low and high plant density, at 16 °C, 19 °C and 23 °C. The results clearly demonstrated that rising temperature influenced, either as a single parameter or as a combined factor, at least one of the measured traits of the three invasive species. Leaf area of E. densa, root number of L. major and growth of E. densa and L. major were influenced by temperature, plant density and neighbour identity. Plant density influenced all traits with the exception of leaf area of E. canadensis and lateral branch production of E. densa. Neighbour identity had no effect on growth rate and leaf area of E. canadensis, on lateral branch and roots production of E. densa and on leaf area of L. major. These findings establish that rising temperature could enhance competition or facilitation among E. canadensis, L. major and E. densa and could cancel the beneficial effects of the presence of a neighbour species; however, the magnitude of this effect was strongly dependent on plant density. Rising temperature due to climate change will likely play a crucial role in interactions between invasive species within plant communities and in the further spread of these invasive aquatic plants.

Espécies Introduzidas , Plantas , Mudança Climática , Folhas de Planta , Fenótipo
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(1): 268-274, jan./fev. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-963856


Non-native species of aquatic plants may become invasive and affect native communities, reducing the diversity of plants and other organisms. In general, the successful colonization of new habitats by macrophytes depends first on their dispersion ability and second on the existence of favorable abiotic conditions. In this investigation, we used a transplant experiment to test the effects of habitat water (main river channel versus lake) and habitat sediment (river sediment versus lake sediment) on the growth of two species, the non-native Hydrilla verticillata and the native macrophyte Egeria najas. We tested the hypothesis that the non-native species is more successful when it grows in the river channel with river sediment as substrate, whereas the native E. najas is more successful when it grows in the lake with lake sediment as substrate. Fragments of both species were planted in river and lake sediment and transported to the main river channel and a lake for the growing period. The field experiment results demonstrated that H. verticillata did not grow in either river or lake sediment when planted in the lake. However, this species developed higher root biomass than E. najas in the main river channel, which explains its predominance in this type of habitat. The results support the view that habitat characteristics are determinants of the successful or unsuccessful growth of H. verticillata in our study sites. Finally, H. verticillata invasiveness may improve after certain lag times in response to alterations in habitat, as observed for several other non-native species. Thus, future invasions of floodplain lakes by this species cannot be discarded.

Espécies não-nativas de plantas aquáticas podem se tornar invasoras e afetar as comunidades nativas, reduzindo a diversidade de plantas e de outros organismos. Em geral, a colonização por macrófitas em novos habitats depende em primeiro lugar de sua capacidade de dispersão e à existência de condições abióticas favoráveis. Nesta investigação foi utilizado um experimento de transplante para testar os efeitos da água do habitat (calha principal do rio versus lago) e sedimentos do habitat (sedimento do rio versus sedimento do lago) sobre o crescimento de duas espécies de macrófitas aquáticas a não-nativa Hydrilla verticillata e nativa Egeria najas. Foi testada a hipótese de que as espécie não-nativa é mais bem sucedida quando cresce no canal do rio com sedimento do rio como substrato, enquanto a nativa E. najas é mais bem sucedida quando cresce no lago com sedimento do lago como substrato. Fragmentos de ambas as espécies foram plantadas em sedimentos do rio e do lago e transportadas para o Rio e um lago para o cultivo. Resultados em campo mostraram que H. verticillata não cresceu no lago, em ambos os sedimentos (rio e lago). No entanto, esta espécie desenvolveu maior biomassa da raiz no rio, comparada a E. najas, o que explica sua predominância neste tipo de habitat. Os resultados apóiam a visão de que as características do habitat são determinantes para o sucesso ou insucesso de H. verticillata nos locais em que foram estudados. Finalmente, a invasão H. verticillata pode melhorar após um determinado intervalo de tempo em resposta a alterações no habitat, como observado para várias outras espécies não-nativas e, portanto, a futura invasão de lagos de várzea por esta espécie não pode ser descartada.

Flora Aquática , Macrófitas , Ecossistema , Hydrocharitaceae
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(4): 1437-1451, dic. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638011


In the last three decades, rapid assessment surveys have become an important approach for measuring aquatic ecosystem biodiversity. These methods can be used to detect anthropogenic impacts and recognize local or global species extinctions. We present a floristic survey of the aquatic macrophytes along the Brazilian margin of the Itaipu Reservoir conducted in 2008 and compare this with a floristic survey conducted ten years earlier. We used ordination analysis to determine whether assemblage composition differed among reservoir arms. Macrophyte species were sampled in each of the 235 sampling stations using a boat, which was positioned inside three places of each macrophyte stand to record species and search for small plants. We also collected submerged plants using a rake with the boat moving at constant velocity for ten minutes. We assigned individual macrophyte species to life form and identified representative species for each life form. A total of 87 macrophyte taxa were identified. The "emergent" life forms contained the highest number of species, followed by "rooted submerged" life forms. The extensive survey of macrophytes undertaken in September 2008 recorded more species than a survey conducted between 1995 and 1998. This could be due to changes in water physico-chemistry, disturbances due to water drawdown and the long period between surveys, which may have allowed natural colonization by other species. Additionally, differences in the classification systems and taxonomic resolution used in the surveys may account for differences in the number of species recorded. Assemblage composition varied among the arms and was affected by underwater radiation (as measured using a Secchi disk) and fetch. Five non-native species were found. Two of these non-native species (Urochloa subquadripara and Hydrilla verticillata) are of special concern because they have a high frequency of occurrence and occupy large marginal areas of the reservoir. Future surveys should be conducted to determine the habitat most frequently colonized by these species. This would allow management strategies to be developed to protect native aquatic biota and prevent interference with the recreational and commercial uses of the Itaipu Reservoir. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1437-1452. Epub 2010 December 01.

En las últimas tres décadas, las evaluaciones ecológicas rápidas se han convertido en un método importante para medir la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas acuáticos. Estos métodos se pueden utilizar para detectar los impactos antropogénicos y reconocer las extinciones locales o globales de las especies. Se presenta un estudio florístico de las macrófitas acuáticas a lo largo del margen brasileño del embalse Itaipú en 2008 y se compara con un estudio florístico realizado diez años atrás. Se utilizó un análisis de ordenamiento para determinar si hay diferencias en la composición de asociaciones de especies entre los brazos del embalse. Se tomaron muestras de las especies de macrófitos en cada una de las 235 estaciones de muestreo utilizando una embarcación, que fue colocada en tres lugares por punto para registrar las especies de macrófitos y buscar plantas pequeñas. También se recolectaron plantas sumergidas mediante un barrido con la embarcación, moviéndose a velocidad constante durante diez minutos. A las especies de macrófitas individuales se les asignó una forma de vida y se identificaron especies representativas de cada una. Un total de 87 táxones de macrófitas fueron identificados. Las formas de vida "emergentes" tienen el mayor número de especies, seguido por las formas de vida "con raíces sumergidas". Un estudio amplio de los macrófitos realizado en septiembre de 2008 registró más especies que el estudio realizado entre 1995 y 1998. Esto podría deberse a cambios físico-químicos del agua, perturbaciones debidas al nivel del embalse y el largo período de tiempo que hay entre ambos estudios, que pudo haber permitido la colonización natural por otras especies. Además, diferencias en la clasificación de los sistemas y la resolución taxonómica usada en los estudios, que podría producir diferencias en el número de especies registradas. La composición de la asociación de especies varió entre los brazos y se vio afectada por la radiación bajo el agua (medido utilizando un disco de Secchi) y la obtención de información. Se encontraron cinco especies no nativas. Dos no son nativas (Urochloa subquadripara y Hydrilla verticillata) son de especial preocupación debido a que tienen una alta frecuencia de ocurrencia y ocupan grandes zonas marginales del embalse. Se deben llevar a cabo futuros estudios para determinar el hábitat más frecuentemente colonizado por estas especies. Esto permitiría desarrollar estrategias de manejo para proteger la biota acuática nativa y evitar interferencias con los usos recreativos y comerciales del embalse Itaipú.

Magnoliopsida/classificação , Biodiversidade , Água Doce/análise , Brasil , Clima Tropical
Rev Biol Trop ; 58(4): 1437-51, 2010 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21246998


In the last three decades, rapid assessment surveys have become an important approach for measuring aquatic ecosystem biodiversity. These methods can be used to detect anthropogenic impacts and recognize local or global species extinctions. We present a floristic survey of the aquatic macrophytes along the Brazilian margin of the Itaipu Reservoir conducted in 2008 and compare this with a floristic survey conducted ten years earlier. We used ordination analysis to determine whether assemblage composition differed among reservoir arms. Macrophyte species were sampled in each of the 235 sampling stations using a boat, which was positioned inside three places of each macrophyte stand to record species and search for small plants. We also collected submerged plants using a rake with the boat moving at constant velocity for ten minutes. We assigned individual macrophyte species to life form and identified representative species for each life form. A total of 87 macrophyte taxa were identified. The "emergent" life forms contained the highest number of species, followed by "rooted submerged" life forms. The extensive survey of macrophytes undertaken in September 2008 recorded more species than a survey conducted between 1995 and 1998. This could be due to changes in water physico-chemistry, disturbances due to water drawdown and the long period between surveys, which may have allowed natural colonization by other species. Additionally, differences in the classification systems and taxonomic resolution used in the surveys may account for differences in the number of species recorded. Assemblage composition varied among the arms and was affected by underwater radiation (as measured using a Secchi disk) and fetch. Five non-native species were found. Two of these non-native species (Urochloa subquadripara and Hydrilla verticillata) are of special concern because they have a high frequency of occurrence and occupy large marginal areas of the reservoir. Future surveys should be conducted to determine the habitat most frequently colonized by these species. This would allow management strategies to be developed to protect native aquatic biota and prevent interference with the recreational and commercial uses of the Itaipu Reservoir.

Biodiversidade , Água Doce/análise , Magnoliopsida/classificação , Brasil , Clima Tropical
Ciênc. rural ; 34(6): 1773-1778, nov.-dez. 2004. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-388977


A volatilização de amônia é umas das principais formas de perdas de nitrogênio, especialmente com a aplicação de dejetos, devido a sua distribuição a lanço, em superfície. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar as perdas de N por volatilização de amônia em função de doses e horários de aplicação de dejeto líquido de suínos. O trabalho foi conduzido a campo em fevereiro, maio, outubro e dezembro de 2001, sendo que, em fevereiro e dezembro, aplicou-se o dejeto em dois horários (10 e 18h). As doses testadas foram 0, 20, 40 e 80m ha-1 e as determinações das perdas de amônia foram feitas às 3, 6, 12, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60, 72, 96, 120, e 144 horas após a aplicação do dejeto, totalizando um período de avaliação de seis dias. O uso de menores doses de dejeto líquido de suínos minimizou as perdas de N por volatilização de amônia. Os picos de perda ocorreram nas primeiras horas após a aplicação indicando que, quando possível, a sua incorporação seria uma alternativa à diminuição nas perdas de N por volatilização de amônia. O horário de aplicação do dejeto não afetou de maneira consistente as perdas de N por volatilização de amônia.

Amônia , Resíduos de Alimentos , Solo , Suínos